THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, .April 22, iooj 12 I i ! MACHINERY FOR THE MIDWAY. Order to Be Placed at Once Rich Ore in Sight and Devel opmen Proceiding. A. (Joiner, of Geiscr &, Hondryx, superintendent of tbo Midway Min ing company, in tho Cracker Creek diBtrict, hat) jiiHt (intoned tho epoclfl cations for a big lot of machinery, the order for which in to bo placed at once. Tho order consists of an IiiKonioll'ScrKoant four-drill air com pressor, a l'Jfi horHO powor boiler, feed pumps, an up-to-dato electric liKhtlntt plant for tho mlnoB, a cylin der hoiutliiK plant with a capacity of 1,500 foot depth toKothor with all necessary accessory machinery. This blK lot of machinery will bo ordered at once and Installed immediately upon its arrival. Superintendent Coiser roturnod yi-stenlny from a trip to tho property, and reports satisfactory process in the way of development work, lie recently completed a sixty-two foot crosscut, and is drifting to the west along tho foot wall in a high grade streak some twelve feet wide. An assay made a short time ago rovealed a value of ftlH.flO a ton. The M Id way Is In tho Cracker Creek district on tho mother lode system, and is looming up as a first class proposition. .Mr. (ielser is also superintendent of the (Sold Pan on Huckolborry mountain, another good property. A hoisting plant has already been ordered and is now on the way. This plant has a 500. foot capacity. In the meantime the raising head frame and the shaft house are being con structed on the property. TO BUILD ANOTHER BRICK BLOCK. David Wilson, of Spokane. Will Probably Erect Business House This Season. David Wilson, of Hpokatie, who is largely interested in property here, arrived in the city this week. Mr. Wilson's faith In the camp is evi denced by the fact that he Is contem plating the erection of other build lugs to add to his already extensive holdings here. He said: "It is my purpose to put up more business houses in Sumpter this season but my plans are not sutllcleutly ma tured to speak detliiltely upon the subject. There might be some slip In the matter, and I do not care to go Into details. "Kverythlng presents a prosperous appearance here and it looks very much like the coming season is going to be the best ill the history of the caiiip. " Mr. Wilson already owns four big bricks and other minor properties in the city, it Is understood that he contemplates putting up another brick building on Mill street between (iraiiite and Sumpter streets this sum mer, though he stated he was not in a position to say delluitely that this is true. Wll Knowu Mluir Dd. Peter (iaguoii, a veteran mining man and prospector, died very Mid- k denly of heart disease Saturday at Greenhorn City. He was an old time miner and well known throughout the diBtrict. The remains were taken to Walla Walla, Washington, for burial. ELECT DIRECTORS. Mammoth Stockholders Meet in Baker City. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Mammoth Gold Mining com pany, held in Daker City last week, the following board of directors was elected: A. E. Smith, of Lowell, Massachusetts; Charles C. Carter, Lowell, Massachusetts; T. W. David son, of Sumpter; C. A. Johns, of Ilakor City; Frank Phllbrlck, of Sumpter. The proporty 1b located on the big voln system of the Cracker Creek dls trlct, and is presenting unmistakable evidences of dovoloplng into one of tho big mines in this colobrated min eral .one. The compauy 1b not giv ing out tho details of operation, but it has a largo forco of men at work and it Is understood that a big show ing in tho way of dovolopmont work Is to bo inado this summer. REDUCED RATES FROM THE EAST Commencing February 16 and con tinuing until April 30, there will bo low rates from tho east via the Illinois Cen tral railroad to all Washington, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives in the cast are coming west whilii these rates aro in effect, give us their namo and address, and we will make it our business' to see that they are given the best possible service. We oMirate through isirsouully conducted excursion cars, and in fact give you tho benefit of tlie latest conveniences known to modern railroading. We have fifteen different routes between the east and the west, and are in position to give you the lienelit of the best combinations. Write us and we will give you full par ticulars. B. II. Trumbull, Com'l Agent 111. Cent. Hailroad, 142 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Giant Powder is tho best by test in the world. T. G. Harrison agent. Mining deeds for sale at this ortlce. LADIES' BAZAAR Mrs. J. H. Bray Mill St.. seconj Joor south ul StoJJarJ's Store Ladies' and Children1! HONE MADE APRONS DRESS MAKING WANTED A lellow stockholder nnj associates, lew In vestors ul CO"J stanjlni;, the Jlrectors preferring to Kite such p tiles an mslJe Jeal rattier than to spenJ tlie money In sprocket aJverils nc, ll4 It nut I'een lor the Jealhs ol .Messrs. HraJiry. Well anJMetcall, the lormer owner. THIS PftOPCRTV MIGHT TODAY HAVE HAD A RCCORO OF 10 000,000 PROOUCCD, INSTEAD OF S2.000.000, the P esent workings line been larrli-J to a vertical Jeplh ol lets than 400 leet. THE PRESENT DEVELOPMENTS INDICATE THAT WITH PROPER HANDLINQTHE PRO DUCTION MAV EASILY REACH StSO.000, 000 loucanjuJue lor ouiselvesas to the aJ ant.iKeol anlntetlmenl In a poverty ol this kin J, which l Jut on the threshold ol Its gieatest pros perity, an J In which mi one has secured a dollar's worth l slo.k except at II has t-een PAID I OH (not In services, but l-y lASII). This Is In the nature ol a close corporation, maJe up ol a lew mining anj business men, who Jo not court pu I ells'- loan InteresteJ patty we shall be a J la seiJ a statement ot the lact with proofs. The fullest In vesication Is JeslreJ, anJ every lacllltv w II be at lorJeJ in orJer that vou may prove the statements made The Sanger Bold Mining Go. 41) K, Postal Telegraph HIJ. New Voik. A Chance For Promoters FOUR claims within a short distance of the Red Boy district can be bonded at reason, able terms, to be paid after the end of one year. Work to be commenced immediately. A shaft has been sunk and 300 feet of tunnel driven. A gcod cabin and fine timber land goes with the claims. Assays make fine show ing. Parties desiring to examine the property will be taken out to the claim. For Further Information Call on The Sumpter Miner THE Tho Oregon Smelting and Refining Company is now ready to purchase Base Bullion, Amalgam, Zinc Slimes, and Placer Gold. If more conven ient these may be delivored at tlie First National Bank of Sumpter, which will receipt for the same. Jt j j j j Your business is solicited. XNXWXC TrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsinrrT MOUNTING BOARD 3 MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS jjjsAT fiercer Drug 0. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON IF YOU WISH TO EST'lN'MlSiNG ! Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS iRSAlERSONsSTH SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON