The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 03, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, 'June j, 190$
In tho Circuit Coifr of thoHiate
Stnto of Oregon for tho Comity
linker. . .
To X. II. Tliilmiilt, tho above named
In tho Niiiuoof tho State of Oregon
you aro hereby required to appear
and uiiHWor tho complaint II led,
against you in tlio iihovo entitled
cause on or hefpru. tho Hth day of
.July, ISIO.'I, which Ih tho lust dayor
tho tiino proscribed In tho order made
by tho County Judge of linker
County, State of Oregon, for the
Iiiihlleation of thin huiiiiiioiih. And
If you fall ho to appear and aiiHwer,
judgment will ho taken against you
for tho Hum of Two ThoiiHiuid Seven
Hundred mid l'lvo and 01-100
(2ori.!M) Dollars, with Interest
thereon at tho rate of ten per cent
per 1111 mint from tho 1st day of March,
l!iu:i; tho further huiii of 8200.00
attoruey'H foes, and tho cohIh and
dlHliurHeinentH of this notion, and for
the hiiIo of tho following described
real property attaohed on the Kith
day of May, HIO.'I, and for tho wile
of the perHoual property attaohed on
tho 15th day or May, lOO.'l, by tho
Hherltf of linker County, Oregon, in
tho iihovo entitled notion at tho
request of plniiitiir, to satisfy the
above named judgment of plaiutiir,
Tho following deserllied real
property, Mltuiile, lying and being
In tho Comity of linker, State of
Oregon, to-wlt:
Tho Don .limn Do Do Do Do
No. 2 quartz mining claims and Don
Iiiiiii mill site iih hIiowii In M. K.
.'I.'IO In tho olllco of the Surveyor
(ieiieral of tint United States for the
District of Oregon;
Also tho Don .Iiiiiii mill Hito lodo
cliiim which adjoluH tho foregoing
claims and Ih described hi the notice
and amended notice of locution
thereof recorded in Vol. I of records
of ipmrt. local Ioiih at pages .'Idtl and
:IS0 icspcctlvoly, in tho olllco of the
recorder of couvoyauccH of linker
County, Oregon;
AlsuthoSiiMin I), and lllg Canadian
lodo mining claims, Hiluato about
I ,'ij iiiIIcIh south ami went from the
Don .limn mining claim above
described, In Tp. lit, S. It. :ir 12. W.
M. in linker Comity, Oregon, ami
adjoining tho l'hoculv mine, iih the
sumo woio located by John Dut'ipictt
in Juno, 1001, and the notlccn of
location tlueof recorded in the
olllco of tho liccordor of Conveyance
of linker Cuouty, Oregon, on July
18th, 11101;
Also tho Hello Vlllo lodo mining
cluim, situate about ' mile cant from
I In Don .Iiiiiii claim above dcMTlhcd
and us doM'iilicil in the notice of locu
tion thereof iccoide I in theolllce of the
ISecoriler of CouvcyunccH of linker
County, Oicgou, in the Hook or
Ojiurt. locitioiiH Vol. I,', at page Dili;
AIho Wulter Mill tpiuilz mining
claim an deM'iibed in the notice of lo
cution thereof recorded in the otllce
of tho Itecoider of CouvcyunccH of
linker County, Oregon, In book of
quart, mining locutions Vol. M. at
page fill;
Also the (irceuwood water right
iih jocntod by ti. T. Kelly, .1. II.
Allen, CharlcH Allen ami K. Kelly on
tho loth day of .Inly, 180.r, ami an
dcfcrihcd in tho notice of location
thereof recorded in the otllce of (lie
recorder of conveyance.- of linker
County, Oregon, in Vol. I) of water
rights ut puge IlsS;
Together with nil improvements
thereon, and tho tenements, heredita- (log) ouo anvil, ouo bellows, n lot of
incuts nud appurtenances therouuto blacksmith tools, a lot of old iron,
belonging or in any wise appertain- ono bar of 7 Inch steel about 10 feet
log, ,1111(1 tho rights, privileges, and long, sald'rroperty is located In said
franchises therewith usually had or , blacksmith shon.
The quartz mining claims above
mentioned constitute what is com
monly known as the "Don Juan"
One work shop Including one heat
ing stove and pipe.
; One assay olllco and contents, situ
ated at said Don Juan mine, 5 links
mine, being situate on the slope of of stove pipe, 2 bed steads, ouo pair
Oreenwood gulch about eighty rods I springs. 2 shovels, ouo sink. 2 axes.
northerly from Phoenix mine, in Tp. ouo gold pun, one hammer, one buck
10 S. It. ;15 E. W. M.. linker 1 iiiff hniirtl. nun mnrtnr. nnn wtnvn mill
and pig
County, Oregon.
Also tho following described
personal property, situate, lying and
being in said Comity of linker, State
of Oregon, to-wlt: -
One frame oltieo building, situated
nt the Don-Juan mlno together with
tho contents thereof. consisting of
olllco furniture, gold scales, beds,
etc., as described in the Sherilf's
return on the attachment
ono snialll chicken house
pen combined, also four
and including all personal
in said otllce, cellar, and
Ouo log boarding house,
with the contents thereof, consisting
of stoves, dining room furniture,
cooking uteiiHils,Aa thosamois more
fully shown lu said Sheriff's return,
and including all personal property
In said boarding house.
One frame bunk house building,
ouo cross cut saw, one stove and
pipe, 7 beds, said property being
located in said bunk bonne.
25 cords of wood situated at the
Don Jtiuu mill.
One 10-stnmp mill building, one
steam mill engine complete (Erio
make), together with all lielts,
pulleys, and nil equipments, ouo 75
horse power (Erie make) boiler, com
plete, encased in stone, together
with all pipe and all equipments of
Mild boiler, one wood track contain
ing about 75 feet T. Itail (more or
less) ami one wood car; one vice,
two mill lamps, ouo hammer, one
plpo wrench, one gas pipe cutter, one
gas pipe wrench, one square, one
auger, 5 live gallon cans part tilled
with oil; one rope and windlass, one
box old Iron scraps, one hand lamp
(largo size); one feeder pump com
plete for boiler, one heater connected
with said boiler, ouo pick ,01101
sloldgc, one ax, ouo Wlllisul Con
ceutrator complete Including table
and frame, one lot of ore sacks, 18
sacks of coiicet rates, 2 copper mill
plates size 0x12 feet; ouo 10-stnmp
mill complete with stumps noil dies
including frumo nud nil equipments
therewith; 2 live Mump batteries, one
wrench, one lot of tools, ouo crock
ami contains about 15 pounds of
quicksilver; one morto'r, one gold
pun, one st might wrench, one lot of
old iron shoes and dies, a lot of old
tahhets, 2 hoppers or feedeis, one
heating pipe 1 1 inch and about 00
feet long, one rock crusher, one
grindstone, one oio car, one log
chain, ono lot of steel drills and
underground mining tools situated
in suid oie car; chain blocks ami
rope, 5 boxes of giant powder, ono
pipe and vice, one roll of packing,
one grindstone, one iron grisly,
all of said property is located in tho
mill of said Don .limn mine, and
including all personal property lu
suid mill.
One tramway about 1100 feet long
more or less, (100 feet mine or less of
2 and '. steam pipe ,1200 feet more
or less of T. rail, 000 feet more or
less of (i inch stove pipe, ouo 1 100
pound ore car all of said property is
Incited in said tramway.
One Kunwlcs pump, one 10 hoise
power boiler, K. .v C. make, one
ore bucket, one balcksmith shop
pipe, ouo saw, ouo wash tub ono
square ouo chair 10 pks soda a lot of
acid bottles ouo furnace. 2 boxes of
pulp 50 bricks one box cuppels said
property is located in said assay
olllco and including all personal
property lu said assay otllce. All of
said personal property situated at tho
Don Jtiuu mino lu tho Ureeuborii
district, linker County, Oregon.
And for the sulo of tho following
described real property attached on
tho 10th day of Muy 1003 by tho
Sherllf of Grant County Oregon in
the above entitled action tu tho
rcquuest of plulutllf to satisfy the
above named judgment of plaiutiir
Tho May Queen quartz mining
claim us located by D. D. MoLeod on
the 20th day of October 1001 and as
described in tho notlco of location
thereof recorded lu tho olllco of tho
County Clerk of Grant Couuty Ore
gon in Vol. M. of mining records at
pago 1-1. Said claim ad joining the
northeast end lino on tho south sldo
line of the Goldou Star claim.
Also tho Ollio Vau quartz mining
claim as located by James Guhnu on
the 1st day of January 1002 aud as
described in tho notice of locntiou
thereof recorded lu tho otHco of the
County Clerk of Grant Couuty, Ore
gon, in Vol. M. of mining recordH
at page 202 thereof, said claim being
situate about 'J of u tulle northeast
of the Don Juan mine.
Also tho Moscow quartz mining
claim us located by James Galiuu on
the 18th day of August 1000 and us
described in tho notlco of locution
thereof of record in the olllco of the
County Clerk of Grant Couuty,
Oregon, in Vol. K at pago 400, and
all said above described property
attached by tho Sheritr of Grant
Comity lying ad being situate in the
County of Grunt and Stato of Oregon.
Aud you are hereby notitiod that
on the 10th day or Muy lOO.'t the
lion. V. V. Travllliou County Judge
of linker County Oregon miido an
order that service of summons In this
action bo made upon you by
publication or this summons aud that
the date of the llrst publication of
this summons is May 20th 10011 and
the date or the last publication
thereof is July 8th 10011.
Attorney for Plaiutiir.
We will cheerfully give you any do
tal led information you want.
B. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agont,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
United State! Und Office,
La Grande, Mav 37th, too).
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress ol June ). 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale oi limber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Public Land States by
actol August 4. i8g, '
of Sumpter, county of Baker, slate of Oregon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn statement
No. 7n, for the purchase of the nwK nwK,
Sec. No. 8 and n Js neU of section No 99, In town-,
ship No. 9 S., range No. )7. E, W M, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim :
to said land before Chas. H. Chance. U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on Saturday, the
IS h day of August, 1903.
He names as witnesses: Thomas B. Taylor, '
Elmer Taylor, Ghatles Relchsteln, Myrtle Reich- ,
stein, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- ,
described lands are requested to file their claims In ,
this office on or before said 15th dav of August, iooj.
E. W. Bakubtt, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, March )i, 1901- (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the sate of timber lands in the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Public Und states by
act of August 4, I80.9,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
mis aay iiiej in mis omce nil sworn statement No.
9i7i, for the purchase of the sw K n e X and w H
section No- 7. and n w yi n e m
18 In township so. 10 south,
I. and will offer oroof to show lhat
the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
of section
range No. it ewm, and will offer proof to show that
stone than for agricultural eurcoses. and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Chas. H. Chance,
U. S. commissioner 'at Sumpter, Oregon, on Mon
day, the und day 0? June, t
iacnary a.
d Daniel '
iff adversely
described lands are requested 10 file their claims In
He names as witnesses: Zacharv S.
"Her. Thrmas Moore, and Daniel
all of Sumpter. Oreeon.
nny ana an persons claiming aaversei;
Gard. Rov
W. Wilbur.
the above-
this office on or before said sand dav of June. 1001.
E. W. UARTLETT. Register.
United Sutes Und Office, (
U Grande, Oregon, March si, iooi.
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June t, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
actol August 4, i8o,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat
this day filed In this office her sworn statement No
9170, tor the purchase of lots 1 and and eH nw of
Section No. 7 In Township No. 10 South, Range
No. h E W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estallsh her
claim to said land before Charles If. Chance. U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpter Oregon, on Monday,
thesind day of June, iooj.
She names as witnesses: Bert Gard. John Buffen
mejer. Thomas Moore and Iven Jeflrles ail ol
Sumpter, Oregon.
Aay and alt persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 9nd dav of June, loot.
E. W. Uaruett. Register
Special Round Trip Rates,
llohvceii June -1th and August 20th
The Illinois Central will sell round
trip tickets from Oregon aud Wash
ington points to Chicago, Cairo,
Memphis and New Orleans at (ireatly
Reduced Rates.
Tickets good for three mouths,
doing limit ten days. Returning
limit ten days after starting west.
Stop over privileges either way, west
of the Missouri River.
Sale dates are arranged to bo con
venient for delegates to convent ions
of National Educutioiiul Associuttou
ut liohtou; Elks at lSnltimore; Wood
men ut Indianapolis; Eagles at New
York; Shrluers ut Saratoga; Knights
of Pythias at Louisville and Com
mercial Travelers at Indianapolis.
You can take your choice of Six
teen dilfeivut routes. Wrlto us.
United States Und Office,
U Grande, Oregon, April 17, 1001. j
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to all the Public Und states by
ictot August 4. ifSoi,
ot Sumpter, county ot ILiker, state of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement
No. 9748, for the purchase ot the w swjf ot sec.
5! wj nw5 src. 8and ! n.Jf of section No. 7.
In tounshlp No. 10 south, range No 17 EWM, and
III oiler proof to show that thelinJ sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than tor agr'cullural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
lore Chas. II. chance. U. S. Commissioner at
Sumpter. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 14th day ol
ulv, IOO.
He names as witnesses: William R. Johnson.
''tin Mcl'hersi.n. Jults U. Rlggs, and Ralph Hatley,
all of Suntpitr, Oregon,
Any and all rersons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this office on or before said 14th dav of July, 1901
U. W. Uaruett, Register.
If you want to read a free nnd inde
pendent paper, devoted to tho inter
est ot mining nud current events,
which is not controlled by any pro
moting concern, such us most of tho
ptqieis in tho east are, send for a free
sample copy of