THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 10, 1903 10 MAY QUEEN. Good Ore In Sight And Mill To Be Started This Fall. lllHt foot John Thomson, superintendent of the May Queen, who whh in the city week, HtntoH that hit Iiiih drifted foot on tho lodge mid Iiiih throe of good milling on. Klx Inches of ho vein shows exceptionally good viiIiioh, average assays running from i?.'l( to 850. Tho working force lit till) lllllllt WHH doubled tliu llrxt of tlio month, and development work in hulug poshed with rououcd vigor. Thi) ton hIiiiiii mill on (Improperly will ho Hturtcd up within tho next two or thri'i) weeks, Superintendent Thiiiiihiin hiiyn, for tho purpnxo of ti'HtiiiK tho oro, mill ho is getting in IiIh supply of wooil to Infill running portiimiontly liyfnll. In thomi'iintimo it Ih hit piirpoxo to continue tho drift mill to nlnk 100 feet before starting tho mill, thoroughly demonstrating tho oro IioiIIoh anil getting things generally in readiness. MOVEMENT TO RATIONALIZE. The Publication of United Statu Gto logical Rcportt Commended. During tho score or more years in which tho government Iiiih under taken to carry on systematic, and scientific, geological work tho policy as to publication of tho reports anilroHiiltH of tho auiiuitl work Iiiih changed several times. Until tho last change at no tlino Iiiih It lieen generally accepted that, tho change wiih for tho U'tter. Now, however, a rational policy scorns to have prevailed. In conformity with lawn enacted liy tho hint conges, under tho inspection of Director Charles I). Walcott, of course, tho United StatoH geological nnrvey hill disoon tinuoH tho ontomlimont of report h mid rt'HiiltH in tho ponderous anil dreary annual reportH anil instead will give out promptly ami in current form as liulletiiiH ami professional papers tho results of tho work ami tho annual report will lie reserved for ailmlniHtratlvo and general data. Tho ImlletliiH wore published heretofore, although Homewhat tardily, hut tho economic roper's which formerly accompanied tho annual report will now U published promptly iih "Professional Papers, " quarto in size hiii! Including maps. These and the liulletltiH are listri buted froo of charge. These professloiml papers will lie a real advauco ami a distinct economy for tho survey also. Persons Interested in sccial subjects can thus secure tho data relating t Hereto witnout an accom panying liurden of dry admlnlstrHtive reports or an armful of reportH on subjects unrelated or uninteresting. These MKrM onn U gotten twfore tho public with llttlo delay and at a comparatively siiihII cost. Hut tho real advance has lieen iu a distinct recognition of the utility to tho public of tho data col looted by tho survey. Under tho now policy tho press is given iu advauco Kouonil notices of forthcoming publications of tho survey and where possible tho survey sends out a popular summary of tho work in tho several districts for publication in tho l(Hal ami technical press. Tilt- advertises me wurK or wic survey as nothiiiK 'lso could and gives fair notice to all of the availability of tho survey's results. In addition to this heralding of the publications of tho survey there has been a distinct recognition of the economic bearings of the work. Hulk-tin No. 21.1, prepared under the direction of Messrs. S. F. Emmons and C. W. Hayes, geogloists iu charge, Is devoted to contributions to economic geology in 1002. This bulletin summarizes all of the work of tho survey for the year past and gives, stripped of all long winded discus sions of theories and nice adjust ments of scientific points, the actual conditions and results under ex amination. The book is iu con venient form and this ami its prompt appearance are to bo commended. It is cooucisu fyot full on essential points. The hihlography accompany ing each subject is of great value. TIiIh whole movement to rationalize the publications of the United States geological survey is to bo commended. Mining World. POPLUAR NORTH BEACH. Excurilon Steamer T. J. Potter Goet Into Service June 27. Those who are planning thoir vacation this year will bo interested iu knowing that the popular ex cursion steamer, tho T. J. Potter- queen of river boats goes Into service June 27, and that she will leave Portland, duriug the season, every day Tuesday until Saturday inclusive. To see tho beauties of the picturesque and mighty Columbia from the decks of the Potter Ih a treat never to be forgotten. For speed and grace nothing iu river or lake service in the entire west equals this side-wheeled beauty. Five hours from Portland and one from Astoria, through the famous llshiug waters of tho Columbia, past scores of salmon traps and nets and as many white-winged tlsh bouts, hinds tho passenger at llwaco, where close connection is made for beach points with trains of tho llwaco Hallway & Navigation company, whose cars stand ou the wharf awaiting the steamer. The beach Ih twenty-sovou miles long, two hundred yards wide at low tide, and so hard that carriage wheels scarcely leave a mark. It is an ideal place for driving, riding, wheeling, or walking, and tho surf bathing is unsurpassable. The ex cellent hotels and hoarding houses provide good accommodations at prices ranging from one dollar to three dollars per day. The rouud trip rate from Portlaud to Astoria is 12. IH); to Ocean Beach points 11.00, good until October loth. On Saturdays, during July and August, rouud trip tickets are sold to beach points at 12.50, good for return leaving tho beach tho following Sunday evening. The Oregon Hailroad & Navigation company has just Issued a new summer book, (free for the ask lug) which tells all about the delightful resorts of the Valley of the Columbia Hlver. This can be obtalued from any agent Jof the Oregou Railroad A Navlgatioujcompauy, or by wrltlug A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon. Giant Powder is the best by test in the world. T. G. Harrison agent. E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - PROSPKCTS STOCKS Wrlir ui (or Hit ot rropt rllrt an J lowest Baikal quotitlomon itocktln r'oJuclnr minet and oM wll. hicrllcnt ort-onunli) lor rioHl In low rikrJ tUKkt. 41UCI)MI1I. oIColll. l'oKTLAND.OaKOON. BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON I have Shares of Gilt Edge Mining Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary that I raise some money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for 3 cents, in broken blocks 4 cents. & Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS; FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays $2.00 for One Year in advance will be given an assay for gold and silver free. These assays will be made by ROBBINS & ROBBINS Whose reputation as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest, Itt'SS BIOGBANDEWE?' THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, I.eadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all points Fast. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETW EN OGDEN WD DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR 1ST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. Mining j Blanks a FOR SALE BY Quarts and Placer Loca- tliiz tions, Tunnel Claim and THE Water Right Locations, C irWiDTiD Proof of Labor, Affidaiit bUrlr I LK of Discovery Work MIMPP Mining Deed, Option to I IIINLlA Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j .