The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 15, 1903, Image 1

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Vast in Extent and Carrying High Grade
Values-- One of the Big Proper
ties in the District
The ledge in the Cracker Summit
wan crosscut the first of tho week.
It has a width of twenty-two foot In
solid high grade ore assaying from
88 to 840. It is bard to realize tho
importance of this strike and tho
TBBtuesa of tho ore body which has
been fully demonstrated to exist.
It is cloarly established that the
ore shoot which has just been
crosscut is over 500 feet long and
of varying widths from twenty to fifty
feet. The present lovel at the apex
of the mountain gives 000 feet
depth, thus showing beyond auy
question of the immensity of tho body.
Assays from the upper workings on
this samo shoot have ranged up to
over 8200. Taking into cousldoru
tion this enormous amount of high
grade ore tho value and standing of
this property aro at once apparout.
Tho compauy, although tho fact
has been long known, is in a position
to say tho Cracker Summit Is n mlno.
Not only is it a mlno but a big mlno
with a showlug equalled by but few
In tho district. When It has been
known that a property posessos this
Immense amount of high grade oro
actually in sight, it must then be
placed in tho category of mlues to
which mills, reduction plants aud
appurtenant machinery for mining
and milling come In (ho uatural
courso of events.
Iu tho matter of future operations,
the size of the mill which will
doubtless be installed, tho Killou,
Warner, Stewart peoplo, who are
operating the property, have no
information to make public. They
say that the showing at the Cracker
Summit is a matter of vast Im
portance of which they are fully
cognizant, but that they are going
ahead blocking out ore and when the
time arrives adequate milling and
treating machinery will be installed.
At present, however, they refuse to
discuss plans. It would seem, ho
wever, to the 'casual observer who Is
familiar in any degre with the
situation that the conditions warrant
the building of a big plant. Just
what this will be the company states
will be made pudlio when its plans
are a little more definite.
Iu the rich ore shoot which has
just boon crosscut, somo two weoks
ago a small streak of high grado
ore was encountered. This wldoned
rapidly as tho work advauoed,
Suporltendout Jackson keeping a
force of men steadily at work on the
crosscut and one nn tho faco of the
drift. When the opposite wall
was struck there was twenty-two feet
of solid high grade ore.
It is interesting to state briofly
the previous and prospective work
on this oro shoot. At tho first
crosscut tho lodgo was penetrated a
distance of thirty feet without show
ing any signs of tho opposite wall,
whou tho superintendent thought It
advlsablo to turn and drift on tho
foot wall. Ho drifted a distance
of 240 feet where ho started tho
crosscut just oomplotod. The plan
now is to drift about fifty foot whou
tho shoot will aguiu Ih crosscut,
aud so ou at fifty-foot intervals,
until tho ledge Is thoroughly
Tho ore takou out is being
cribbed, aud tight bius for holding
what is being removed ard being
built. Ilowovor, tho object Is
not to stopo auy oro at present but to
thoroughly crosscut tho ledge and
block out theso vast IkmIIom known
to exist, preparatory to iiiHtulling
u mill.
Tho Cruckor Summit has an
Independent voiu systom currying u
width anywhere from ten to 200 feet,
uud dipping to tho north and west
instead of to tho south aud east as
in tho liiHtuuco of the North Polo.
It shows some of tho highest surface
values to bo found In the district
and holds out the promise that It is
soon to be one of Sunipter's big
produciug properties.
Good Liac of Samples Brought to Gty by
Jim Duopby.,
Jim Dunphy, of Rock Creek,
the shift boss at the Hlghalnd, came
in from the property this week
bringing with him a fine line of
Mr. Dunpby says the Highland is
bound to be one fo the biggest mines
in the district. He tried to get an
Interest in it for years but owing to
the obstinacy of its original owners
he did not succeed.
The compauy is continuing to
drift on tho lodge In order to get
under the lianuocburn tunnel.
Developed to Producing Point and Work
Going Ahead.
Phil R. lllshop, of tho Climax, is
in tho city today. Ho says his
property is now developed to tho
produciug point.
Tho Climax is one of tho old
properties of tho district having been
opouod up for tho lust sevon years.
It is on tho Columiu lead, aud
contuiuH u largo amount of high
grado oro. It has n cyanide treutiug
mill uud other machinery.
Snow Still on.
Jack Laden came In from tho Uaby
MoKee today uud (reports that the
snow there Is still six or seven feet
deep, aud throo feet deep at tho
Cracker Cradle. J. J. Houessy, of
tho Craokor Cradle and (lold Dug
Urizzley says ho will operate those
properties us noon us the snow goes
Company Starts Operations
This Week at Rich
Tho Oregon Placer aud Power
company, operated by Nell ).
Sorousou it Co., hout a big crew
of men this week out to the placers
between hero and (iruulto. The
compauy lias 2u() acres of laud well
tupped by wuter uud possessing rich
placer deposits. It has an eight
mile ditch from tho south side of
Old Iluldy. Tho plucers are located
in uu old river bed uud wero opened
up threo years ago.
Tho compauy is now In a position
to haudlo gravel ut u minimum cost.
No attempt has hitherto been made
to briug about u big strike but
simply to open up the property.
However, good values have been
encountered during the work. This
season will practically finish develop
ment work, and the company will lie
assured that good returns will follow
in the course of future operations.
The compauy is fully equipped
with all kinds of place) machinery.
It has u rock bed flume three miles
long and has spent over 840,000
In equipment.
NO. j.
Details Perfected at Pendleton
By Directors.
Big Corporation Hat Vast Mistral Re
sources Dr. Mueller, ol Sumptcr,
General Managr He Will Proiecutc
Work at Once-Over Hatl Million
Dollars in Ore Opened Up, Which
Warrants IotUllatxn nl Mill and
Treating Punt Veil Olllcered By
Conservative business Men Great Ac
tivity In Quarttburg District.
At a mooting of the stockhelders:
aud directors of the Standard
Consolidated Mines company, held
ut Pendleton Saturday uud Monday,
all tho details referring to the
organisation of tho corporation,
election of ofilcors, transfer of
mining uud other valuable properties
wero arranged und completed. Tho
company now holds the right) and
titlo to all tho mineral velus in
Copper Mountain, Quurtzburg dis
trict, und u part of Cougar Itldgo on
tho opposite side of Dixie Creek,
mukliig this ut once among the most
extensive mineral post-cssloiiH in tho
northwest. Tho following oftlcerH
were elected:
President, T. C. Taylor, hardware
merchant of Pendleton; vice presi
dent, .oeth I looser, of Pendleton,
ox-prcsldcnt of tho Standard (lold
Mining company; H'ccrotury uud
general malinger, Dr. Kd. W. Mueller,
of Kumpter, general ii.iinugcr of tho
Oicgou Smelting and KcHning
company; treusurer, C. II. Wudo,
cuhhlcr Flint Natlonil lunik, of
Pendleton; auditor, K. K. Cleaver,
of Piulrlo City, ex-president Copper
Ridge (lold Milling company. Tho
other directors are Frank Itlchet, of
tho lUehet Wholesale (irocery corn
puny, Portland; F. L. Purlieu, presi
dent of tho Pendletou Presbyterian
Academy, aud Samuel Pitrdy, capital
ist, of Athena, Oregon.
The above c Ulcers uud directors)
ure men of eminent business ability
uud will Inspire confidence us to
the management uud details of the
company, assuring systematic aud
husluetelike oeiation aid therefore
a prosperous future of the compauy.
The company has 'already taken
steps through Its mausger, Dr.
Mueller, of this city, tow ward the