The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 25, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, March 25, 190
wo could rent them In no time.
"Investors aro beginning to realize
that thin in a profitable Hold, and a
good many buildingH are going up,
The J. H. MacCallum
but not onough to supply the de
mand. It Ih Hafo to guarantee a re
turn of twenty to twenty-flvo per cent
on an investment of this kind.
Whilo mining Is attracting so much
attention from outside capitalists,
thin in a proposition which should
not bo overlooked."
Well Known Group Will be
Developed in Short Time
and Later Mill Put in.
Tk) Crnckur Cradle Oolil Milling
company, rocontly organized, com
poHod liirfioly of Milwaukoo pooplo,
will IjorIu operationa in u abort
timo. Tho oompHiiy Iihh just, issued
Hh proHpootiiH. Tho capital stock in
$1,000,000, divided into 1,000,00
HhuroH, of $1 ohcIi, fully paid and
non.uHHOriMahlo or non-forfoltalilo.
Ovur half, or (100,000 Hharo.-t, of tho
captlal atook rook Into tho troaHiiry,
and can I mi iimimI only for dovoloprnout
work. Tho romaliidor of tho xtock
is hold in oaorow, and ownod by tho
formor proprlotom of tho property,
who takoK thin In payinont, aud
nwaltH dovolopiiiimt to receive tho
prolltH iih IiIh full payinont.
Tho Cracker Cradle Kroup 1h hIx
iiiIIom from tho city in tho hoart of
tho woll known Crmikor Crook dlHtrict,
mid iuoludiiH throo uIiiIiiih, tho
Dewey, tho liOHt Lodo and the Mo
lalla, all hIiowIiik ii IiIkIi tfrado of
froo milling Kold on. Tho group
Ih in tho Miimo minoral zono iw tho
North Polo, Uolcnnda, 10. & K.
Oolumhia, Cracker Oregon and othor
woll known aud valuable mlnea, and
HUppoHod to Ih a continuation of tho
mmiio vol u. It Ih about two aud one
half mlliM from tho IiIk produoliiK
iniuoH of thn district.
Tho ollloon of tho company are:
Dr. C. C. Woutworth, of Milwaukee,
proHldout; Dr. K. K. Wiudlo, of
Milwaukoit, vIco-proHldont; W. 8.
Peek, of Mllwaukoo, Hocrotary; W.
11. Colhuru, of Milwaukee, treas
urer; J, J. Hon lawny, of Suuipter,
Kouoral manager. Mr. Hotiuoiwy Ih
woll known In the city and throughout
tho dlatrlut an an ofUolotit mliiluK
engineer and initio Huporiutoiulout.
It waa hi who located the colobratod
Noblo Kive in llrltlHh Columbia.
Dovoloprnout operations, It Ih
undorntood, aro to Im pushed, aud
tho (lompauy will lator erect itn own
plant ami treat tho oro at tho mliio.
F. L. Brown to Have Charge
of Laboratory for Smelter
Great Scarcity of Dwellings and
Business Property.
F. L. Drown, formerly assistant
Htiporlntondeut of tho Tacoma smelter,
will have charge of tho laboratory
aud analytical work for tho Orogou
Smoltor aud Holloing company. Mr.
Ilrowu will arrive in Sumpter the
liiHt of thU week or tho first o next
Work at tho Htnolter is progroHsing
vory satisfactorily. Tho hot blast stovo
will bo complotod this week, and tho
last shipment of machinery Is ox
pocotod to arrivo in a fow days,
probably tho last of tho wook. Tho
company Ih how ready to purchaso
base bullion, amalgam, zinc h! linos
aud placor gold. Thoso may be loft
at tho Krst Natlnal bank, whoro thoy
will bo receipted for aud turned
over to tho company.
Help Build Up Ttu West.
Thu low rates frum tho east to the
west and the northwest, Febuary 15 to
April 30, will undoubtedly bring out
thousands ot settlors. Where they will
go is largely a question of inducement.
If you are interested in securing any
eastern jmople for your section of the
west, send their names and addresses
to the undersigned. All the facts
and figures about the trip will
lie promptly sent them. II. 8.
Howe, General Agent, Chicago, Mil
waukee A Ht. Paul Railway, 134 Third
Street, Portland, Ore.
Tho real estate situation continue
to Improve, and there is every iudi
cation tlmt Similiter is soon to see
great activity in the way of buildings'
for business ami residence purposes.
The real estate II nil of Mauulug
Welsh, which is lit touch with con
ditions, has tho following to say:
"Ileal estate Is exceedingly active
for this time of year, aud it is daily
improving. This is fully warranted
by tho fact that there is a heavy in
flux of now citizens, occasioning a
tremendous demand for dwellings
aud business property. Wo have
listed thirty odd names of persons
who iles ire to rent houses, and bo
aides this wo aro daily turning away
from ten to twelve applicants. We
are also constantly receiving inquir
ies from outside people aUiut prop
erty to rout. There is not an unoc
cupied residence or store In tho city
today. If we had fifty residences
1 Tfc Jwhoc
All Boys when once they
wear the above shoes want
ihem again.
See our new stock of
for 5-'.so, Sj.o and $5.00
Offices: Neill Mercantile Co. Bldg.
Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms
I have just renovated my tonsorial
shaving parlors, and at a great
expense placed a compressed air
plant in my shop :::::::::
Is one of the latest modern con
veniences of an up-to-date barber
shop. It imparts a refreshed feel
ing and healthy glow to the skin.
No extra charge. Give us your pat
ronage and assure us of your
appreciation of our up-to-date,
Twentieth Century methods.
Face Massage : :
Two Doors West of First National Bank
The Oregon Smelting and Refining Company is now ready to purchase
Base Bullion, Amalgam, Zinc Slimes, and Placer Gold. If more conven
ient those may be delivered at the First National Bank of Sumpter, which
will receipt (or the same, jt j Jt Jt j Your business is solicited.