Wednesday, June $, 190 THE SUMPTER MINER 1 1 A PROMISE FULFILLED THE GOLCONDA'S IMPROVEMENTS NEARLY COMPLETED, & WHEN THE GOLCONDA CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES COMPANY made Its promise to iuvostors last. fall, it-iuteuded to live up-to them. Whou this compauy put itsolf on record and said "WE WILL," It meant to do theso things and IT HAS FULFILLED THESE PROMISES. Nover has tho luvestlug public had a better opportunity of putting money into a first-class mining proposition thau that otfored by tho GOLCONDA. From a rich mine needing iinproremeuts it has been evolved into a great miuo already entering upon its period of GREATER PRODUCTION. WHAT THE GOLCONDA CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES COMPANY HAS DONE It is not what a company promises that counts; it is what It does. Tho Golcouda Consolidated Gold Mines Company does not come lx?foro Investors now with merely what it will do. It can toll what it HAS DONE. The Mllliug Plant is now running to its fullest capacity 'JO stamps, 1- Johnson Concentrators and a Rock Hreakor, and it is reducing 100 TONS OF ORE EACH 24 HOURS During January tho company installed an additional 80-11. P. Phoenix Holler, equipped with a Cameron pump and an American 80-11. P. feed water heater. During January, also, was installed a 10x11 7fl.ll. P. VULCAN GEARED HOISTING ENGINE, equipped with a HOLTHOFF INDICATOR and a No a SINGLE DECKED CAGE, hung with a 7 Inch plow steel wire cable. THIS HOIST HAS A LUTING CAPACITY OF ft, 000 pounds, 150 feot PER MINUTE and is ADEQUATE TO ENAULB WORKINGS TO THE ia00-FOOT LEVEL. The old track from tho tram COO feet in length was taken out and a now track of No. la steel was laid and the tram has been carefully balasted. NEW CARS have been purchased to enable the company to carry Its ore from tho mine to the mill by the train load, thus greatly facilitating tho matter of transportation. As motive power a horse or a small electric motor operated by trolley wire will bo used. Tho compauy has 750 cords of wood, 0,000 lagging and 1 5,000 lineal feot of peeled tamarack stulls on its property. DEVELOPMENT WORK DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY During January tho following workiugs wero driven: 00 foot of drift iu tho tunnol level; 70 feet of crosscut In tho tunnel lovol stopos; 45 feot of drift on tho 100-foot level; 40 feet of crosscut on the 100-foot lovol; ao feot of drift on tho aoo-foot level ; HO feet of drift on tho IJOO-foot lovol. Tho work of deep sinking will bo continueJ until tho oro bodies bavo boon opouod to tho ia00-foot lovol. GOLCONDA STOCK AND THE CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR " GOLCONDA Stock has boon and is tho stock of the conservative investor. Its IromondoiiH Improvements, its original known value atid tho fact that it will declare a dividond In April, aro proofs enough of its intrinsic value. Nowhere iu tho world of Investments is' stock backed by more tangible worth thau it Is in tho Golconda miuo. This stock is COLLATERAL; It is secured by enough gold ore to pay dividends for a generation, and a milling aud hoisting plant well able to turn tho latent wealth into metallo gold. , As ilscal agout I havo uovor hesitated In publicly expressing my utmost coufldouco In tho futuro of this great mine. I have always considered that the work accomp lished by Messrs. English aud Sou was merely preliminary. I consider their de velopments more scratchings that proved the value of this property. Their work made a fortune for them, but tho real values aro now being uncovered aud tho enlarged plant will increase the production of this mine where it will pay dividends com mousurato with its mineral wealth. Stockholders buying stock prior to tho declaration of dividends will receive tholr proportionate share of tho earnings. THIS IS STOCK IN A PRODUCING MINE THAT IS READY TO PAY DIVIDENDS Investors who recognlzo a valuablo security should procure stock NOW., .Tho Golconda has beou brought up to au industrial period aud is iu tho same rauks as aro the largor and more prosperous manufacturing enterprises of tho country. If YOU wUh further information on ths mine, or wish to make your investment while Golconda stock remains on salo, address all communications to. , V l E E . O V'l-T T FISCAL AGENT s M. THIRD FLOOR MERRILL BUILDING, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. New York Office, Suite 120, 280 Broadway. Boston Office, 831 Board o( Trade Building. nusourg umce, uo renn uuiiuing. i. units umce, 41 uuu ,reiiowa nuiiuing. WRITE ME TO ANY OF THE ABOVE OFFICES. r