Wednesday, May 20, 190 THE SUMPTER MINER ENGINEER HAAS IN GREENHORNS. Everything Moving, He Says, and District Prosperous. Nathan Haas, a former graduate from the Houghton School of Mined, and lately connected with well known British Columbia properties, returned yesterday from a several days' visit in the Greenhorns. Mr. Haas says: "Every thing is looking extremely encouraging throughout this district, aad work is proceeding rapidly on most of the properties. I visited the Belcher, Virginia, Forty-Nine Jim mie Humbolt, Psycho, Suow Creek, Phoanlx and Morning. At the Virginia there is a rotary drop plant, which is something new in the distriot. It wasn't in operation, however, when I was thoro and I cannot speak as to its success. It has, I understand, a capacity equal to a ten-stamp mill. The company has its rook houso shaft and reductiou plant all under one roof, uud is well equipped for bnslnsoH. "At tho Humbolt, a garioliuo hoist is on tho ground aud tho framing shed is being put up. "Colouol Topping of tho Forty Nino Jimmio loft tho other day for Spokauo to iimko arrangements for currying on work moro extensively. "At tho othor properties I namod development is going rapidly ahead, aud takou all in all tho district presents a most prosperous outlook. WORK TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED Water in Shaft at the GoWca Wizard Gives Trouble. J. M. McPhee, superintendent of tho Ooldou Wizard had to discon tinue operations temporarily a few duys ago on account of water in the shaft. Ho states that it will probably be docidod to sink a threo compartment shaft some 200 feot from the hanging wall in order to avoid tho wator. This it is thought will remedy tho defect ns all tho wator goes to tho foot wall. Tho old shaft which is down over 170 feot will provo available later on as stopiug .ground uud for ventilation purposes. WORTHY OBJECT. Manning & Welsh Start Ore Collection From Mines of District. Tho real estato firm of Manning t Welsh is taking steps toward tho collection of u cabinet of representa tive oro specimens from tho various mines of tho district. As a matter of advertising tholr properties mine owners aro Invited to contribute to tho collection. All samples will bo labolod aud displayed at tho firm's olllco at Hotel Sumpter. To Visit Monumental. C. J. Allen, f Portland, managing ownor of the Monumental, arrived in the city this week to visit the property. On account of indispo sltiou, however, he has boon detained in the city several days. Ho is recovering somewhat and will perhaps be able to visit the mine tomorrow or next day. To Report on Greenhorn Properties. Enolneers K. O. McEwen and Arthur Phllbrlck, loft yesterday for j the Greenhorns to report ou some of the properties there. Mr. McEwen Is a member fo the receutly orgulzed firm of McEwen & McEwen, aud has only lately established himself in business horo. Good Man at Gold Pan. Harry Martin, formerly of British Columbia, took chargo of tho Gold Pau shaft this week for Golsor & Hendryx. Mr. Martin mado a record for himself whilo lu charge of tho Le Roi shaft, and comes with tho highest recommendations as to experience and ability. MALHEUR AND MORMON BASIN. Judge Newbury Tells What He Saw In These Districts. Judgo W. S. Newbury returned last week from a business trip to Malheur City aud Mormon Basin. Kegardlug tho things in u mining way ho observed, tho judgo says: "Tho twenty stamp mill on tho Black Eaglo under tho management of J. F. Moikol, formerly suporin taudout of the Golcuodu, which has boon closed down for threo weeks ou account of a fuel shortage, Is to re sume operations at once. Tho mill is ouo and a half miles from Malhuor City. Tho Bed, White uud Bluo company is building u six stamp mill in tho southeastern part of tho town. Both companies own good properties Tho owners of tho Goldou Eaglo aro muklug urruugomouta to put iu ox teusivo improvomtits. It is reported that Chicago peoplo now havo control of this property and will dovelop it rapidly. "At Mormon Basin I found sovoral placors lu operation, aud work progressing ou a number of quartz claims. Sovoral moro placers aro to bo started up shortly. Tho district looks good throughout, but it will tako judicious expenditure of mouoy aud lots of development work to placo it among tho lurgo producing districts of eastern Oregon." FOR SALE. Wo offer you this wook in realty sovoral buys. Bead them carefully. Thou call and seo us. Tho X. E. comer of Sumpter uud Confer steots, 5 Ox. '1ft feet, aud buildings. At u micriflco. Sltuutod iu tho best section of business portion. New tou room hoiiho, modorii couveuioucos, good woodshed, lot 50x150, foucod. Columbia street. A good buy. Location unoxcollod. Numerous othor business properties we buvo listed aud umoug busiuefs offerings havo for salo tho Whitney House ut Whituoy doing u good busiuoss. Tho Half Wuy Houso, ou tho Bourne road at 91,400 cash. A profltablo buy. A ton room lodgiug houso, no losses, paylug 25 per cent, in best portion of the city. A livery stable business doing a good trade with surrounding mlnos. The J. H. MacCallum Co. Tho Real Estate aud Iusurance Firm, Nolll block. Only the best brands ot liquors and cigars ut Dunphv's "The Club." Noheidachea from Giant powder. A Chance For Promoters FOUR claims within a short distance of the Red Boy district can be bonded at reason able terms, to be paid after the end of one year. Work to be commenced immediately. A shaft has been sunk and joo feet of tunnel driven. A good cabin and fine timber land goes with the claims. Assays make fine show ing. Parties desiring to examine the property will be taken out to the claim. $ fr For Further Information Call on The Sumpter Miner A FINE LINE OF ..GROCERIES.. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily. Prompt Delivery. Give Us a Trial and Wo Will I'leuso You. EDLIN & STARBUCK Opera Home Hook Phono 351 SUMPTER. OREGON MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS .. j j A T fiercer Drug o. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Ovtr tin Bir SUMPTER, - - OREGON