THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June j, 190? 10 MACHINE DRILLS AT BLUE BIRD. Plant On Ground And Will Be Installed At Once. K. J. Thorp, superintendent fo the liluu Ulrd, returned lant week from h business trip to Portland. ilo says that tho hIx drill compressor plunt now 011 tho Kroiiml Ih to ho installed right away mid development work to lo pushed more vigorously. Mr. Wheeler, of Now Vork, fiscal agent for tho llluo lilrd und tho Viil ley Queen, Ih expected hero in 11 fow days when pltniH for a reduction plant which Ih to Ih put in thin summer will ho determined upon and work in ttilH direction blurted. Tho capacity of tho mill hiiH not yot liven settled, nor tho kind of mill it Ih to ho, hut It Ih stated It will ho not loss than thirty or forty toim a day to lie-in with. In tho iiioaiitlmo development Ih proceeding on tho property. Tho drift Iiiih lieen carrlod it dlHtanco of HOD foot oil tho lodge which 11 couple of crosscuts havo shown to ho from fourteen to thirty-eight foot wldo. With tho liiHtiillutlon of machluo drillH a largo amount of development work Ih expected to ho accomplished thin Hiimmor. THE SOURCE OF GOLD. gold occurred in narrow seams and in pockotn. In some of these minus largo nuggets havo been found in which tho edges of tho crystallzed gold were still sharp, being little or not at all abraded by tho detritus of tho stream, being codcIuhIvo evldenco that the gold in found near its orig inal source. Cold Iiiih iiIho been found In the bedrock in Hitu, furthor proving that the gold of that section Ih dorired from the pockets and HcatiiH in tho rock, and not from quartz veiiiH of tho ordinary type. Mining and Scientific Press. RESUMED WORK. Drifting; On Tunnel Level Started At Golden Wizard. A Rich Vein Doct Not Alwiy Produce Rich Plicm. 'i'ho ureal omI. incentive tho minor han to heek for gold in tho discovery of rich oro or placer gold in an unsuspected place. Thoro are stioiillis, gulches mid Hats, fmiioiiH in milling history for tlieilch placer inliieH ilovoloped In them, but tho souico of the gold Ih not always apparent, (ioiiorally, ill those later ilayn there are those who at onco heek the source of tho gold found in rich plucorw, in tho belief that a more valuable and permanent mine Ih likely to result if IIiIh hoiiico can lie found. There are Instances whore yearn havo passed before the houivo of gold 111 a placer gulch Iiiih boon recognized, and In hoiiio In stances the original noiirco of tho gold Htlll remaiiiH undiscovered. Tho trained geologist in hoiiio cases, after careful InvegHt hit ion, can UHiially roach a conclusion, satisfactory to hiuiHolf, but the miner Ih often at a loss to account for tho existing con ditiou of thiiigH. it Ih not always found that a rich vein produces rich placer deposits. Tho erosion of i veins and deposits which produce' telluride gold ores iIooh not always result In rich placers. The erosion of the telluride oies of the lllack IIIIIh, South Dakota, Iiiih nut, an far as known, resulted in placer deposits, though those of Cripple Creek, Colo rado, occurring under entirely d lifer ent conditions -In llssures, Instead of blanket deposits have produced placers. In hoiiio regions rich placer ilopoa Itn have been discovered and worked out, and the source from which tho gold came Iiiih never liven satisfactor ily determined. Tho ancient river channels of tho Forest Hill divide, Placer county, California, which have produced many millions appear to havo not derived their gold from quart, veins such as exists in other r portions of the State, but seem toi have boon the result of eio.-lon of Hi slaty or schistose rock, in which the, Supeirntendent McPhee resumed work on tho (ioldou Wizard last Friday. Ho Ih drifting on tho tunnel level. Tho shaft had to bo aband oned several days ago on account of water. Mr. McPheo had about concluded when tho water forced him to leave tho present nhait, to Hltik a threo-compartmont shaft about Slit) foot from tho hanging wall thus avoiding tho water which draiiiH to the foot wall, hut ho Iiiih decided to leave thiH matter over till later. I,. (). Miller, of Throe Rivers, Michigan, president of tho tJoldon Wliid company, will bo hero in a short time when plaiin for the Htatnp mill to bo erected thin fall will bo taken under advisement. It Ih stated that tho plant will probably have a ten-stamp capacity to start with, and that tho three-compartment shaft will bo started when tho mill Ih ready for operation. .Miller cap protectors. T. ti Harrison agent (or linker, (iriiut and Union counties. DR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons HUOI'NIllOMJ tUMPICH OfNlUAL HOSPITAL r . .- iiirric, main ist. Telephone ( HOM'ITAl. Main ill. SUMPitR.OneaoN V. K. IIUHSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. peputv Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, Itlneer lor the Clly of Sumpter. En- UnOriM mi Patent lariata. i OiMMI. Ilia PlIMUl CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Clly Mtermi U. t. Camailiileaar Rooms 2 and ), r-'lrst Bank of Sumpter HuilJing, SUMPTER, OREGON Oihie I'tiune No )oi Residence I'hone No. 7 1 DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon I am now prepared to receUe an J treat patients, both meJIcal and surgical. In the t-ft eijulprrJ pm ale ranltitlum In the country. Nice o,ulet home, ullh trained and ep ilen.ed nure ala In at tendance. Up-to-date surgical work a specialty. C A. E. STAHR. Attorney-at-Law Center, cor. High St, Sumpttr, Oregon HENRY J. JORY 0. S. IIKI'UTY MI.NKH.M, HCRVKYOH 7 Raliton Bulldlni, la Cfindt. Onon MINERAL PATENTS, TOWNSHIP PLATS AND ANYTHING OF P.ECOP.D IN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE E. A. CLEM & CO. MINES PROSPECTS STOCKS Write us lor list ol properties and lowest oiarktt quotations on stocks In producing mines and oil wells. Excellent opportunity lor profit In low priced stocks. 410Cham. of Com. Portland.Oreoon. GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays $2.00 for One Year in advance will be given an assay for gold and silver free. These assays will be made by ROBBINS & ROBBINS Whose reputation as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest. GRIZZLY STOCK... 20,000 Shares ut lens than ground floor price. You can have it for 2A cents in one lump, or 3 cents in broken lots. BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. mwms RIO GHaNDE WE." THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lcndville, Puohlo, Colorado Springs and Denver, ami tho Famous Kooky Mountain Scenery hy Daylight to all Kints Hast. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETW EN OGDEN AND DENIER 3 MODERN EQ'UIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders ami other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. i Mining Blanks . a FOR SALE BY I 3! 1 Quarts and Placer Loca- tljiz 1 thus, Tunnel Claim and THE Water Right Locations, C IMDTr-D Proof of Labor, Affidavit ' bUlll I LK of Discovery Work IVIIMPIP . Mining Deed, Option to I IIINlIA Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease . i I