The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 08, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
NO. ji
Crosscut Opens Vein With Sixteen Feet of
Solid High Grade Milling Ore
Between the Walls
The lead recently crosscut in the
Glasgow claim of the Highland
property shows a body of high grade
milling ore sixteen feet between
the walls, on the west end line of
the Glasgow, and near the east end
line of the Bannockburn. It is all
solid ore of a good milling quality.
.The company is now -turning to
drift on the, vein in order to get
under the richer bodies wbloh have
been uncovered on the surface, and
which hare . been thoroughly 'demon
strated to exist throughout the entire
Ieugth of tho Bannockburn cluiin.
The property is showing up in
11 uo shape. M JttfHi
Whon asked as to tho quality of
shipping oro, a niomber of tho firm
of Noil J. Sorousou &. Co., financial
agonts for the Highland, said :
"We have ores carrying surface
Tallies lu gold alouo which we can
ship to any smelter in the United
States, with the full assuranco that
they will bring rich returns to the
company. We have had assays from
surface cropplngs running as high
as $1,000 to tho ton. As to milling
ore, of course you understand that
we consider large bodies of greater
value than smaller streaks of
exceptionally high grado stuff. In
this direction the company is
especially fortuuato siuco its oro
bodies have been proved to bo of
enormous extent."
Speaking of tho Eldorado claim,
he centinued:
"The Eldorado, in ouo souse, is
the best developed claim we have,
and still less work has been done
on it thin on the Bannockburn.
But from the maps it will be seen
that it lies against the Klondike
property owned by the Maxwell
company from which this company
has extracted its best ores, and
encountered the largest bodiees.
In fact the ore shoot which the
Maxwell people have opened up on
the Klondike has been fully demon,
strated to pitch into Eldorado ground
which we ourselves have opened up."
The Glasgow lie between the
Eldorado and the Bannockburn.
It ia of interest to note bow the
discovery of the Highland vein was
made. Several years ago M. 11.
Knapp, tho former owner, armed
with pick, shovel and pan was
looking for placer diggings in the
vicinity and accidentally discovered
tho ledge. In crossing a small
stream be lost his footing and
tumbled luto the water pick, pan
and all. In recovering his t imple
ments, and these were probably all
he had, he sew .something ia , the
bottom of the stream which attracted
his attention. Closer investigation
revealed glittering sulphides and
gold sticking out of a ledgo which
nature had thus uncovered. Tho
oro was so rich that ho realized the
fortune he had struck, and immedi
ately located the claim and began
work. This 1h tho brief account
of tho discovery of tho Highland and
tho curly dream of its original owner
Is now being realized.
Inquiries' as to tho phenomenal
stock nal 08 currently reported elicited
the following reply from the firm:
uWo certainly have had most
extraordinary sales of Highland stock
and it does look us if the public has
fully appreciated tho value of the
stock and the .treatmeut which bus
been received at our bauds. Practi
cally all tho people who have I toon
interested with iih in the Friday
property have purchased Highland
stock, thereby evidencing their
entire satisfaction of their previous
"Regardlug our action in advanc
ing the price of the stock it us duly
considered and we believe ou account
of the splendid development we are
justified in making this udvauce.
lhe directors have had this matter
well under advisement and it is
thought that the action is fully
warranted by the circumstances and
in keeping with the recent showings
Killea, Waracr, Sit wait Company
OptnUaf Their PUun.
Tbe Killen, Warner, St wartf com
pany started operating their placers
last week. These include three well
known placers, the Pine Creek, near
the Bonanza, the Olive Creek, in
the Greenhorns, and the St Ices
Guloh , all thoroughly equipped with
modern machinery for carrying ou
The Pine Creek, R A. Bates,
superintendent, has three largo
reservoirs which were built last fall,
two hydraulic giants and a Ruble
elevator to dispose of the tailings and
save dump room. The Olive Creek,
of which D. T. McCoy has tho
management, has had a No. 2 giant
added to tho two No. l's already on
the property. A now ditch was
opened up last fall hero aud two
reservoirs built. The Stices Gulch
plaeers.JJ- S. Kenyon supcrnitoud
eut, are; also thoroughly equipped
for business,. There are three im
meuso reservolra, together with
giants aud other equipment. Last
fall pipiug ditches and i!,:00 feet of
flume were constructed. In addition
this property has a snwiiilll on it
which began operations Monday.
These placers are all doing day
shifts, tho freezing of the water at
this season rendering night work
impossible. .,''.
Ore Exceeding Expectationt
Railroad Extension Will
Tap Property.
Cracker Eagle and Summit
Loom Up.
Superintendent Jackson, of the
Cracker Eugle,'thluks ho wllljroseh
tho ledgeinthoMocoud2crocuttliis
extraordinary' stunts iiipdovelopiuoiit
work during the past few weeks.
With a force of only four men
he drove forty-six feet, and tho week
before lie drove fifty. one feet. The
Cracker Eagle is pulling to the
front in great shape.
In the first crow-cut the vein was
entered a distiiuce of .'100 feet with
out reaching the opposite wall, whon
croHHCiittlug was stopped. This
showed a good quality of milling
ore. The secoud crosscut is being
driven under another pity shoot
where tho surfHce cropplngs show
values ruuglug from 812 to 915.
Superintendent Jackson ulso has
charge of the Cracker Summit uud
the last reports received before going
to press state that the second crosscut
on the ledge has advanced thirteen
feet lu solid ore which assays as high
as ISO.JJlt Is thought the vein will
carry a width of at least thirty feet.
The company is nowj ready to figure
on plans for the mill, which is to be
Installed this summer. The recent
developments show the property to
possess one of the most extensive
bodies of high grade ore in the
district, wbloh will soon place it in
the category of big mines.
A rcmarkablo showing is mado
bolug lu high grade copper and
gold ore In the Copper Dyke,
belonging to the Linton Lake group
on McNumo Creek. Engineer Kahlor
returned from there yesterday aud
reported a strike of richer ore in tho
company's No. U shutt than has ever
lieeu eiicouutiicd It .'ore. Tho
quality of tho oro in the shoot
broken into far excoedB expectations,
and gives every assurance that values
will go on Increasing with depth.
It places thia property among tho
safo propositions of tho district.
The announcement that tho
Sumpter Valley railroad company has
purchased construction supplies for
the extension of its lino twelvo in I leu
beyond Whitney Is a mutter of vast
importance touching tho lutrests
of this company. This extension
will either tup the property or place
it within easy uccosh, thus insuring
all the transportation fuoilitioH
needed for tho shipmeut of Its oro.
The Listen Lake group furnishes
u high grade of smelting ores which,
owing to their eusy flowing chuructor
are necessary in the ordinary process
of reduction. This ore is needed
at the Sumpter smeller, thus In
suring u market for the company
practically at lis very door when tho
railroad Is completed, and establish
ing u bond of mutual beuellt between
it aud (he smelter people.
Development woik is to Im con
tinued with lenewed energy. Shaft
No. 'J, where the rich strike was
made, will furnlth the main working
shaft of (he mine. When the oro
bodies have been fully demonstrated
the company will run its levels aud
begin sloping from tho reserves. Tho
Listen Lake people are feeling very
jubllaut for the two reasons stated.
Their property gives every evidence
of increasing in value' aa far as the
quality of the oro Is concerned, and
the announcement that a railroad la
to be built which will tap it give
further evidence of an enbacement
in value.
PtombMot Miaiag Mm Htr.
P. E. C. Burk, a prominent min
ing man from Cripple Creek, arrived
in the city today and left at one
for the Alamo property. It ia
understood that he Is here looking;
after mining interests.
S It