Wednesday, May ij, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER J LOST PLACERS. Interesting Story Told by Judge Evans. Judgo Eraua, of this city, learned through a tramp tolegruph operator in Colorado In 1808 the details of a tragic search after the yellow metal in Lower California by some deserters from the United States army at National City, California, during tho Eusenada oxcltomeut in 1880, or about that timo. Ho tells tho story as follews: "Tho story was told mo by ono of those versatile hoboes, known as a tramp telegraph operator, and afterwards verified by a visit to Mexico. During tho Eusadena excitement four troupers dosortod tho army at National City, and started south in quest of gold. What thoy suffered from thirst and from tho burning sands of tho Lower Cali fornia deserts, no ono will over know. Thoy waudorod about for wcoks and months perhaps, finally crossing the Sierra Nevada mouutains, and tho desert stretch of ninety miles to tho shores of tho gulf. There three mou wero discovered aimlessly pacing back and forth on tho bench by a passing boat and takou to Angol Island. Thuy wero raving maniacs, famished and freuzled for tho want of drink aud food. From Angel Island in tho gulf thoy wero trims fored to a missiou at Uuaymas, iu tho stato of Sonora. On tho men was fuond 114,000 in gold nuggots. Thoy wero nursed and cured for at tho mission, but two of them dlod wlhout over regaining tholr senses. Tho third bocamo lucid just before death and gavo the story of their suffering and of tho marvelous wealth thoy had discovered in tho mouutains. "Ho said that after leaving National City thoy journeyed south ward many days. Their supply of water gavo out and tho burning heat of tho dosort bocamo almost unen durable Tholr horses wero (ho first to succumb, thou ono of his com panions died. Famished for want of food aud parchod by thirst, tho remaining three finally succeeded lu making thoir way to tho mountains. Thero they eucountorod a box canyon or coulee as wo would call it iu this country, whoro thoy found water aud some gamo for food. After regain ing their strength thoy decided to oxploro tho canyon, aud it was horo thoy fond tho wonderful deposit of gold. Thoy secured 14, 000 in nuggots which thoy picked out of the cauyon, aud started for tho gulf coast, a dlstauco of niuey miles across tho tropic desert. "Tho last survivor was from Buffalo, Now York, and his portion of tho wealth was sent to bis mother. The rest was expended iu a monu ment which marks tho final restiug place of tho three. "I visited tho mission mysolf and tho priest in charge confirmed overy detail of the story as told by tho tramp operator. I was looking after that rich placer ground, but tho priest informed me that numorous parties had gone in search of it, following the directions given by tho dyiug trouper, but none had succeeded lu locating it." Tin for Extension Beyond Whitoey. Persons coming from Clifford say that the Sumpter Valley Railroad company is getting out a lot of cross ties iu this vicinity. Tho presumption is that tho ties are bolng gotten out for tho extouaiou beyond Whitney. EAGLES' MEMORIAL SERVICES. Rev. Bell, of Biker City, Will Deliver Addrtu. Rev. J. R. N. Roll, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of Baker City, will officiate at tho annual memorial services of tho Fraternal Order of Eaglos, to bo hold lu tho Opera Ellis house , Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Iu tho morning aud evening ho will occupy tho pulpit of Rev. Byors lu tho First Prosbytoriau church horo. Log Dam Broke. Tho now log dam of tho Sumpter Lurabor company broko today entail ing a damago of somo 82,000. It is understood tho company will ropalr the break at onco. TALK OF THE TOWN Mauagor James Howard, of tho Uolcouda, is out at tho mine today. 