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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1903)
frt 14 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 20, 1903 MINING CAMPS SHOW ACTIVITY. country ,and the outlook looks good to the. Mining Review." Noticeable Increase Through out Various Districts. The following editorial remarks of the 8hR Lnko Mining Review uro equally purtinont to tho Sumptcr district: "This Ih the season of tho yonr when increased activity Ih nolicoalilo in mining nlfiiirH throughout tho mining ciiriipH of thiH intormountiiiii region. I'lmiH which Imvo been prnpiired and matured during the winter and early Hpring months will now begin to he executed, and, before tho season Ih much further advanced, our mining cumps will hIiow to what extent InteutloiiH and promises made will Ik) carried out. "In many of our miuing diHtrlctH, where tho winter Iiiih been tho least severe, active developmout and mluo operation Ih already under way and Looking Alter Interest Here. F. M. Lucoro, of Chicago, cer accountant for the Burlington was in tho city this week looking after his mining and timber interetss. He was well pleased with business prospects of tho district. Will Ship Ore Soon. A1. Holslor started work on the Congo property, of which ho is the owner, in the Cable Cove district last weok. Ho is in a good quality of oro and is preparing to make a shipment soon. If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer cantile company. T. C. Harrison, agent for Giant pow der company. WORK GOING ON AT THE BYSON. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS i 22225222 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or. Company Will Do Development Season. a Lot This of I Milling company, from Ouartzbtirff satisfactory results are already boliigL,.,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,!,. for cnroiuoiou; wnue, in oiner sccuoiif, provisions and supplies are oven now going in, and Improvements in mine and mill equipment, long In contem plation, aro even now being installed ore excavations for foundations are being made. "Tills is tho time of the year, also, whou eastern investors and share holders aro scheduled to arrive for tho purpose of making examinations and reports upon properties In which they are Interested. Already the vanguard as here, and Iwforo the first of tltiue 11 small army of representatives of capital will be In tho Held. These will come as individuals, in parties of three or four, or as excursions In special cars, and this means that there will bo 'something doing' In the mining Held before the season Is much further advanced. This assertion is hacked by the fact that, us u whole, these eastern investors uro much pleased with the outlook for tho min ing Industry and that they aro more than satiHllcd with results almost certain to follow the good judgment they have exercised in their mining ventures; ami a pleasing phase of these Investments is that they have been made by men of means and of such business experience that they do not expect to make a fortune In mining In 11 day, 11 week or a year, lielng satlsllcd if they are able to transform a prospect into n produc ing and paying mine within a time limit of from throe to four years, "With such men interested in mining, tho outlook for the industry is bright Indeed, and the increased activity already alluded to is largely due to the fact that with ample financial backing they are not lack ing in funds for extensive and systenmtelo development and opera tion, for tho Installation of heavy initio machinery and equipment, or for the erection of reduction works, mills and smelters. In addition to this, mining companies and operators, who are possessed of valuable hold ings in our several districts, are spar lug 110 elfort or expense in thedevlop meiit of their proprtios, so that, taking conditions on every hand, the Indications are that this will lie a season of the greatest activity ever witnessed, as far as the miuing industry is coucereiid, in this western F. O. Uucknum, one of tho direc tors of tho Dyson Gold Mining and returned thin week where ho made continuing work on tho property. The Dyson com pany recently elected otllcors and Is making preparations to carry on dovolopmout extensively this sum mon Tho property includes two claims, the Dyson and tho Tlgor In tho Quartzhurg district, and tho work horteofore dono has revealed good values. Tho Dyson vein has lieeu uncovered on tho surfaco a dis tance of 1,000 feet showing oxidized oro with heavy gold values, running from $40 to $500. It is eight iuchos wide at the south end and two and a half feet at the north end. Tho voin is intersected at numerous places by cross veins from one to two foot in width. The tunnel started on tho south end of the Dyson is in 112 foot showing increased width of tho vein. A good deal of tho ore heretofore taken out was milled with a saving of SJI10 to the ton, but owing to tho lack of concentrators much was lost in the tailings. Not so much work has been dona on tho Tiger. Thero is a thlrty-flvo foot tunnel and a shaft down sonto distance. The property has good cars, tracks, blacksmith shop other buildings. It is an property. Ore was taken surface stopings thirty-live years ago and reduced Iti an arrastra. aud old from Special Round Trip Rates, lletweeu June Ith and August 2(Hh I'he Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets from Oregon and Wash ington points to Chicago, Cairo, Memphis and New Orleans at Greatly Deduced Dates. Tickets good for three months, doing limit ten days. Returning limit teu days after starting west. Stop over privileges either way, west of the Missouri Diver. Sale dates aro arranged to lie con venient for delegates to conventions of National Kduoatlonal Association at Dostou; Klks at Daltiuioro; Wood men at Indianapolis; Kagles at New York; Shriuers at Saratoga; Knights of Pythias at Louisville aud Com mercial Travelers at Indianapolis. You can take your choice of Six teen different routes. Write us. We will cheerfully give you any de tailed information you want. D. II. TDUMDULL, CoiuM Agent, Hi Third St.. Portland, Ore. ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock in your Gold, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not find a better advertising medium than THE DIXIE MANUFACTURER BIRMIM6NAH. ALABAMA. It is tho leading industrial and financial paper published in the South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial and industrial affairs. It is old and established. Pnbllshed semi-monthly. Guaranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price $2.00 per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, RiiRtrti Publishing Company Binninghmi, Alabama. THE NATIONAL BANKER 84 and 86 La Salle St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of national circulation. Is read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reach a good class of buyers and the moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise in the National Danker. Thousands of copies of eacli issue of the National Banker goes to investors throughout the Middle West, Eastern and New England states. The best journal in the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free. Advertising rates on application. "THE MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail may, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul aud Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect trains in the world." Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, elec tric lights, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other information, address, H. S. Rowk, General Anent, Portland, Ore. It. M. Boyd, Cont'l Agent, Seattle, Wash. OSSffim Only transcontinental line seeing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra ns daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and Dining Can and free Reclining Chair Cars. The most Magnificent scenery in America by daylight. I Stop overs allowed on all classes J of tickets. t For cheapest rates and descriptive .'literature. aililrAmi --"-- -, --. W. C. MolRIDE, GiMiril lent RIO GRAN DC LINES Portland, Oregon M CMl OREGON Shohj line Union Pacific AND TO MLikt, Denver, bias City. CHICAGO ST. LOWS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five day. Low Rati ! Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. For particulars, call on or add; H. C. BOWKRS, Agent, Baker City, Ore " lfMMMri