The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 27, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
NO. 38.
In The Event Such a Department Is Created
By The National Government The
Miner's Candidate Is The Proper
Iu view of tbo fact that thoro U a
probability tbut the national
legislature will create a department
of mining separate and dlstlut from
the other departmental dlvlslous of
tbo government, The Miner desires
to suggest a suitable man for this
prospective position. A citizen of
Oregou who has boon intimately
associated with tbo mining industry
all over tbo country, for tbo last
forty years and knows every feature
couuocted with it from first to last,
a liberal, broad-minded gentleman,
no better mau can bo named for the
place than Colonel John Temple
Grayson, of Portland. Colouol
ti ray sou has not sought recognition
in this way. In fact tbo matter was
suggested to bin) for the ilrst time
during bis recent visit hero iu
connection with bis mining interests.
Whou approached on tho subject by
a Miner representative, Colonel
(J ray sou said:
"This is the first time anything of
the kiud has been intimated to mo.
It bad not occurred to mo before,
and I desire it to be understood that
I am not pushing myself for such a
position, however well my friends
may think I am iltted for It. Aside
from my possible candidacy, however,
I feel it my duty iu tho interest of
au industry which is rapidly becom
ing one of tho leading iu tho country,
to urge the importance of creating a
national department of mining on au
equal footing with the several other
departments of our government. It
goes without saying that the ap
pointee to this cabinet position
should be a mau thoroughly in touch
with tho mining suitatlon, but then,
as far as that is concerned, there is
plouty of good Umber to draw from.
"It is tho purposo of the Amorlcau
Mining Congress, when It meets at
Deadwood, South Dakota, Soptombei
S, to tako this matter up, and prepare
the way for Introducing a bill iu tho
next congress looking toward this
end. Tbo mining Interests of this
country have grown to such propor
tions that tho conditions demand that
tho government recognize thorn by
appointing a secretary of milling as
u cabinet oillcer with powers co
extensive with tho heads of other
It is urged that there aro grave
doubts if another mau can bo found
who is more eminently Iltted for such
a position than Colonel (Irayson.
His loug experience in mining nil
over tho United States, iu Mexico
and South America, has familiarized
him with every phase of the industry.
Ho Is one of the incorporators ot
tho American Mining Congress, and
u member of its executive board. It
was at his suggestion that tho name
was changed' from the International
Milling Congress to tbo present one
it bears, Ho is actively engaged in
uiiuiug and aside from bis other
properties, is tho general niuuager of
0110 of tho well known properties of
tho Sumpter district.
Iu tho event that such au ottlce is
created, Tbo Miner, as a matter of
course, would liko to see tbo plum
drop on Oregon soil, but it is awaro
of the fact that other yesteril states
have perhaps equal claims in this
respect. It is tbo man, however,
who is helug brought forward that
commands attention.
Company Preparing to Do a Big Lot of
Development Work.
The dual payment on the Victor
group, In the Craoker Creek district,
managed by Gelser & Hendryx, was
made last Thursday.
A strong force of men is now at
work ou the property driviug a
crosscut which is to tap the Victor
lead. The company is making active
preparations to do a big lot of work
this summer.
Work At Saow Creek
Fred Smith, mauager of the Snow
Creek company, returned yesterday
from tho property. The work of
relronlug and ventilating the mine,
he says, is proceeding very satisfac
torly. He Is preparing for his per
maueut workings, and will resume
dovolopmont us soou as this is com
pleted. THE PULASKI.
Developmect Work Actively Continu
ing. Tho recent crosscut tunnel on the
Pulaski has now proceeded a dis
tance of thirty-live feet, ami has
entered matter which assays from
SI. 20 to ea.10. It is not expected
to reach tho ledge proper for some
150 feet yot. These assays so far
away from tho ledge aro very
eucou raging to tho management.
A great many of tho cltlzous of
Sumpter, Secretary MacCalluiH
states, aro subscribing for stuck,
and mall enquiries aro very gratify
Gold Bug Company Preparing:
To Start Up On Large
As tho snow is nearly gone from
tho mountains und tho roads aro rap
Idly becoming passable tho Gold Hug
management- Is preparing to begin ex
tensive development work withiu
tho next few weeks. When seen
yesterday about the matter Mr.
Van VIeet, who is now looking after
tho property, said :
"Owing to tho unusually deep
snows last winter and the lateness of
the spring wo have been unable to
resume extensive operations as early
as wo bud planned. Wo do not
mean to say that wo have been Idle,
by any means, and if you will take u
trip with mo to tho mine I will show
you plenty of evidence that the men
who have Ikmjii at work made every
stroko of tho pick and drill count for
good rosults Wo have , opened up
otie of tho prettiest, strongest, ami
richest ore shoots that one could
wish to see. Wo begau the drift
tunnel In high grade ore, and the
face of it shows the best ore en
countered. For over 200 feet' there
Is not a break nor a blank in the ore
shoot, und the lowest assay out of
over fifty samples takeu gave 8.10 in
gold, per tou, while many of them
run up Into tho thousands per tou,
We tried several times to get an
average sample of this oro shoot, as
far as wo havodveloped it, but out of
a 150 pound sample, takeu from
Continued on Pau Sixteen.
Mr. Reese Reports On Stand-
Examinee Mine For Eattcrn Invutort
Sample! Which He Took Showed
Uniformly Hlgb Value in Gold And
Silver Cobalt Not Conild crtd Well
Pleated With Dittrict-Will Be 'The
Greatest In Country When Developed
Present Wotk Now Under Way.k
II. A. Reese, u mining mau from
Crlpplo Creek, in compHuy with Dr.
Kd W. Mueller, geuerul manager of
the Standard' Consolidated ' Ciold
Mines c pany, J. A. McLaughlin,
of Lincoln, Nebraska, seorcVtry of
the Klllen, Warner, Stewart com
pany, visited tho Standard this week
at the request of eastern capitalists for
the DurnoHO of Investigating mid
reporting on the 'property for (hem.
Mr Iteese says:
"1 regard this as one of the ex
ceedingly meritorious proHrtles of
the district. The veins open up
strong, are highly mineralized and
the samples which I obtained carry
uniformly satisfactory values. Tho
apparent strike of the veins shown,
leads to tbo conclusion that they
convego near tho apex of the hill on
the Standard property. I also exam
ined the crossveins from which I
took samples. These where exposed
seem fully as strong and us well do
lined as the other vieus. 1'rcgiird tho
lumper vein which has been but
slightly opened up near tho surface
as one of the strong ledges of tho
group, and will, Iu my opinion, prove
equal to tho others.
"Iu my estimate as to the desira
bility of Staudrad slock us au In
vestment, I have entirely Ignored tho
cobalt values, and based my
conclusion ou tho gold ami sliver
values alone. I have no hestlaucy
In saying that the showing in these
metals justify my reportlrg favorably
ou the proposition. There Is ap
parently a' largo deposit of cobalt
running through the Standard vein,
but I regard this as purely incidental
and have not takeu it Into considera
tion iu' determining an estimate on
tho property. J
"In the Kuby vein, although not
exteusively developed, heavy copper
values are sbowu. Development)) la
being wisely directed, and tho