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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1903)
IO THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 27, 190$ RADIUM. Interesting; Facts Concerning This Rare Metal. .VotwIthstandluK nil thi) wonderful discoveries In thi) natural world with which wo iiro now ncr iialiited it may bo concluded thiit wo hiivo not yet lieon alilo to form mi adequate idea of tho iinlltnitod riches and resources of iiaturo. Home now wondor Ih con tinually coming to light. Ono of tho latest and most curlotiH Ih tho niotal radium, which huro and in Europe Ih attracting attoution on tho part of scientists. Mh tialltloH aro vory singular and unaccountable. I(h moHt remarkable nut tiro Ih that which ouahli'H il to maintain con Htautly 11 higher temperature than that of tho liodioH surrounding it, ho that It Ih giving olf hoat continuous. Iv, and without diminishing Hh own iniiHH. Phosphorus and othor Hub stances Ignite ami liurii at tho ordin ary tmperaturo of tho common air, Iml thoy hum away, thoir Hiihstunco combining with ovygen ot tho air. In tho ease of radium however thoro Ih no wasting away of tho iiiiihh. It m'i'Iiih to hiivo tho property of creat ing mid radiating heat. There am Mime hiiIihI uiici-h that waste away in air, hut. at ho hIow a rati) iih to appear undimiiiiHhed year lifter year. A piece of iniiHk will scout, u room for iiiiiuy yours, a huiid- benefit of mankind. Journal for Investors. EDISON'S PLACER MACHINE. Ill Success Questioned by the Denver Re publican. Tho machine devised by Edison to extract gold from dry placorti hooiiih practically to bo tho same In theory an tunny another dovlco to HOpiirato gold from Hand hy means of strong blasts of air, says the Denver Hopiiblicau. It Ih possible, however, that ho hub accomplished what nunior oiih other InvoutorH haro failed to achieve. It Iiiih heon long recognized that if tho gold contained In dry plncors could be economically separated from the Hand and gravel in which it Ih found, milllouH of dollars of that metal could lie added to tho world's Hiiply and thoiiHiiudH of acrcH of gold hciirlug sand could bo made produc tive. In tho southern parts of both Ari.ona and New Mexico dry pincers of this kind exist, and many attempts have been uiiidi) to develop them. J Assays show that thoy contain largo quantities of gold, hut thus far all attempts to separate It have failed. It Ih possible that if tho Kdlson device should prove practicable It could bo used to extract the gold from tho clay and sand beds south of this city, which cover an area of niituy sip nue miles. Numerous experi ments have shown that gold oxintH lu these deposits, hut no metho.l of ex tracting It Iiiih ever been successfully devised. The problem Ih compli cated In this Instance by the pres ence of clay which, when wet, taken red years, it in said, and novel' seem I up the gold and hence no system of to grow any less, yet It Ih certain that I sluices can bo successfully operated. port inns of Km substance are carried away to produce tho sensation which wo dcM'ilhe as Its perfume. Hut In radium wo possess a substance whose power to radiate heat Ih perpetual, while its mass continues undimin ished. Calcium sulphide and phosphorus will shine lu tho dark, as they slowly burn away. II Ih tho phosphorus which enters Into the composition of llshes which cause them to shine when put away in a dark place. Hut radium placed near these substances causes them to shine and burn away without burning away Itself, and con tinues to maintain undiminished Its hcat-glvlng and light-giving proper ties. A very small ipiantlty In a glass tube put near u man's temple producs 11 sensation like a Hash of light; and placed near the skin, even If mime amount of clothing Inter venes, it will produce u sore. It Ih fatal to small Insects, and to many living genus. Here Ih ii puzzle in the natural world, a substance which perpetually maintains Its size and It would seem, however, that If a air blast will separate gold from ordin ary sand it woluil work as success fully where, with the Mind, ordinary clay is intermixed. The urea of these gold beds around Deliver U ho largo extending far up the northern slope of the Colorado Springs divide and for many miles east and west -that its development would give employment to thousands of men through a long period of years. There Ih hardly any estimat ing the amount of gold that might lu this way U produced. It Ih claimed that exeriinentH near Santa Fo have shown the Kdlson do vice to U) successful; but all such HtiitemeiitH should be takeu with many grains of allowance uutll prac tical work demonstrates tho value of the invent ion. New Inturancc Firm. Captain K. C. Overton, of San rranclsco, special agent tor the Mill- I waukee Hire Insurance company, was ltaenorirv while tmri.ntimlK- rmlluMm, ' "'" J' ' WWK ,,u" appoiuieu r"r -.......,, 1 .... - .. . could U provided llw "' " neat. ir one with a Hiilllcieut iiiautlty of radium one might lie bettor able to withstand the rigors of a coal famine. Hut a ton of radium, if ho much could lie found on earth, ' would U worth more than 2,080,000,000. It Ih valued at 7r,ui)0 er ounce; and only a very simill ipiantlty of it has yet been discovered. It Ih found as striated with Iron, barium, uranium aud other rare tuetalH, and Ih ob tallied at very great expense aud trouble from an ore called pitch blende, which Ih found In Saxony. Had in in Ih yet of little use to man kind, except to Impress the mind that tho stores of nature may be tilled with wonderful things of which we have not yet bogtiu to dream, and which may some day U turned to good accoiiut for the pleasure and MacCallum company Sump- tor representative. Help Build Up The West. The low rates from the cant to the west and the northwest, Febuary 15 to April :W, will undoubtedly bring out thousands ot settlers. Where they will go in largely a question ot inducement. 1( you are interested in securing any eastern people for your section of the west, send their names and add rentes to the undersigned. All the facta and figures about the trip will be promptly sent them. II. S. Itowe, General Agent, Chicago, Mil waukee A St. Paul Railway , 134 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Miller cap protectors. T. O. Harrison agent (or liaker, Grant and Union counties. HENRY J. JORY U. 8. liePUTV MINERAL SURVEYOR 71 Rililen lultdlnf, li Cnntft. Oit(n MINERAL PATENTS, TOWNSHIP PLATS AND ANYTHING OF RECORD IN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE E. A. CLEM &. CO. MIXES -. PROSPECTS STOCKS Write us for list of properties end lowttl mirket quoUttomon stocks In producing rninci and all wtlls. Excellent opportunity tor profit In low priced stock!. 416Cliata. of Com. Pobtland.Orkqok. GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS; FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays $2.00 for One Year in advance will be given an assay for gold and silver free. These assays will be made by R.OBBINS & ROBBINS Whose reputation as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest. GRIZZLY STOCK... 20,000 Shares at less than ground floor price. You can have it for '2 cents in one lump, or 3 cents in broken lots. BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. nTSlOBMNDE ISssSSET Ulll W rH EenLVI m ffwtrftgUS? THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lendville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, aud tho Famous Itocky Mountain Soenerv bv Daylight to nil points East. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEEN OCDEN AND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other ay. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., POHTLAND, ORE. I Mining ! Blanks FOR SALE BY Quarts and Placer Loca- tions, Tunnel Claim and THE Water Right Locations, ol irVyir--i-i--r-. Proof of Labor, Affidavit bUrll I Ll of Discover) Work IVIIMCO Mining Deed, Option to I IIINLiA Purchase, Quit Claim I 1 Deed, Lease j i I 4