Wednesday, April 19, ic,o$ THE SUMPTER MINER A PROMISE FULFILLED THE GOLCONDA'S IMPROVEMENTS NEARLY COMPLETED, & & & WHEN THE GOLCONDA CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINI'S COMPANY nuulo Its promlso to investors lust fall, It intended to llvo u to them. Whoa this compnuy put Itself on record und wild WE WILL," It moaut to do thoso thlugs and IT HAS FULFILLED THESE PROMISES. Novor has tho Invest lug public had a bettor opportunity of putting niouoy luto a'flrst-class mining proposition than that olfored by tho GOLCONDA. From a rich mlno neodlug Improvements it has boon evolved into a grout nil no already entering upon its period of GREATER PRODUCTION. WHAT THE GOLCONDA CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES COMPANY HAS DONE It is not what a company promises that counts; it is what it does. Tho Goloouda Consolidated Gold Mines Company doos not como boforo Inventors now with moroly whut it will do. It can toll what it HAS DONE. Tho Milling Plant is now running to Its fullest capacity 20 stumps, 12 Johnson Concentrators und a Rock Dreukor, und it is reducing '"ifi 100 TONS OF ORE EACH 24 HOURS ' ' During January tho compnuy lustallod an addltionnl 80-H. P. Phoenix llollor, oquippod with a Cameron pump and an Amorlcun 80-H. P. food water heater. During January, also, was installed a 10x14 75-11. P. VULCAN GEARED HOISTING ENGINE, oquippod with a DOLTHOFF INDICATOR und a No. 2 SINGLE DECKED CAGE, hung with a j inch plow stool wlro cable. THIS HOIST HAS A LIFTING CAPACITY" OF 5,000 pounds, 100 foot PER MINUTE uud is ADEQUATE TO ENAHLE WORKINGS TO THE 1200-FOOT LEVEL. Tho old truck from tho tram GOO foot in longth was taken out and a now truck of No. 12 stool was laid and tho tram has boon carefully bulastod. NEW CARS hnro boon purchusod to ouablo tho company to carry its oro from tho mlno to tho mill by tho train load, thus greatly facilitating tho matter of transportation. As motlro power a horso or a small electric motor operated by trolloy wire will bojisod. Tho company has 700 cords of wood, 0,000 lagging aud 10,000 llnoal foot of pooled tamarack stulls on Its property. DEVELOPMENT WORK DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY During January tho following workings woro driven: 00 foot of drift In tho tunnel lovol ; 70 feet of crosscut In tho tuunol lovol stopos; 40 foot of drift on the 100-foot lovol; 40 feet of crosscut on tho 100-foot level ; 20 foot of drift on tho 200-foot lovol ; 30 feet of drift on tho 300-foot lovol. The work of deep sinking will bo coutinuod until tho oro bodies havo boon opened to tho 1200-foot level. GOLCONDA STOCK AND THE CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR GOLCONDA Stock has boon and is tho stock of tho conservative Investor. Its tremendous improvements, its original known valuo aud tho faot that it will doolaro a dividend in April, are proofs onough of Its intriusio valuo. Nowhoro In tho world of Investments Is stock backed by more tauglblo worth than It la In tho Golcouda mlno. This stock Is COLLATERAL; it is secured by enough gold ore to pay dividends for a generation, and a mllllug aud hoisting plaut woll ablo to turn tho latout wealth Into motallo gold. As fiscal agont I havo novor hositatod in publicly expressing my utmost confldouco in tho futuro of this groat mlno. I havo always considered that tho work accomp lished by Mossrs. English aud Sou was moroly preliminary. I cunslder their de velopments moro semtohings that proved tho value of this property. Thoir work mailo a fortuuo for thorn, but tho real valuos are now being uncovered and the enlarged plaut will increase tho production of this mine where it will pay dividends com mousurato with its mineral wealth. Stockholders buying stock prior to the declaration of dividends will, receive their proportionate shuro of the eurnlugs. THIS IS STOCK IN A PRODUCING MINE THAT IS READY TO PAY DIVIDENDS Investors who recoguizo a valuable security should procure stock NOW. Tho Golcouda hus boou brought up to an industrial period aud Is in tho samo ranks us uro tho largor und moro prosperous manufacturing outorprifcos of tho country. If YOU wish further Information on ths mlno, or wish to make your Investment whilo Golcondu stock remuins on Halo, nddross nil coinniuniciitions to LEE S. O V I T FISCAL AGENT M. THIRD FLOOR MERRILL BUILDING, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. New York Office, Suite 129, 280 Broadway. Boston Ofllce, 831 Board of Trade Building. Pittsburg Ollice, 700 Penn Building. St. tauia Otfice, 417 Odd Fellows Building. WRITE ME TO ANY OF THE ABOVE OFFICES. 11 TI