THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 13, 1903 Xa - BYSON COMPANV ELECTS OFFICERS. I moro quickly corno to an understand ing." Management Will Start velopment Work at Once. At 11 meeting of thu of tlio HyHoti Until Mining utiil Milling company, hold hint Krldny In tlio olllco or N. C. KIcIiuiiIh, tlio following olllcorH und diroctorH wore olnctod : 10. J. Hlimn, of linker City, proHldoiil; VV. II. Slonn, linker City, vlco-primldmit; ClutrluH Hill, linker City, Hocnrutiiry; Colonol Kmtnott Callahan, linker City, trenmirer. Tho ilirtiotoriito In cninpoHtxl of tlio nbovo olllcnrri with tlio udditlon of l' O. Iliioknum, of Suinpter. KxtiiiiHlvo opumtioiiH uru to ho Htnrtod at oiicii. Till) properly. In located In Hid Qiinrtzhiirg dlHtrlct, near tlio Hliiiidnnl, mid umhrucoH tlio Tiger mid IIj'hoii iiiIiioh, on Dixie Creek, in (limit county, thlrty-olght iiiIIoh from Uiimpter. The locution 1h fitvoriilile hi regard to fruiiHpor tatlou fiicllltloH, mid thero 1h mi iilmndiinco of llmlier mid water on the property for all purpoHOH. Tlio TiKor mid HyHon lire in the hiiiiio mineral .one an tho (J real Northern, Prairie DiggingH, Holiiiirionvllle, lied lioy, Unix, mid other well known proportion. Much devolopmont work linn already lioen done. The Tiger Ih opened by a Hliitft over twenty feel In depth, from which u drift Iiuh lieen driven ilfteon foot, uniting h four foot lodge, showing good ore. There are neverul hundred feot of IiiiiiioIh mid Hhafln on the HyHon. On (ho hoiiIIi end of tho oliilm there Ih iiii eighty-foot tunnel along the ledge. Ci-ohmciiIh hero have reveald three feet of ore with pay xtroakH nHaylng from f'A'2 to IO a t The Tiger-llymiu are among tho old local ioiiH in the (Jtiart.liurg, mid are regarded an proniiidng mini". There In a Hlanip mill on the property for cuhIoiii work, owned liy another con cern. It Ih the purpose of the present iiimiiigeiiieiit to do a large amount of work during thin m'Iihiiii. Cauu of Frank Coal Mine Disaster. UoologlHt Horace V. vYlncboll's theory regarding tho chuho of tho dlfl- De ' HHter at tho Frank coal mines Ih iHliarod by tho .New lork Trlliuno, which Haym "A partial oxplauntiou 1 of a phonomonon of thlH kind Ih alfordod hy tho tilting up of rook Htrata ho completely olworved hy rail- HtockholderH ; way piiHHongorH whon going through a cut in moiintiiinouH dlntrlctF. Tho layorn ahovo do not alwiiyB cling Hrinly to thoHO below. Tho former may not nlip, hocaiiHo they are but trosHcd liy dobrlH, but gravltiitlou la alwnyfl tending to dltdodgo thorn. If by human activity or tho corrosion of rivers tho iiiiihh becomes under mined there will eventually como a fall, tho quantity mid dlstiinco do pending on circumstances. Tho forces which wonkon tho hold of tho upper strata operate ho slowly and gradually that tholr action Ih usually unsuspected ; but ut last they prepon derate ovor ndlioslon and a laudslido occurs. Such things may bo common In uninhabited districts In Amoricu mid on a smaller scale, but ono does not often hoar of an avalanche in UiIh country that Ih nttondod with such mortality as that recorded,." Umt) OF SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICERS J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, . R. H. MILLER, H.S. DURGAN'- Prasldant Vlca-Rraaldant Caahlar Assistant Caahlar Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business WHAT THE INVESTOR WANTS. Facts nut Scientific Details Prcputies It Ih the common mistake among promoteiH in compiling prospect iim's mid furnishing the investor data re garding their properties, to dilate unnecessarily upon scieiitlllc details without giving a hiilllelcnt amount of commercial Information. The In vestor does not give a whit about sclent lllo descriptions or llowery language. He wants plain, substan tial facts. Speaking along this Hue, tho Mining and Sclentillo Press, says: "What the iuteudiug Investor in 11 mine wants to know is, how much metal the ore contains, the amount of ore available, the cost of mining and of reduction, and the probable length of time required to exhaust the vis ible supply. He cares little about the geneslfi of tho ore deposit; how the gold or nllver or copper or other metals came Into the ore. He wants to know how to get it out in the' Mhortest possblle time at the least possible cost. If promoters' reports dealt more with substantial, perti nent facts and less with fancy and unnecessary scientific information, the man with the money and ho could Reduced Summer Excursion Rates. Tho Denver & Rio (Irauilo, popu larly known as tho "Scenic Lino of the World," him announced greatly reduced round-trip rates from Pad flu Coast points for tho bouellt of teach ers who will spend tholr vacation in tho east, and of delegates to all tho prominent conventions N, E. A., at Host on; A. O. U. V, at St. Paul; II. P. O. K, ut llaltlmore; Woodmen of America at Indianapolis; Eaglos, at Now Vork; Myittin Shrine, at Sara toga Springs; K. of P., at Louisville, ami T. P. A., at Indianapolis. Tickets at tho reduce1) rates will bo based upon one faro for tho round trip, but will bo Hold only on certain days. These tickotn will carry Htop- over privileges on the going trip, giving passengers an opportunity to visit Salt Lake City, (lien wood Springs, Colorado Springs and Den ver; and will be good to return any time within ninety ('.HI) days. Pas sengers going via the Denver & Rio (irande are given the privilege of returning via a dllfeient route. I'or the rate to the point you wish to go, and for dates ,of sale and other About Mining particulars, as well as for illustrated pamplets, write W. C. McllltlDK, Ceueral Agent, 1-JI Third St., Portland, Ore. All the latest novelties in hats ut Neill Mercantile company's. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to tho inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled liy nny pro moting concern, such as most of tho paK'rs In the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER :w imoAinvAY, NKW YORK Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoea a large number of popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor VfVfWfWW A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Trinncti Otntnl king latlMSS Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts Jiawn on jI putts of the auiI J Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON t,WtW,VfW-s4 !F.E.O'Rourke&Co. 1 I GILL v5 $m8nm&m&ami ? -; EVERYTHING FRESH IN GROCERIES VtfS8MS$i&33&t!S8gS3,?3?tf&mf&3 Granite St. . Sumpter, Ore. RIGHT g 1 1 American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. BE-lzrx The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON. i! , X i-gwa.TWBa'ypg''rMM,lIB'rea