The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 01, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, April i, 190$
Equipment Will Probably Go
in Next Fall.
Company Hu 2.500 Feci of Development
Work Property Situated on Mother
Lode System la Stmt DUtrlet u North
PoU and Other Big Mian Aitayt
Show High Value Operations to be
Pushed Through Summer Absolutely
Demonstrated That Mint U Gilt
Edged Proportion.
It Ih now thought ly tho manage
inoiit of tho Houth Polo Consolidated
JoM AllnttH company, tlutt it point
In tho development of IIiIh celebrated
property will bo reached (IiIh Hiiintnor
or oarly in tlm rail, which will
warrant tho IriHtallation of extensive
mining ami milling equipment.
Just what IIiIh will lio tho company
Ih not prepared to Hay at this oarly
date, anil will not know until devel
opment work has Hiilllcloiitly advanced
to glvo hoiiio dolliilto conclusion iih to
quality anil iIIiuouhIouh of tho oro
bodies ami tho character of tho
machinery needed. From evidence
In hand already, however, it Ih tmfo
to assume that it will ho oho of tho
biggest plants In tho (liHtriot. Thoro
Ih alroiuly u llvo-stump mill on tho
proporty, hut thin (loon not llguro
In tho Hituatioii. It wan thoro whon
tho proiorty pussod to tho present
owners, ami Iiiih Imioii iihoi! only in
making Himill mill riuiH.
Whilo ilovolopiiiout work Iiiih Iwon
prosecuted Htoailtly through tho
wlntor at tho Houth Polo, it Iiiih Im)oii
moro or Iohm hindered by tho woathor,
nuil tho foivo of mou noooHMirlly hail
to Im reduced. Tho company, how
ovor, Ih making proparatloiiH to
increase tho working foroo of tho
tulno ami opou up oporatiotiri on a
moro extensive wait'.
VoIiiiiiom could lw wrlttou des
criptive of thin proporty, and tho
possibilities which it IioMh for
iMHiomlng duo of tho Krcat iiiIiioh of
thin district. Wliilo tho preliminary
work Iihh not advanced to a Htago to
wnrriiut tho statement that tho South
Polo company Iiiih a mliio which will
equal tho North Polo, tho Columbia,
tho K. and K., or other big payorH
localod on I ho sumo mother lodo
nyHlom in tho name diHtrlcl, but tho
IndicatloiiH present ovou creator
possibilities than tiro found in those
proportion. Thin fact Ih evidenced
ill that the South Pole group of
clatuiH Ih located in the name minora!
70110, in tho Name lodo system, of
which it Ih a continuation. It
joliiH the North Polo on Its end linen,
mid owiih with It jointly undivided
iutororitH in two cIhIiiih which are
HUppoHixl to lay against tho North
I'oIo'h rich oro shoot. Another
particular which It Ih of Intercut to
mention in tho fact that tho South
PoIo'h olaiiiiH lay, in tho main,
directly under the apex of tho
mountain which gives a working
depth of U.'JOO foot on tho vein on a
level corresponding to tho other
proH)rtioH which glvo a depth of only
iilMiut HOD feet. TIiuh the South Polo
will have thin depth of oro on a
only an 800 foot depth in the other
mi IIOH.
Tho company now bus about 2,000
foot of development work all told,
which will be largely oxteudod during
tho summor months. Tunnelling is
now proceeding from the Rock Croek
Hido of tho Oregon Clipper claim,
und a crosscut Ih boiug driven for the
lodgo on tho Door Lodgo claim to
follow up under tho othor tuunols.
Tuunol No. 5 on tho Raloy la now
In fifty feot. This Is to bo the main
working lovol of tho mluo and will
glvo 1,000 feet of backs directly
under tho apex of the mountain.
Last fall when surfaco work had to
bo abandoned on account of the
snow, assays from the outcrop
alongside tuunol No. 1 rovealed
valuoH as high as 9700. At the same
tlmo assays from tho saddle of tho
mountaiii showed values amounting
to $100.
Tuunol No. 2 is boiug drlvou to
tap tho rich oro shoots which from
surface indications havo boon demon
strated to oxlst. Tho crosscut on
tho Yankee Jim shows tho lodgo to
bo eighty foot wldo. A winze sank u
dlstauco of twonty foot in tho hollow
of tho tuunol disclosed somo of tho
highortt grade oro over discovered in
tho camp.
Thus it has boon absolutely
demonstrated that tho South Polo
Hon on tho sumo mother lodo system
as the big payors aud woll dovolopod
properties which join it, and it is
Hiifo to assume that future operations
will place it in tho category of gilt
edged mining properties.
Commencing Februnrv 15 and con
tinuing until April 30, there will bo low
ratoH from the east via the Illinois Cen
tral railroad to all Washington, Oregon
and Idaho Mluts. If any of your friends
or relatives in the east are coming west
whilo these rates are in effect, give us
their name and address, and we will
make it our business to see that they are
given the best possible service. We
operate through iHirsonally conducted
excursion cars, and in fact give you the
bonetit of the latest conveniences known
to modern railroading. We have fifteen
different routes between the east and
tho west, and are in position to give you
mo iHineiu oi mo nest combinations.
Write us and we will glvo you full par
ticulars. II. II. Trumbull,
Com'l Agent III. Cent. Railroad,
H2 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
corresponding level which alfonls
All Boys when once they
wear the above shoes want
them again.
See our new stock of
for S.50, Sj.o and 55.00
The J. H. MacCallum
Offices: Neill Mercantile Co. Bldg.
Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms
I have just renovated my tonsorial
shaving parlors, and at a great
expense placed a compressed air
plant in my shop :::::::::
Is one of the latest modern con
veniences of an up-to-date barber
shop. It imparts a refreshed feel
ing and healthy glow to the skin.
No extra charge. Give us your pat
ronage and assure us of your
appreciation of our up-to-date,
Twentieth Century methods.
Face Massage ::::::::: :
Two Doors West of First National Bank
The Oregon Smelting and Refining Company is now ready to purchase
Base Bullion, Amalgam, Zinc Slimes, and Placer Gold. If more conven
ient these may be delivered at the First National Bank of Sumpter, which
will receipt for the same. J J J J J Your business is solicited.
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