THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, April 1, 1903 The Sumpter Miner PUBUSHM) BVBRV WBDNMDAY BY JAMES LOfilE T. 0. OWVNNR. EDITOR Ent.r.d at the polo(Kce In Sumpter, Oregon, lor trinimlitlon through the mall, it second cli litter. SUHSCWPTION HATBS One Vear .. Six Monttii i.i ALWAYS IN ADVANCB. TUB coppor markot is present I iik a moHt liopoful coiitlition, Tlio price of thin metal oontlnuos to ihIvhiico and tho nilvHueo Ih husotl on mi ever incronsliuz (IoiiiiiikI. THK Sumpter district is not nlouo iu tho revival of thii mining industry. Itoports from till ovor tint country Hbow tho previileuce of u Hlttiiliir state of alfalrH. TiIh nreiit iiitltiHtry has taken on now lift). A heiilthy condition oxIhIh which milters wall. Thoro uru fttw ciimps in tho country, howuvttr, which huvo it hrlKhter outlook than Humpter. Tho laro iron, and tho richness of its mineral latlt, tho plentifiiluess of tlmlior, wiitor and all natural ailviintiiKos, makes It at oiu!o unit of tho coining Ktiltl camps of tho country. lines, horsos, vohlclos and other equipment. Mr. Kellog assumes churKo today. Tho stage lines aro those to Uranlto, Rod Roy, Alamo and Honrito. Mr. Kellotf In an old stiiKo main, havliiK run tho first mail hIiiko Imtwcon Uakor City and Canyon and was instrumental In having a road built hotwoon hero and (J ran I to. Thomas MoKwou, the formor proprie tor of tho company, will devote his time iu tho main to mining interests. GOLCONDA LOOKS GOOD. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) THK (lolcnmla has now droppod Into tho category of illvldond paying miiioH, and thoro aro many others yet to 1 10 hoard from. Dovolnnmoiit work is going 011 Htoadllly throughout tho district, iirritiigomoutri aro lioing miido for tho installation of mills and all kinds of improved mining muuhliiery; the prospects of today will become tho tllviiloutl payors of tomorrow. It is hardly reasonable to suppose that a district containing Mich 1111 extensive minora! .one will stop with 11 few big mines when (hero are scores of prospects situated In the sumo vein system under process of development. THK general mining situation iu the Humpter tlistrict presents a most encouraging state of alfairs and u most prosperous outlook for tho future. From all Indications Hump ter Is just entering upon an era of unprecedented development of Its mineral resources. Capital which is always timid and reluctant to outer new Ileitis anil more so In min ing enterprises than almost any other legitimate Industries, Is steadily gaining faith In the Humpter district, and as steadily seeking Investment, There are lots of suckers who aro ready to bite at every fake mining proposition or wildcat scheme, ami on the other hand lots of over skeptical folk who categorize every legitimate mining proposition as a fake, who Invest Iu gold bricks' with the usual alacrity, but tho conservative business man with money to Invest is always willing to be shown. He knows that many of the big fortunes of tho country have liven made iu mining and as mining is yet in its infancy, others still larger are liable to he made iu tint future. He Is always willing to' investigate before passing judgment, i Investigation is just what the mine owners of this tlistrict court. If they have stock to sell they want the prospective Investor to see the property, and Iu most instances they' otfer to pay the expenses of a visit' If everything Is not just as repro-' sen tin). I thoir being referred to tho fiscal agent of the company, for such stock as they might require, a great many of those brokers have refused to deal through second bauds, but have Instituted this unceasing war upon the stock iu tho hopo of forcing tho management to placo stock dirootly In their hands for sale to thoir customers. In a great many in stances stock has been advertisod by unscrupulous brokors throughout the country at prices far Ixilow what thoy could buy tho stock for from any one. This was done with tho double purpose of bearing tho stock and forcing tho management to como to them, and of bolstering up wildcat lists iu which this stock was promi nently quoted at these cut rate prices. Third: Through some unaccount able source the Investing public has conceived tho Idea that there aro two classes of (lolcot.da stock, common and preferretl, anil that tho dividend declared upon the stock will Imj paid only upon tho preferred stock of the company. This false Information t has been very persistently circulated by those persons above referred to, who have hat u reason for bearing tho stock and it has been giveu out to the present stockholders that all of tho stock outsldo of that held by tho original purchasers of tho property has lieen issued as common stock, while all of the stock hold by the original purchasers is preferred stock, ami entitled to all of the dividend. This has hail the otfoct of causing numerous stockholders to throw their holdngs upon tho markot at prices much lower than they could have ohtaiuod had thoy taken time to investigate tho truth of these statements. There Is but one kind of stock In tho Oolconda Consolidated Uold Mines company. It is all commou stock and every share of this stock isstiod, ami of record on April 1, will participate pro rata iu an equal distribution of the illvldond. Miller cup protectors. T. fl. Harrison agent for Bilker, Grant anil Union counties. Transportation Company Changei Hindi. C. M. Kellog, of linker City, has bought out the Sumpter Transporta tion company, including nil Its stage FOR SALE M- The Half Way House Situated Three miles from Sumpter tin llouriie rmid S rooms Itur ami fixtures Safe, Cash Hegister and Furniture 20 acre let good timber all goes. Hhs cleared pnst jvar 150 per mouth. Owner goes 'into other business. FOR TKHMS J. K. MacGALLUM CO., Sumpter, Oregon MANNING & WELSH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AND INVESTMENTS We Have Some of the Choicest and Most Desirable RESIDENT AND BUSINESS PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SUMPTER FOR SALE IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING CALL ON US We Have What You Want. We Can Show You some Tip Top INVESTMENTS Where You Can Make Good Money. We Have Made Money Already for the People we Have Sold Property to. We Can do so for You. We attend to Assessment and other Work on Mining Property, and the Careful Attention to City Property for Non-Residents. We do a General Insurance Business, Including Fire, Life, Accident, Employers Liability, Health, Plate Glass and Boiler. GOOD BUSINESS CHANCES. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH MANNING a WELSH REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND INVESTMENTS P. O. Box X. Phone No. 49$. OFFICES HOTEL SUMPTER. "teLi - i-.rvri"r"Vf,sa