VOL. IV. SUMPTER, OREGON, JUNE 10, 190$. NO. 40 DEVELOPMENT AT THE SOUTH POLE. This Season's Operations Will Determine The Kind And Capacity. Of Mill To Be Installed On Property. V. W. Robbing, general malinger of the South Polo Consolidated Gold Mines company, who returned this week from a trip to the property states that hit) crow has just finished digging No. 1 tunnel, which was abandoned early last winter, out of the snow. The mouth wan cleared and work will bo resumed thero within a few days. No. 1 is now , iu 250 feet from tho face of the vein. Before abandoning the level last r winter a crosscut was run a distauco of forty-fire feet without encounter ing tho hanging wall. Work Is to bo resumed at this point and tho width of tho vein determined. A winze, will also bo suak from thin to tho No. 2, and in addition a little stopo will bo started to follow up au ore shoot already demonstrated showing high rallies. Thero is another vein showiug about eighty feet west of tho No. 1 level where surfaco values as high as 9700 have i been encountered, and work is to bo I started hero as soon as tho snow Is otf. I Manager Bobbins has outlined ' u plau for extensive development j and it is his intention to mako a ' big showing on the property this summer. In a short time ho will start work this side of the dirldo on Yankee Jim ground whero ex ceptloually high surfaco values havo beeu shown. Iu tho No. 3 lovol whero the vein was recently crosscut tho drift is being carried both ays on tho ledgo iu good oro. Iu tho No. 2, tho drift is now iu 050 feet and the faco is approaching tho apex of the mountain where a big shoot will be encount ered, with a vertcial depth of Ml feet to which tho dip of tho vein will add considerably more backs. Tho vein I in this level has been crosscut at various points showing a width of from six to llftoen feet, with Mitisfactnry values. A boarding and bunk house, with extensive accommodations for tho men, Malinger Hobblus states, is to bo built iu n short time, and arrangements mado for developing tho property in tho spediest manner possible. Regarding a mill ho says that it is his policy to thoroughly determine tho character and extent of tho oro bodies first in order to determine the kiud and capacity of tho plant needed. BLUE BIRD MILL. Mr. Wheeler, of New York, Here and Plans Under Advisement. G. H. Wheeler, of New York, fiscal agent for the Blue Din, Uuckboru and Valley Queen, accompanied by Mrs. Wheeler, arrived iu the city Monday, and in company with O. C. Wright, presi dent of the liltie Bird, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Wheeler, drove out yester day to the Blue Bird property return ing last uigbt. The object of Mr. Wheeler's visit is a general inspection of the properties, and to determine plans for the mill to be erected at tho Bluo Bird. Whilo ho states that the general plau has been fully agreed upon tho dotalls of tho mill will not bo ready to give out for a few days yet. Tho mill, however, he states, is to bo erected just as soou as men and money can do it. Mr. aud Mrs. Wheeler will bo iu the city for three or four weeks. E. J. Thorp, superintendent of the Blue Bird, returned with tho party last night. He states that there is twelve feet of solid oro iu a twenty-four foot lead iu Mio drift of the No. .'I lovel, showiug good values. Iu tho north aud south drifts of No. 1, somo exceptionally high grade oro has been encountered. Here there is from three and a half to four feet of solid milling ore, tho lowest assays from which have showed over 920 to the ton, whilo the highest went to $.'104. Mr. Wheeler Is woll pleased with showing made at tho property. tho RICH ORE AT RED BOY. High Congo Vein Continue! to Yield Averages, It li Slated. E. J. Godfrey, of the Bed Boy, was iu the city this week, aud whilo it is not tho policy of tho Bed Boy management to mako public statements regarding the property, Mr. Godfrey coullrmod the reports that tho Congo vein recently crosscut is continuing to yield high averages. Tho vein Ib being drifted on, aud common rumor has 11 that somo phonomoually rich oro has been encountered. Mr. Godfrey stated, however, that it was about tho same as when tho vein was first cut. Tho management has resumed tho operation of Its full twenty stamps. For awhillo only ten were in commission. OREGON MONARCH. Superintendent Moffett Says He Will Catch Golden Monarch Vein Sooar' T. J. Moffott, superintendent of tho Oregon Monarch, was in from tho properly last Saturday. Tho cross cut, ho says, Is now iu l,l'J.'i feet and tho tunnel has been in good looking quarts', for tho last forty feet. Ho thinks ho will catch another vein in a very short time. Tho properly contains three veins from llftccn to twenty feet wide, which are a continuation of the Golden Monarch system in tho Bed Boy district. GOOD OPINION OF STANDARD. GREAT PROPERTY, SAYS MR. TAYLOR, OF MICHIGAN. Grand Rapid Capitalists Visit This and Other Mines Veil Pleased Thing Look Good Wonderful Progress in District Details ol Trip Great Possi bilities Large Investments In Stock Made. PULASKI GROUP Breast of Tunnel Now Lively Looking Quartz. in The first contract for tunnel work on tho I'ulaskl, has been completed aud bids are being called for to drive tho crosscut to tap the main ledge of tho property. Tho old tunnel ou tho Avalanche was retlmbered, widened aud carried into tho hill a distance of fifty feet. This was com pleted Iu a breast of lively looking quart, characteristic of tho Cracker Crook district and showing good values. In driving this distance, ouo lead was cut and several stringors all of which were heavily mineralized. Tho tunnel is now a distance of 200 feet from tho main veins, and it is tho purpose of the management to prosecute the work as rapidly as possible until tho ore bodies are fully demonstrated. The mine has all uecessary equipment to carry ou development, and a good showing will bo made during the coming mouths. K. V. Taylor aud other prominent business men aud capitalists of Grand Bapids, Michigan, made au extended visit to the Humpter district last week, taking In tho Cracker Summit, Siandard Con solidated and other well known properties. Speaking of his Impres sions of tho district, Mr. Taylor siild: "I visited the camp last fall 'aud mado quite an extended Investigation of tho different sections. I was thou very' favorably Impressed with WhatI saw, but I must siiy that the enduring changes and (he almost wonderful showings (hat hare been made at a number of (ho properties which 1 then Investigated, simply anincs me. If. Is dlfllcult for one to iippicdiiilu that seven mouths would menu so much iu a camp. I remember ou my first visit hero dial I very carefully looked Into ami Iho darker Summit mine and while Iho properly looked very promising with what development work had been done, I was by no means prepared to see such magnificent oro bodies as are now exposed." Did I visit tho Standard, and what do I think or It? "Woll, that Is a question which Involves a good deal if 1 should glvo the reasons for my answer. Ilrielly expressed, I think the Standard Consolidated Is the making of ouo of tho immensely big mines of tho country. I do not see how it can bo anything else. Our party had heard of tho Standard, iu fact wo came hero lo investigae it and I am very free to say that tho claims of tho llscal agents sound very mild after one has gone through tho property itself. The Standard is a mine and a big one today. Iu fact 1 should say It is a double mine, for either of tho two big vein systems which cross tho property, will mako a splotidld mine. I have never iu all my experience seen such a vein as tho Sandard Itself. There seems to lie a mineral one from 12ft to lfiO feet wide that is packed with veins from four to six feet ip width like sardines In a box, each vein being separated from tho others by a falso wall. The zone has acturally,- (CONTINUED ON PACE FOUR.)