8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 3, 1903 H POWER HOUSE TO BE BUILT. PRESIDENT STRAHORN HERE ARRANGING DETAILS. cortuln mining properties. They will return to Sutnpter tbo latter part of next week. To Perfect Details. Survey Under Charge ol Jueuea & Clark Started Yesterday Location of Light log Plant Will Not be Known Until Engineering Work U Completed Old Bilk Ditch to be Rebuilt and Pipe Line to Furnkh Water Power Con struction to Start at Once, ProHiiloiit Htmhorn, of the Bump tor Water and Lltflit uompaiiloH, nrrlvixl tint city lnnt week. Accompan ied ly MrH. Htralioru liu Iiiih jitHt returned from an extended trip to Europe, and Ih here to undertake tlio emotion of a new power Iioiiho, and oilier oxteiiHlvo ituproveiiieiilH (o to liolh Hie IIkI'I and water HyHtenm. Willie the Koneral plan of Urn IliiprovementH, I'ichIiIi'IiI HIiiiIioiii atatoH, Iiiih linn worked out, (he (lelailH aie not in Hliape now lo kIvo to the pulilio. The uiik'lniimlin,' tinder tilmi'Ko of Jiiohhoii fc Clark wiih Html nl yeHlerday, and delliiiie delallH will lie known williiu a few (lnyH, when work on the new power Iiouhii and (he propiiHed piiie line will lie Htarled Iminedlalely upon the determination of thiwi inuttcrn. The Kcueral plan Ih the erection of ti power plant, developing fi(H) Iioi-ho )iower at low water wiihoii, prolialily 'williiu tun city IIiiiUh, to lie run liy water fiirulHhiMt liy a pipe line from the old IIIkIiIIimi-KIIIh canal, miiiiii two or three m I Ich In length. The Mirvey will determine the point at which the old canal will lie lapped and iiIhii the location of the power Iiouhii. The ciiiial Ih lo lie rebuilt and the water which Ih lo fit ill IhIi the motUo power for (he new plant, will lie con veyed in a not Ii'hh than nlxleen inch pipe. Thin may, however, lie of Kieater capacity, I'lcniilent Slrahorn BtatcH. The preneut power plant will bo iihim! ax an auxiliary to the new plant. Arthur ('. Ilalixun, engineer for the (leueral Klectiic company, of Portland, Ih now in the city making urratigementH for the machinery Heeded. The Decennary data icgiudlng the location will lie determined liy the Hiirvey within a few day and act mil count ruction will follow shortly. ACTIVITY AT QUARTZBURG. Original Locator ol Copper Ridge In the City. W. W. lieene, of l'alrie Clry, the original locator of the Copper liidge, now Included In the Standard merger, wiih a IiiihIiichh vinltor in the city thin week. Mr, Iteene wiyn that the Copper opolln ban put on an extra crew of men. The Dixie Meadown Iiiih Its tiawmlll recently liiHtalled running, mid the Ih building a road from Quartburg to haul hi tbo machine)' ordered nhort time ago. Oil For Ichho. , II. A. Hwhc, a Cripple Creek mill ing man, and J. A. Mclaughlin, of Lincoln, Nchraeka, nccrctary of the Killou, Warner, Stewart company, who have been In the city for neveral la)H, loft Saturday for Silver City, Idaho, where they are iutcrct.tcd in r Hon. J. H. Konliina left yeHterday for Dakor City to meet with the Htockholdora of tbo UiiHcho- Sago Hardware company and perfect dutallH regarding the late consolida tion. The now corporaitou iihhuiiios control Juno 15. Here On Visit. J. K. Killou, of Adama, Nebraska, brothor of D. L. Klllen, president of tho Killou, Waruor, Stewart com pany, arrived in tho city Monday. Ho will probably spend a good part of tbo summer In Sumpter visiting hiu brothor. BETTER ROADS ARE NEEDED. Commissioner Brooks Visits Vicinity And Help In This Direction Looked For. .1. C. HrookH, of Half Way, a member of the hoard of county commiHriioerH, npi'iit neveral days in Humptor and vicinity this week look ing over the load Hituation, and gathering data for the meeting of (lie board which occurs at linker Ciy today. In company with W. II. (ileiiHou, iiIho a member of tho board, bo drove up Cracker Creek Monday to Inspect the road from Silver Creek In the Columbia. This piece of road was built by private individuals, and the county Iiiih been asked to accept II and keep it lu repair. The survey has already been ordered, and viewers will I hi appointed shortly. The Cable Cove mine operators are reduced to the necessity of paying extra transportation charges ou account of the bad condition of tho road between hero and that point. About six miles of tbo Sumpter end of this road Ih in fairly good repair, but the rest of it is such that freight charges, It Is stated, are Increased at least one-fourth. Several operators are ready to ship ore but are deterred on (his account. This matter was lii'ounht before Commissioner llrooks, and yesterday in company with Tom (ray, superintendent of the Valley (jiieeu, he went over the route, leav ing in the afternoon for Maker City. It is understood that the operators may expect assistance from the county lu this direction before long. Use (Hunt Powder. Fuse and Caps. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAW LEYS T. M. LAVIN'S Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms I have just renovated my tonsorial shaving parlors, and at a great expense placed a compressed air plant in my shop ::::::::: COMPRESSED AIR Is one of the latest modern con veniences of an up-to-date barber shop. It imparts a refreshed feel ing and healthy glow to the skin. No extra charge. Give us your pat ronage and assure us of your appreciation of our up-to-date, Twentieth Century methods. Face Massage ::::::::: : Two Doors West of First National Bank WHEELER& BANKERS 32 Broadway, Nw York FISCAL AGENTS FOR BLUE BIRD MINING CO. AND VALLEY QUEEN MINING CO. Write for Pro3)cctiis. Mention No. (JO and we will semi you n copy of "OREGON'S RESOURCES," tin illustrated pamphlet on Ore gen's famous gold mines, and u thrco months trial subscription to the NORTH AMERICAN MINER J. H. CONNORS. J. L. HARVEY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER ' OREGON IF YOU WISH TO rCiSvEsf "ST m5!Sg Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON