The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 03, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, June $, 190$
CAPITAL- STOCK $150,000.
Early in May wo called your attoutiou to tho fact of tbo issuo of the first block of 100,000 shares of Treas
ury stock, and that tbo samo was placed on tho market
Wo stated that wo presoutod as SUKK a paying Investment as Is o Herod iu uuy mining district. Wo called
attoutiou to our capitalization, gavo our avcrugo assays up to tbat time, and tbo opinion of our General Man
ager, W. . Sanders, who stated, "I consider tbo Pulaski equal to any property I bare ever bad anything to do
with, and with dovolopmeut bollovo it will become a mlt.o. " Tho last contract of fifty feet Is about completed
and although still 200 foot from tho main lead, with a eptb of thirty-throe foot, avorago assays gave 91.20,
81.00, 81.00, 82.30, 81.70, 82.40, 611.10, 82.20, 84.00 aud 84.00. Assiiyora Rohhins & Kuhbins, MoKwon
& McEwen. Tho foregoing justify tbo opinion of tbo management that wo will make a mine of tbo Pulaski.
A now contract for fifty additional feet will bo let In a few days. Tbo mine has been furnished
with all neccesury equipment up to date. A largo number of citizens of Sumpter have visited tho property,
only ouo milo from town, sampled tho dumps, had their own assays made, and showed their coufldeiico
in tho outcome by buying blocks of stock.
For further particulars write for our "Kpltomo of Facts. " Stock may bo purchased on the Installment
plan by paying thirty per cent down, balance iu two monthly payments. Wishing to establish agencies,
thoso applying for samo should send roferenco with application. All orders for stock should slate tbo amount
of sburos to bo purchased, whotbor on tho installment plan or not, and should bo accompanied by bank draft or
post otilco order.
Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter.
Address all communications to
J. H. MacCallunn, Secy
Reference Any Bank, Business Firm or Corporation in Sumpter.
To Be Celebrated In Grand
Style At Granite, June 13.
will bo givou in tho evening under
tbo auspices of tho Union.
Tho Alamo branch of tho Wotsorn
Federation of minors will colobrato
Federation Day, Juno 13, at Qranito.
Tho following interesting program
sh ows tho substantial prizes tbat aro
huug up:
Doublo band drilling contest,
first prlzo, $125.
Second prlzo, providing more than
two teams onter, 850.
Singlo hand drilling contest, 150.
Tug-O'-War, eight men on a sido,
Men's foot raco, 100 yards, 810.
Girls' foot race, under twelve
years of age, 40 yards, first prlzo,
93. Second prize, 82.
Boys' foot race, under flfteon years
of ago, 50 yards, first prize, 93.
Second prize, 92.
Potato race, for girls and boys
uunder fifteen years of age, first
prize, 93. Second prize, 92.
Flag drill, by ten children undor
fifteen years of- age, prize to bo
dlstrbuted, 910.
No one can oonteat in the drlllug
prizes except members of the
Addresses are' to be dollvered by
prominent members of th Union and
other citizens., and a grand ball
Machinery Started, and Bedrock Will
Probably be Reached la Fifty Feet.
J. . Reed, suporiutondout of tbo
Auburn Deep Mining company,
oporating tho Auburn placers, was
in tho city this wook making up his
pay roll.
Tho now hoistng machinery was
started up last week and is now in
full oporatlou. Suporlntoudout
Reed states tbat tho shaft is down
100 foot, having cut through tho web
foot or falso bodrock formation and
ho expects to reach truo bodrock
within the next fifty foot. Tho
wobfoot showed rich values during
tho early placer days, aud it is
argued that if tho porlod of enrich
ment prior to the webfoot, which is a
sort of volcanic mud Impervious to
tho infiltration of placer gold, was
oqual to tbo subsequent period, groat
values may be expected.
To Attend State Meeting of Eagle.
Mayor C. H. McCollloch, and R.
L. Nelll will loave tomorrow to
attond tho state meeting of tho
Fraternal order of Eagles to bo held
at Dalles the 5th and Otb, as dele
gates from tbo Sumpter lodge.. Ouo
of tbo objects of tbo meeting is to
instruct delegates to tho National
convention to bo held at Tammany
Hall, Now York City, Sopfombor 0.
It is probable that Mayor McColloch
will bo tho delegate fom hero to
tho convention. lioforo returning
from tho prosont trip, bo will spond
u weok which his family in Portland.
lnveitor Arrive.
A party of Grand Rapids capital
ists composod of Dr. T. D. Kradflold,
George N. Davis, A. I). Richmond
aud A. S. Richmond, arrived iu tho
city today, aud in company with F.
V. Taylor, manager of tho Grand
Rapids branch of thoKilllon, Wrauor,
Stowart company, drove out to some
of tbo Crackor Crook properties this
Return From Idaho.
J. A. McLaughlin, soorotary of
tho Killlou, Warner, Stowart com
pany, aud II. A. Reese, both of
Lincoln, Nebraska, roturnod today
from a successful mining trip to
Silver City, Idaho. Thoy are going
to visit tho Crackor Creoko and Rod
Roy districts, and will probably
roturn to Lincoln tho first of the
Social Event.
Tbo Young Men's Social club
gave a very enjoyablo danco at tho
Kills Opera house Staurday ovoulng.
About thirty couples wore there.
MIspcs Hurt, Spauldlng and Van
Duyn rendered literary and musical
Col. E. S. Topping, of tho Forty
Nino Jimmlo, spout several days in
tho city this week. Work on his
property Is to start up iu a fow days.
Giant Powder Is the best by test in
tho world. T. G, Harrison agent.
Miller cap protectors. T. G. Harrison
agent for linker, Grant and Union
TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE j. i,8.-notic8 roft
E. V. Warner, of tbo Klllen,
Warner, Stowart company, of Mil
waukoo, aud Miss Jounio Roll
Hamilton, of Clintou, Wisconsin,
wero married May 20. Mr. Warner
was formerly a resident of Sumpter
boforo ho took churgo of tho firm's
Milwuukco brunch.
Unlled Stales UnJ Office, I
La GrinJt, Oregon, Junt , 1901. 1
Nollct It hereby given that In compliance with th
provisions ol the acl ot congress of June 1, 1I78, en
titled "An acl lor the tale orllmber lands In Ihe state s
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." at emended lo all the I'ubllc Land states by
I act ol August a. !.
ol Baker City, county ol Maker, tat ol Oregon, hat
tlilt day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
,564 lor the purchase ol th t M t H Sec
no. to, 11 x n e x 01 section no.
In lownihln No. 1 south, rant No. E
M, and will oiler proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than
lor agrlcultuial purposes, and to establish his claim lo
said land belore A. II. Combs Jr., County Clerk,
at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe iltli day
ol August, ivo.
Me names as witnesses: Jas. Mitchell, ol Baker
City, Oregen: Orln I'alne, Joe. Henner, and John
O'fJryant, ol Haines, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said 181I1 day ol August, 1001.
li. W. llAkTUTT. Register.