11. W. Douahuo hns takou offices in tho Noill block and will ongago iu tho mining brokorago business. Harley Wood aud John Rlggs leavo today for a campaign against trout, aud say they will not roturn homo until 000 of them hnvo surrendered. A. H. Spraguo, of Baker City, who is boavily Interested iu tho Alpiuo group, Cnblo Cove, was a business visitor iu Sumpter today. J. R. Noill, of tho Noill Morcan tllo company, loft his aftoruoon for a ton days' visit to Walla Walla. Ou his roturn ho will stop sovoral days at Hot Lake. Mrs. James Loglo rocelved a telegram yesterday morulug an nouncing tho serious illness of her mothor at Everett, Washlugotn. Both Mr. aud Mrs. Loglo loft ou tho aftrouoon train for Evorott. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments wero filed at the Hakur county court house during tho week nding May 12, 11)03. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKDS. April 20 Win. Struoktrup aud wifo to F. B. Morgan, lots 1 aud 2 Sec. 4T p. 13 S. R. 45 E; 1000.. April 30 F. S. Lack et al to Frank Bowman, lots 1 and 2 block 1 Lack adu to Baker City; 9220. Aug. 12, '0 U. S. A. to John J I. Dorsoy, patout to N. E. H Sec. 12 Tp. 10 R. 30 E. May 0 Mary E. Jones aud husband to Auua Uyllouborg, lots 0 aud 7 block 20 in McCrury's adn to Baker City; 1000. Sop 18 Zera Snow and wifo to Nancy J. Nelson, 38 acres in Sec. 4 Tp. 0 R. 39 E; $1. May 7 W. J. Pattorson and wifo to J. M. Patterson, W. lot 33 in Patterson's homestead tract in S. W. Sec 3 Tp. R. 40 E; 9300. May 7 Cbas Schaflffnor and wifo to L. J. Lewis, 00x120 feet south of Scbaffuer rosidouco ou 8th street Baker City. ;!30. OMay 7 J. T. Dounolly ot al to Bonj. Wood aud Win. Wandeaslo, lot 1 block 1 Fisher's udn to Baker City; 83,000. May 0 L. Margaret Healy to Goo. C. Hydo and F B Healy, west 00 rods S E S E l4' Sec 10 Tp 0 R 40 E; $1 MINING MATTERS. DKKDS. July 1H0, '02 Clms. Hayuo to Philip Hell, .' lutercst lu Last Chance and Oregon quartz claims; 81. April 12, '02 HornianTFuchs to W L Vinson, Monte Con (0) quartz claims; 870,00 Nov 20, '02 W L Vinson aud wife to Monte Cou. G M Co, same as last; 81. May 4 Fred G. Lawsou to R. Lawsou, ouo-third interest in Maud S, Mountain Trull, Golden Rule aud Mt. Lillio quartz claims; 8200 May 4 . R. Lawsou to. C. Randall, ouo-sixth Interest lu Maud S. and Mt. Trail quartz claims; 800. April 11 Louis Campeau to La Blaucho G. M. Co., Little Gem quartz claim; 81. April 10, '01 S. M. Mlskey to James Bumgaruer ot al, Victor, Sylvia aud Victor Fr. quartz claims; 81. March 20, '02 Clias. E. Duger to Thos. McEwen, )i Interest iu Yelow Boy, Iowa aud two quartz claims; 8100. May 4 J. W. Miller et al to Dug uesuo G. M. Co., Sunshine quartz claim near Virtue; 811,000. April 30 Geo. Hulsoet al to Fred I). Smith, 0 deeds to Mugplo and four placer claims; 81. May 2 Mary A. Grant and husband to L. Holt, east half of lots 0 and 7 block 0, Palco's adu to Baker City; 81. April 2 J. R. Deau aud wife to II. E vol and, 10 acres In Sec. 33 Tp. 0 R. 42 E; 820. April 20 H. C. Elms to Thomas Wbito, 00 head of cattlo; 8170. May 1 Ed W. Blauk to D. O. Bound, 11 bond of sheep; 83,408. MORTGAGES. April 27 H. P. Randall to Bunk of Sumpter, 4 horses, harness and wagon; 870. Aprl 120 Allco A. Waggy, and husbaudo D. L. Wyatt, lots 3 aud 4 hi lock 27 ,McCrary's udn to Baker City; 8100. May 0 W. W. Oosnoy to Geddos & Pullman, 7 horsos, horusso etc. ; 8220. May 4 T. B. Morgan and wifo to Wni. Strulckrup, lots 1 and 