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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1903)
Wednesday, June 10, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER 1$ THE PULASKI GOLD MINING AND MILLING COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000. PAR VALUE IO CENTS PER SHARE. TREASURY 500,000 SHARES for DEVELOPMENT ONLY I ft)aWfcMfctMttltlfcfcfcfcM4MtafcM INV ESTORS Early lu Miiy wo cnllod your nttontion to the fnct of the Issue of the first block of 100,000 shares of Treas ury stock, uud tlmt the sumo was placed on the market AT A- CENTSPER SHARE Wo stated tlmt wo presented ns SURE a paying investment a Ih offered in any mining district. Wo culled uttoutlou to our capitalization, nave our average assays up to that time, and tho opinion of our General Man agor, W. E. Sanders, who stated, "I consider tho Pulaski equal to tiny property I have ever had anything to do with, uud with dorolopinout believe it will liecomo a iiiit.e." The last contract of fifty feet is about completed and although still '200 foot from tho main load, with a epth of thirty-throe feet, average assays gave $1.20, 81.00, 81.00, 82.30, SI. TO, 82.40, 8IU0, 82.20, ei.0 ntil 81.00. Assayors- -Bobbins & Bobbins, McKwcn & McEwen. Tho foregoing justify tho opinion of tho management that we will make a mine of the Pulaski. A now contract for ilfty additional feet will bo lot in a few days. Tho mine has lieou furnished with nil necessary equipment up to date. A largo number of citizens of Sumpter have visited tho property, only one mile from town, sampled the dumps, had their own assays made, and showed their confidence in tho outcome by buying blocks of stock. For further particulars writo for our "Epitome of Facts." Stock may bo purchased on tho Installment plau by paying thirty per cent down, balance lu two monthly payments. Wishing to establish agencies, thoso applying for same should send roforouco with application. All orders for stuck should state tho amount of shures to bo purchased, whether on tho installment plan or not, and should bo accompanied by bunk draft or post oftlco ordor. Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter. Address all communications to J. H. MacCallunn, Secy. Reference Any Bank, Business Firm or Corporation in Sumpter. SUM R, OREGON. BURNT RIVER ROAD A GO. Viewers Appointed and Report to be Made Within Few Days. At tho mooting of tho county com missioners bold Inst wook tho survoy for tho road botwoon Sumpter and tho liurut River rnlloy was ordered, uud V. K. Mead nud John. Doau woro uppolutod as vlowors to co-operato with County Surveyor Foster in formulating a report to tho commissioners. Tho work of viewing and survey lug the route is to bo takon up as soon as the county surveyor com pletes a few other matters now on band. This it is stated will bo -within the next few days, and it la the intention to start building the road at the earliest possible moment. Outside of the assistance which the Burnt River people will render Sumpter Is putting up the main bulk of the funds for the construction of the highway. This money has practically all been raised, aud work can be started as soon as the viewers' report is in Improvements At Greenhorn City. Mining Engineer Haas, who re turned a day or so ago from a trip through tho Greonhorns, says that groat improvements aro being m ado lu the Uroonhoru City in tho way of planking and grading stroots. Tho main thoroughfare of tho town has been graded, aud other work done. Tho presumption Is that Groouboru is gottlug ready to celobrato the Fourth. CONTRACT LET. Four Hundred Feet of Tunnel Work at Alpine in Cove. II. W. Nelson, superintendent of tho Alpluo mine in tho Cable Cove district, closod a contract yesterday for 400 foot of tuuuol on tho lower lovols. Tho No. 2 lovol is now in .'125 foot, aud it is ostimutod that thoro is yet about 200 foot to drivo boforo tho main ledge of tho group Is roachod. Suporinteudeout Nelson was In the city a couple of days this wook aud reports satisfactory progress at the property. The mill which wbb ordered by Colonel Oayson, geuoral manager of the company, in Sau Francisco Bomo time ago, Is expected to arrive soon. SAWMILL. Machinery For Alamo Will Arrive in a Few Days. Preached la Baker City. Dr. William II. Heppe, D. D., filled the pulpit of Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of the first Presbyterian church, Baker City, Sunday, In the absence of the latter ' who delivered tho baccalaureate sermon at the com mencement exerlcses of tho Weston Stato normal school on this date. J. P. McGuignu, superintendent of tho Alamo, returned yestorduy from Spokane, nud loft at ouco for tho property. Whllo away ho onlorod tho niHchinory for a saw mill of 10, 000 foot a duy capacity. It Is ox pocted to arrive tho last of tho week, and Superintendent McGiiiegu states that ho will have tho mill running within tho next ten or twelve days. Tho plant is to bo oporated by wator power, furnished by water conducted by a ditch one aud a quarter miles long from Clear crook. A force Is now at work cloarlng tho right of way. Tho specifications for the stamp mill to bo orocted have been submitted to tho dllforout machinery companies aud bids aro now being received. This will be ton stamps in the beginning with a frame for twenty, and this plant will also be operated by water power. WORK AT IMPERIAL. Ready to Ship When Roadt Arc in Con dition. Captain Paul, suporlntendont of tho Imperial, was in from the proper ty this week. lie has a force of mou doing outside work at the mine, and will put on a full crew with iu tbe'J noxtj ten days. Tho first work to bo done, he states, when the full crew Is put on will ho to sink a wlnzo on tho Imperial tunnel. ilo is ready to ship and will do so just as soon us tho Cable Cove road Is repaired so equitable freight charges can bo obtained. During his visit last week County Com missioner Brooks went ovor tho road, aud holp from this direction Is ex pected. WORK ON CALIFORNIA MILL. Will be in Operation bv July 25, Say Manager Bellman. Work was started yesterday on the construction of tho reduction plant at tho California, and Manager Bellman states that he hopes to have tho plant lu operation by tho 25th of July. The machinery has been on tho ground for sumo time, and it is tho purpose to place it iim speedily as possible. High values contmuo In tho No. 1 lovol which is being drlveu for tho rich shoot opened on tho siirfaco somo time ago. It seems evident that an immense zono of eurichmeut will bo encountered at this point, which Is the theory long hold by Mauagor Bellman. VU1U Tribe. L. B. Reedor, of Pendleton, Great Stato Sachem of tho Red (Men, visited the local trlbo this week. Monday ovonlng tho lodgo iu con junctlou with tho Degreo of Poca honuts gave it social session lu honor of tho visitor.