The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 06, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, May 6, 190?
Fifteen Geodetic Stations for
Topographic Work Located
In Baker County.
During tho year 1902 triuugulation
parties of tho jfUuitod States
Geological Survey were at work iu
several localites on the Pacific Coast.
In eastern Oregon tho work was
under charge of Mr. C. R Uruhart,
and fifteen geodetic stations for tho
control of topographic work woro
located on three thirty minute qund
ranlges east and north of the liaker
City quadrangle, which was mapped
sovernl years ago. All these stations
were located on mountain peaks, and
were marked by bronze tablets or
copper bolts net iu tho solid rock,
the center of the (ablet or bolt mark
ing the exact position of tho station.
An eight inch theodolite reading
by means of two microscopes to
seconds of arc, was used iu observing
the angles between those statiotis.
Usually the instrument could be set
exactly over the center of the station
mark. When this was nut tho case
the observations were reduced to tho
Tho larger part of tho urea con
trolled is n mountainous region with
many sharp peuks, though in the
soutliwsesterit portion, oust of linker
City the country Is an open prairie,
and the famous Grande Hondo Valloy,
one of tho early settled portions of
Oregon, is chlelly in the northwest
The mountainous region is fairly
well covered with pine and spruce
forest except where it has been
destroyed by lire. The northeastern
part of the area is the summer pasture
ground of numerous Hocks of sheep,
as many as 2(10,0(1(1 having been
grazed there lu a single season.
Powder, Grande Itoude, and Wallowa
rivers and their tributaries are the
principal streams. Irrigation is
necessary over must of the area,
though good crops are raised iu
Grande Itoude Valley without it.
Gold mining is carried on to some
extent about the headwaters of the
Wallowa River.
Ill eastern Washington trlaugu
latlon was extended southward to the
Oregon Htate line from the astrono
mical station and base lino established
at Spokane lu 1002. This work was
under charge of Mr. G. T. Hawkins
and was done by the same methods
that where used by Mr. Urqiihart ill
Oregon. Klghtccu geodetic stations,
controlling three thirty minute
quadi'imglcs, were established. As
the area was a comparatively level,
open country, Iron posts with brass
tops, set four feet ill the ground,
were used to mark the stations.
The whole region controlled is a
Hue, well nettled, agricultural region
from 2,0110 to II, 000 feet above sea
evel. The soil isdlslutcgratcd basalt,
and produces the famous wheat of
Washington. The summers are
extremely dry, but the winter rains
are copious, and no irrigation is
necessary. Steptoe llutte, an isolated
mass of lava rising with almost preci
pitous sides 800 feet above the valley,
is the most prominent topographic
feature iu the region, and was form
erly the great landmark for trappers
and explorers.
lu California, triuugulation was
carried on in the Fresno County to
an extent sutllcieut to control the urea J
known as the Coolings quadrangle,
the work being under charge of Mr.
A. II. Sylvester. The Coast and
Geodetic Survey stations Castle
Mount and HopHidam, on tho summit
of tho Coast Rauge, were used as the
initial points in this work, which
was carried on by tho methods em
ployed in Washington and Oregon.
Tho Coalingn quadrangle is of
especial interest as containing within
its limits tho Coulinga oil Holds, ono
of tho oldest oil districts in Califor
nia, and one in which oil appears to
occur in bolts rathor than in pools,
as is supposed to bo tho coso In tho
Kern districts ut tho lower end of tho
San Joaquin Valloy. Coal was
formerly mined on tho west side of
tho area, wbut tho vein is not now
Tho most important topographic
featuro of tho country controlled by
tho triangulatiou is tho broad, lorel
valley, surrounded by low hills,
which occupies tho greater portion
of tho quadrangle. It is iu this rim
of low hills that tho oil wolls and
coal 11 ro found. Irrigation is
necessary for tho successful cultiva
tion of the soil in this quadrangle,
but tho uvallablo water for this
purpose must bo derived from tho
Intermittent streams coming down
from the east sido of tho Coast Range,
and tho supply Is very limited in
Denver Reporter Hu the Following;
Sv About Ut.
Tho Milling Roportor, of Donver,
says editerially:
"The mining district tributary to
Sumpter, Oregon, continues active
and prosperous and the actual
production from the various mines
there is increasing at a good rato.
The district takes in several spurs of
the HIuo mountains, which are well
timbered and well watered. In tho
main it is a gold producing country,
but having u good deal of silver and
some copper. Practically every mine
has a mill and most of tho mills of
that section aro operating, while still
others are to lo erected this season.
Some of the principal veins of tho
district are within a slate belt,
others being in porphyry, diorito
and granite."
Rel Estate Bargains.
Look at this list of "snaps"
oirered by the J. II. MacCiillum
Co., who as usual are to the fere:
No. oil. Ilulldlng and lot 50x115
N. Ii. corner of Center and Sumpter.
I? 1100 cosh.
No. Ill Fine residence on Honanza
street. 7 rooms, closets, pantry,
large store room and woodshed. Rest
cellar in Sumpter. Lot 50x150.
Let us show you one of the few buys
of the season. Price 1,200.
No. 41 Nice house of six rooms
and lot 50xi:iO in finest residence
location of the town. To a cash
buyer (I50.
No. (Ill 'House six rooms, closets,
pantry, vestibule-woodshed, buggy
barn. On Knob Hill. Well furnished.
Lot 50x00. A pleasure to show you
and 1,500 on easy terms takes it.
We have other pleasing residence
olferiugs. Also the well known Half
Way House at 1,400 cash. A bargain
in u hotel ut liourue.
We ure always pleased to have you
cull or write.
Tho J. 11. MacCiillum Co.
The celebrated Guild's "the beer of
K(HH cheer" always on draught at Dun
pliy's The Club.
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
T. C. Harrison, agent for Giant pow
der company.
...J. W. COWDEN...
FIELDS 222252522
Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter. Or.
Do you desire to sell stock in your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
dustrial companies? If so, you can
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Only transcontinental line
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Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly equipped tra ns
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The most Magnificent scenery in
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Stop overs allowed on all classea
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t For cheapest rates and descriptive
TlitnraturA. addrAim
. ,.,,, ....
W. C. MclRIDE, - Bmril Itiit
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Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every five days.
Low Rati
Tickets to and from all parts of
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For particulars, call on or add;
H. C. Bowim,
Agent, Baker City, Or
L .