The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 06, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, May 6, 1909
One Hundred Members Se
cured and Meeting to be
Held Monday Night.
The Sumpter Chamber of Com
merce, or commercial club, Is now
assured beyond auy doubt. N. C.
Richards, chairman of tho commit
tee appointed last Docembor to take
tho matter in hand, assisted by D.
L. Killen and Edmund Juesson,
circulated a subscription list this
week annd secured nearly 100
members. Each member is to bo
charged 910 initiation feo and 82
a month duos.
The committee has quarters in
view aud no difficulty will bo
experienced in this direction. Tho
rooms will bo well furnished and tho
social features well provided for.
Tho purpose is to proceed with
immodlato organization, and n
meeting is called for Monday night
at which timo ofllcors will bo oleoted
uud tho institution started going.
Tho movo sooms to bo hourtlly
approved by tho business mou of tho
city, aud its hucooss will follow
boyond auy doubt.
Force to Be Increased Shortly
and Bodies Demonstrated.
Superlutoudont Cray and C. S.
Warrou, Jr., of tho Valley Queen,
in Cablo Core, left today for tho
proporty to mako arraugomonts for
iucrcusing tho forco and carrying
on operations uioro extensively
Tho crosscut, which is boiug driven
for tho main ledge Is now iu 1215
feet and tho face is iu ore. It in
estimated that tho level will havo to
bo carried Home eighty foot furthor
boforo encountering tho voiu.
Iu driving tho prosout dlstunco
sovoral rich stringers wore cut. Tho
last ouo was drifted on a distance of
thirty foot, aud showed vuluos a high
lis 8U0. Botweon tho prosout work
ings aud tho voiu there is a proven
ore shoot 100 foot long which carries
surfuco vuluos according to assays
made rauglug from 838 to 8141.
After crosscuttlug tho ledgo, it is
tho purpose of tho company to return
and drift ou tho shoots and stringers.
Subscription Being Circulated in the City
for IU Construction.
Subscription lists are now boiug
circulated in the city for tho con
struction of tho Burnt River road.
F. E. O'Rourke, V. R. Mead and
John Doan havo charge of the solicit
ing. The Burnt River poople have sig
nified a willingness to contribute
their share toward the building of
the road, and it is now up to the
citizens of Sumpter to say by their
contributions whether the road is to
be built oro not. Its advantage are
well known. It will tap a rich
country and add immensely to the
material interests of the city.
The following instruments were filed
at the Bnkur county court house during
the week ending May 5, 1003.
April 20 Solby Leep aud wlfo to
Nolau L. Skiff et al, N. W. N. W.
H Sec. 7 Tp. 8 K. 40 E; SI.
April 14 Leua D. Mills, and
husband to Nancy Pancako, 32 acres
in W. )i N. W. H Sec. 5 Tp. 8 R.
40 E; $1300.
April 7 Catherlno W. East ham
and husband to J. II. Donald, lots
0, 7, and 8 block 10 Brattalu aud
McComas adn to Baker City; 8375.
April 20 Fred Foutaluo to A. V.
Reeves, lot 0 blook 17 Warrou
Heights, Sumpter; 870.
April 0 Naucy D. Eastbam to
John S. Maddox, lot 8 blook 1,
Sunuysido, Sumpter; $100.
April 20 John S. Maddox aud
wifo to J. V. Lawronco, aamo ns
last; $200.
April 22 W. Newell and wlfo to
Henry Stono, lots 17 aud 18 block
20 lu Pacific adu to Baker City;
Nov. 18 G. W. Coopor to II.
Dale, block 31 aud 01, Lovous adu
to Baker City; 8000.
May 20, '20 F. P. Oakos and
wifo to Danlol Grant, lot 3 block 0,
Cracker City; 8400.
April 13 OUio Davis to N.
Ureuter, lot 4 block 3 in Lovons
adu to Baker City; 8100.
April 21 R. J. Pavort and wlfo
to L. M. Healy, lot U blook 11,
Boyds adu to Baker City; 3100.
April 23 C. H. Mllos to W. D.
Emolo, W. a N. E. U Sec. 7 Tp. 8
R. 42 E: 8800.
April 27 Uoo. Fronboper to Ada
D. Bush ot al, 100 acres iu Sees. 20
uud 20 Tp 0 R. 30 E; 83000.
April 0 M. uud J. Wright to
Julia E. Sherman, lot 3 block 7
Stewart's adu to Baker City; $307
April 10, '01 C. M. Robinson
aud hushaud to C. T. Vautis. lots 8,
i) aud 10 block 20, McCrary's adu to
Baker City; 81000.
April 28 Both Hurt to T. G.
Clark, south 0 aud two-thirds rods
of N. E. X S. E: H- Sea. 10 Tp. 7
R. 38 E; 800.
Nov. 10 M. Alpoy to Ellon W.
Baird, lot 10 lilock'.E, Ddtiruo; 81.
April 0 E. Brooko uud wifo to
W. F. Bi r Ihoii and W. F. Burllsou
to Lina Guidon, oust 30 feet of block
30, Warren Heights, Sumpter; $200.
April 10 Henry Moody aud wlfo
to John P. Jones, lot 1 block 2,
Dulfoys north adn to Richland; 8100.
April 11 11. L. Stoves aud wlfo to
M. C. Hurlo, lot 2 iu block 28 Hunt
lugton; 8020.
April 11, '02 Ida E. Lumphoro to
II. N. Clark, N. M N. E. X of Sec.
32 Tp. OS., R. 39 E; $2000.
March 27 Z. Morris aud wifo to
Leonard II. Goss, N. K N. W. H
Sec. 0 Tp. 8 S., R. 39 E; $3000.
April 0 L. R. Strattou and wlfo
to A. P. Smith, lot 10 block 2,
Sumpter Heghts; $10.
March 29, '01 E. T. Bowers to
W. E. Bowers, ntorost n lots 1
and 2 block 10, Lovons adu to Baker
City; $1.
April 5 M. L. Imbler and husband
to M. F. McNeill, 100 acres In Soo.
18 Tp. 14 R. 40 E; $2000.
April 12 Fritz Relohllng to S. R.
Dlmmlck, 100 acres in Soo. 8 Tp. 8
R. 47 E; $800.
April 24 Birdlo Rusk and
husband, to F. Zerlott, north'79 foot
of lot 14 blook 2, Bourne, oxcept
28x84 feet thereof; $1100.
April 25 Mrs. M. E. Boggs to M.
J. Mullott, lot 11 block 0, South
Sumpter; 81100.
April 214 D. W. Yoakum and
wifo to John W. Hull, 0 acres In
Durkee; 81.
Fob. 21 Louis Lovluger aud wifo
to Alice O. Selby, lot 3 tu block L,
DoRoos adu to Baker City; $270.
April 20 State of Oregon to
Hormau Rothchild, N. E. l4 N. E.
U Sec. 10 Tp. 7 R. 30 E;8 00.
April 29 Helen Richardson uud
husband to Mary A. Grant, east
half of lots 0 aud 7 block 9, Place's
adu to Baker City; $1000.
Doco. 30 J. F. O'Bryant and
wifo to 11. C. Armstrong, lot 12
block 10, Haines; $40. '
April 17 J. B. Stoddard uud wifo
to Sumpter Lumler Co., timber and
wood ou 1300 acres iu Tp. 9 aud 10
S. R. 37 E; 81.
April 2 7 J. B. Stoddard and
wife to Sumpter Lumber Co., 1000
acres iu Tp. 9 R. 30 uud 37 E;
April 27 Howltt Lund Co. to
Sumpter Lumber Co,. 1040 acres in
Tp. 0 R. 30 uud 37 E; $9300.
Juno 20, '02 Mngglo H. Dooloy
and husbaud to Ratio Buchmau,
lot 7 block 1) aud two tracts
adjuoluiug lu Bowers adu to Baker
City; $1000.
Sheriff to Oregon and Philadelphia
Securities Co., ou oxocutiou ou
judgment Weather by Bonanza G. M.
and M. Co's, et al, interest In
Bonanza aud four quartz claims;
April 24 H. N. Clark to Jus.
Wood, First Chuuco placer claim; $1
April 10 M. Vaudernioulor ot nl
to P. D. Healy ot al, Smith placer
claim on Pine Creek; $200.
Nov. 3 W. N. Proobostol ot ul to
F. S. Slater, 140 acres of placer in
Sees. 8 and 17 Tp. 10 R. 30 E; 81.
April 20 W. A. Bottes to O. W.
Michael, ' interest lu Tonussoo,
Texas aud Tenn. Fr. quartz claims;
Sep. 20, '02 A. E. Beard to Oiseo
Mug. Co., Del Mnute No. 1 north
and south quartz claims; $0000.
April 28 G. A. Packard to Osseo
Mug. Co., Tim and Del Monte No. 0
quartz claims; 81.
Nov. 10 W. G. Lumniis to Osseo
Mug. Co., Del Moutes oust and west
aud No. 1 north and south quartz
claims; 81000.
April 13 W. C. Cnldor to Fred
D. Smith, Jucksulpo placer claim; 81.
April 13- Ray G. Snyder to Fred
D. Smith, Bald Eagle placer claim;
April 11 Chiis. Prcsuull to Sarah
A. Grant, Felix quartz claim and a
mill site; $1.
Feb. 17 Brig Ballatityne et al to
Cracker Kuglo G. M. Co., Telegraph
uud Electric quartz claims; 81.
March 20 Chus. Liohonstolu,
Prop, of Blue Mountain American to
Murgouthaler Linotype Co., one Lino
typo No. 7193, Sumpter; 82,770.
April 10 N. A. Hallock and hus
baud to Baker City Roal Kstuto uud
Home Co., lot 7 block 11 Boyd's adu
to Bakro City; $800.
April 8 Al Fong to E. P. Borg
mau, lotl 4 block 7 McEweu aud
stock of morchaudiso; $107.
April .'! Miller aud. Son to I. C.
Miller, 3400 whoop and increase;
April 10 Nancy A. Korfoot and
husbaud o L. M. Whlttakor, lot 10
blook 7 Brattalu and McComus adn
aud iutorost lu block 33 E. K
block 0 and 100x110 foot of north
end of blook 17 Kollogs adu to Baker
City; $000.
April 13 W. Auziugor to Lizzlo
Hoff, 208x201 feet lu block 0, At
wood's adu to Baker City; $300.
April 18 Wm. S. Metskor aud
wifo to J. W. Vunuoy, 100 acres iu
Sees. 28 and 29 Tp. 10 R. 41 E;
April 17 Mary Fitzgerald to J.
W. Vunuoy, tlvo head of cattle; $00
April 9 Thus. 1). Loop and wlfo to
J. IS. Messlck, guardian, N. ! S. W.
l4 Sec. 77 Tp. 8 R. 40 E; $1000.
April 14 Preston Buyer to H. P.
Swisher, 100 acres in Sees. 20 aud
29 Tp. 9 R. 40 E; $200.
April 4 Agues Peterson and hus
band to National Homeseekers' As
sociation, 132x100 feet lu South
Baker; $1000.
April 20 C. R. Dutton to Oscar
Jucobson, 00 ncres of wheat growing
on N. E. U Sec. 10 Tp. 7 R. 39 E;
April 22 II. E. Wollmun to Jas.
Cleary, four horses, two sets of
harness aud ouo wagon ; $300.
April 20 Walter F. Tnto uud
wifo to Marlon lleamer, lot 0 block
29, Syndicate 1st adu tu Sumpter;
Dec. 13 Thus. Peterson to E. P.
Bergmun, three horses, one set of
harness uud wagon; $300.
L. M. uud P. D. Healy to linker
City R. E. and Home Co., lot 0
blook 11 lu Boyds iidu to linker
City; $1170.
April 2 Dry Gulch Ditch and
Irrigation Co. to John Waterman, Dry
Gulch Ditch ut Euglo Creek; $2000.
March 23 Dun E. Woods uud
wife to Win. It. White, 100 acres In
See. 21 Tp. 9 R. 40 E; $020.
April 18 Dun E. Woods ml wife
to Wm. II. White, 1903 crops o lust
above; $200.
April 21 Thus. 11 omo wood to Ed.
Mortensen, lots 1 to 4 block 11,
Stewart's 2nd adu to Baker City;
April 22 L. M. and P. D. Healy
to Arust Loeniiig, lot 0 block 11,
Boyds adn to Baker City; $1000.
April 20 Jus. H. Vail and wife
to Ivan P. Laiiin, 100 acres lu Soo.
33 Tp. 7 R. Jtl E; $000.
March 10 L. Balllett to Mergen
thuler Linotype Co., one Linotype
machine; $2000.
M. Baldwin uud wife to Clara
Willis, lot, 3 block 2, Campbell 2nd
adn extension S. 00 feet ; $100.
April 28 T. G. Clark uud wlfo
to W. II. Gilbert, 93 acres iu Sec. 10
Tp. 7 R 38 E; 8100..
April 27C. T. Yuntls uud wife
to F. M. Saxton, guardian, lots 8,
9 aud 10 block 20, McCrary's adu to
Baker City; $1033.
May 1 Stella II. Itlzoraiid husband
to Joseph Kchlndler., 100 acres iu
Sec. 1 Tp. 11 R. 42 E; $200.
May 2 Byron Vandecur to S.
Vaudecar, 10 hogs, 10 horses et al;
S. IP. jotte
Xltax Depot Sumpter, Oregon