2 Sec. 4 Tp. 13 It. 40 E; 8200 April 20 Roy H. Miller and wifo to Nottlo Myers, lot 0 In block 32, Vinson's adu to Sumpter; 8100. May 1 Bill of Sale S. M. Mlilor to Diiquosuo G. M. Co., throe horses, stamp mill, etc.; 87,000. April 20 BUI of Sale G. W. Roo to E. A. Bend, personal property in the St. Lawrence restaurant, Baker City; 8000. April 17 Bill of Sulo J. B. Stoddard to Sumpter Lumlwr Co., saw and planing mill aud other clat els uour aud iu Sump, or; 821,400. April 30 Bill of Sale Chus. Morso to Goo. II. Fraua, J interact in Log Cabin saloon, lousohold of same, stock, etc., Groouhoru; 8100. May 0 Auua Gyllonborg and husband to Wm Robinson, lots 0 and 7 block 20 In McCrary'B adn to Baker City; 1000 April 10 Geo T. Iugalls aud wifo to Wm. Robinson, lot 0 block 20-iiu MrcCrary's adn to Baker City; 000 May 4 Josephine Toney to Llzzio Hoff, 00x100 feet In S. cor. block 21 in Atwood's 2nd adu to Baker City; 8700. Doc." 30 in. Chamborhn to James Fleetwood, 10 cattlo; 8300. May 7 A. E. iTuuuellppo and wife to Walter Fernald, 40x131 eot iu block 3, Atwood's 22u adn to Baker City; 8400. May 7 Louis J. Lewis and wife to Clms. Sclmirnor, 00x120 feet south of Schairucr homo on 8th street; 8200. May 7 John Utterlmck to T. 11. Boyuton, (I horsse, harness aud -.wigou; 8000. Aprl 130 H. K. Brown and wife to First National Bank, lots 4 and 0 block 2, McCrary's adu to Baker City; and li Interest lu 240 acres In Sees. 32 and 33 Tp. 8 aud Sec 4 Tp 0 R 30 E; 82, May 8 E Ellaortsen to Frank Vandcrwull, lots 11 aud 12 block F, Haines 830 May. 0 T T. Mayllold and wifo to L. M. Whlttaker, 10 acres lu Sec. 30 pT. 10 aud Sec. 2 Tp. 11 R 41 E 9400. May 8 W. 11. Mayes to Davis Wilcox, 30 haed of swine. 810. MISCELLANEOUS Action M. Well A Co., vs. Henry Widmau aud wife, amouut of goods; 880. Action Thomas Kemper Co., vs. J. B. Grlswold, amount of goods fur nished; 807. Attachment Oliver Lofton vs. F. M. Phelps aud 11. L. MuLuuo, amouut labor duo; 8208. SuitThe First Bank of Sumpter vs. Sumpter Transportation Co., foreclosing mortgage ou lot 7 block 0 and lots 8, 0 and 10 block 4, Sumpter; 80000. Divorce Suit llelva llaskln vs. Clms. llaskln. Judgment J. M. Boyd lu favor E. E. Augell; 801. Lieu Ed. Wolsuor vs. Geo. Chaso, ou 110,000 feet of logs for labor; 8000. Lion Bennett A Sou vs. Hollio King, ou lot 1 block L, DoRoos adn to Bakr City and matriul; 8143. Lieu Shocloy & MoMurrlu Lum ber Co., vs. Frank and Eva McCord, on lot 1H block 2 in Place's adu to Baker City for material; 9120. Lieu Al Shorilll vs. N. II. Thlbaullt, ou Don Juan group, for labor; 928 Attachment P. Basche vs. E. L. Dully, for amouut of goods; 8170. Action J. W. Wisdom vs. Win. Riley, attachment or purchase price aud feed of gelding; 8300. Action O. P. Good vs. Jackson Bros., amount of 0 notes; 8200. Action Mrs. Sarah Boskowltz vs. M. mid L. Werner amouut of noe; t870. Suit Joseph Kchell vs. II. II. Hallock damages for retaining grip; 800. Judgment Geo, C. Lang favor Ella Lang; 817. Judgment L. and A. Schaefrer, favor L. Lew; 8303. Judgment J. W. and Rose Call, favor M. Well and Co. ; 807. Incorporation May 0 Grlflii Gulch Plueor G. M. Co., by James Wood, A. F. Meyer, L. Kroeii and Addlo I). Bush, Baker City; 91,000,000. Action J. W. Hamilton vs. Tom Whipplo, attachment for amount of labor; 8111. Action M. E. Lake vs. Jus. Miluo, for possession of box house (or value) aud dumugos; 820. Action Millard & Murphy vs. N. II. Thlbault, attachment for umouut chocks 9100. Action Sarah J. Wolfe vs. J. W. ,G. E. aud S. E. Sugo, amouut of uoto 930. Lien C. II. Fisher vs. Chas. M Chapiii, ou Phoenix group of four qiiurt?clulms for material 8101 I.