COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT THE GOLD BUG GRIZZLY Manager Hennessey Starts Operations There Today. uiid it No. 7, 110 gallon pump. Thu iiiHtructiouH from tho oaat are to piiHli duvolopniout work with all possible speed. TALK OF THE TOWN I. J. Hoiincssy, general manager of llio (Sold Hug Grlzzloy, started u force of iiicti lit work today on tho properly in accordance with tho advice wired a few diiyH ago ly tho eastern management. Tint Immediate development out lined hy Malinger Mouiiossy will do to icHiiini) uoik on tho shaft which Ih now down 100 feet, mid sink to tho IIOO foot level, cutting stations lit tho 100'h, crossciiltlng to tho piirallel ledges mid drifting hoth uii.vh on tliein. Tho nlmft Ih between these two veliiH which are about seventy feel apail. I'lii) properly Ih woll equipped with hoisting machinery, conslstng of a IkiIhI good for 700 foot, ii twenty-six horsepower engine, a fifty liorHii power return tuliuliir boiler Mth. V. II. (jodfroy Ih tho guest of Mth. ThomiiH McKwou this week. Seymour 11. Hell loft this nftor noon f or Tacoinii, on a Hying business trip. Noll J. Soronseii started to Port IiiihI todny, expecting to lie gone " week. O. Mangold, of tho Mason Krhmi Grocery coinpiiny of Portland, wan in tho city Inst week. (). C. Wright, of Vim Vleot & Wright, returned IIiIh week from a business trip to tho John Day valley. K. T. Pinker, of Maker City, has takou a plaeo with tho Geiser- ilenilry.x InvoHtuiuut comiupany as book-keeper. J. V. Hurks, of HurkH & Snyder, mining lirokorH, loft last week for Portnlud on a gone somo time. business trip to bo Mr. mid Mrs. V. Swackhammer, Miss E. Barker and Mr. Roy II. Clark spent lust Sunday at tho North Polo and Midway. James A. Howard, gouoral manager of tho Uolcondu, accompan ied by Mrs. Howard, left yesterday for a sthort visit to Pendleton. Dr. Fisher, formerlly a resident of Sumpter, now living in Portland, reached here yesterday to look after his various mining interests in the district. O. A. La Crone, of Kalamazoo, Michian, president of the North western Mining and Lumber com pany, operating tho Tammany group of claims, 1b expected here in a few days. MINING INVESTMENTS LET US BUY OR SELL FOR YOUR ACCOUNT MARR fr DAVIDSON LEADING BROKERS Sumpter, j j j Oregon. MVvvnwKnva i Vret National Hank. KfclkRfcNOhS j Itonk of gumpter. (MKNTIO.N Till: MINKIl) SWORN EVIDENCE I T ISalwa.VH ii lllllo perplexing for a Fiscal Agent to present a mining proposition so that thoso who road his ' literature will know that ho Ih presenting tho plain, unvarnished FACTS. This is not necessarily tho fault of tho agent nor tho mint) that ho represents. Often agents who arc at a distuueo from tho scene ' of opeiallon, mid not being experienced mining men, get wrong Impressions about any initio that they mo llimuclng. ! Wo deslio to stale that we are practical mining men, are right hero on tho ground, and havo watched tho progiess of development of the (iOLl) HUG MINK from the tlmo that tho first "location work" was done. Therefore wo arc in position to know nil tho facts, about this mine. Notlco the follewing: Wo liavo opened out ono of tho prettlost auil Holiest bllUUi'H UK U1CK that ouo could wish to see. For over U00 foot there is not a break In the ore nor a blank in tho values in tho oro. We began tho drift hi rich oro and tho face of tho drift shows tho best or encountered. This oro shoot opens up on tho surface for over (100 feet, mid we havo demonstrated Unit the vein widens and tho values grow richer with depth. Tho values in this I'KKH MILLING ORE run from i'M to 81,700 portou lu COLD Many samp les run up Into tho thousands, and much of the oro shows free gold to tho naked eyo. Hut this oro shoot is only n small part of the (iOLl) HUG MINK. The management Is composed of experienced mining men who havo iimdo a success of their other mines, and tho circumstances were not as favorable as thoy are at this time. To any one who desires to visit this initio wo make tho following otrer: If, after you havo thoroughly inspected it, you aro not able to duplicate tho values as statod or flud any misrepresentations whatever about this mine, we will pay all expenses of tho trip. Peel your interests and send a representative, for we mean exactly what wo say. Wo want you to seo this initio. Wo waut you to seo what has boon douo and what is being done. Wo waut you to seo nud handle tho oro and see tho gold in it with your own eyes. Wo Insist on your Investigating this proposition, bocauso, if you do not, it 1b not fair to us, to tho mine or to yourself. If this mine is just us represented you well kuow that wo aro otferiug you nu exceptional Investment. If It Is not, wo will take tho blumo and you aro out nothing for your trouble. Wo Invite visitors because every VISITOR moans uu INVESTOR. This has beou true without exception. Wo have published several reports from visitors who are now Investors. Wo havo agreed to raiso a certain amount of money by JULY 1st for tho further dovelopinont and equipniout of this mine, aud we are going to make our wotd good. It you cnti not come aud seo this initio for yourself you can send for our large, illustrated prospectus and a sample of this rich oro (which you can havo tested for your owu satisfaction). If you are not then satisfied you can have a block of the stock rosorved for a reasonable tlmo until you make further in vestigations, unless the present allotment is over subscribed lu tho mean time. There is a very brisk move ment in this stock, so take our advice aud write or wire TODAY. It will mean a great deal to you no matter whether you are a poor mail or a capitalist. RKMKMHKIt, July tlrst is the limit, unless you havo your order reserved. The Directors of the Company havo so instructed us. A LIMITED AMOUNT IS OFFERED AT TEN CENTS PER SHARE VAN VLEET & WRIGHT Fiscal Agents For The Company. SUMPTER, OREGON. 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444-4-4444444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4