The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 25, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
NO. 29.
Crosscut Has Entered Vein Some Ten Feet
Without Any Sign of Encountering Op
posite Wall Development Work
Being Pushed.
Ad intimated in THE MINER
an issue or so back, the ledge on the
Glasgow property, owned by the
Highland Gold Mines company, Neil
J. Sorensen A Company, financial
agents, has been struck, making a
good showing of high grade ore.
The crosscut has now entered the
rein some ten or twelve feet, expos
ing a fine ore body. The opposite
wall has not yet been encountered,
and indications are that there will
be mauy feet to go before it will.
The surface exposures Indicate a
rein anywhere from ten to forty feet.
Samples show n good quality of
milling ore, practically the same as
found in the North Polo, Columbia,
E. & E., tbo miuo being located
in tho same mother lodo system.
The company, however, is making no
definite announcements in this
particular. It states that it prefers
to wait until the lodge is thoroughly
orosscuttod before making this in
formation public.
Tho highest grade ore has hereto
fore beou fouud on the hauging wall
of tbo voiu. Tho values tihown in
ores from tho foot wall in tho
Glasgow crosscut are much higher,
however, thau on tho surface or upper
workings, showing uumistakeably
that they Increase with dopth.
On this ledgo drifts can be run in
either direction. By drifting to the
west a depth of 700 feet can be
attained, while to the east a fair
depth may also bo reached. The
drift to the oast will tap at different
depths several known ore shoots
which hare been discovered in tho
levels abovo and on tho surface
The approximate depth of 700 foot
which will be obtained by tho western
drift cau bo easily stoned through
tbo present level.
Tho Highland company owns
twolvo claims, of which tho Glasgow
is ouo, all situated in tho Hock Crook
district on tho famous mother lodo
system, which ompbraccx somo of tho
biggest paying miues in tho district.
Development work is progressing
rapidly. A largo force of men is
employed and this will bo increased
from time to timo as tho Interests of
tho company demand.
Preseut developments Indicate that
tho Highland group is among tho gilt
edged propositions of this funious
district, and thut the present opera
tions being carried rapidly forward
will soon verify IIiIh statement.
In Good Ore at the Magnolia.
E. Sandersou Smith and Roy H.
Miller were out to the Magnolia a
day or two since,. They report
that tho tunnel on tho Ajax claim
has boon driven through tho hard
quartzito formation, in which only
four inches wero made by each shift.
This strata was about fifteen feet
wide. Tho face of the tunnol is in
good ore and water is flowing from
tho ledge in a largo stream; ulways
a good sigu. The roads are already
iu bad coudition, both wheels aud
ruuners being ueeded to make the
trip to the mine.
Listen Lake Force to Be Increased.
J. Win Wilson, manager of the
Listen Lake company, returned
Monday from taking a load of
provisions to tho company's property.
Operations, ho says, are progressing
well, and tho forco of men is to lie
increased soon.
Work at Baby McKce.
L. G. Lilley, secretary and general
manager of tho HabyMcKeo, returned
from tho property yesterday. The
company has a lurgo forco at work,
and development operations aro well
tiuder way. Tho outcrop shows an
oro body of over fifty feet.
Mrs. Hurt Entertains.
Mrs. Joseph Garland Hurt gavo a
chewing party Wednesday afternoon
iu houor of her sister-in-law, Miss
Judith Hurt, of Indianapolis. Mrs.
Otto Herlockerand Miss Hello Caldor
won prizes. Tho guests were highly
entertained by songs from Miss
Spaulding aud Mrs. C. F. Kear,
and recitations from MUa Hurt.
Delicious refreshment were served.
Concentrates Running More Than 100
Per Cent Better Than Ever Before.
James A. Howard, secretary and
actlug superintendent of tho Golconda
returned, from tho mine yesterday
and reports that all the faces of tho
drifts in which high grado oro whs
recently struck aro still making a
good showing. The Golconda is now
cutting through tho rock breaker
sororal hundred sacks of probably
as high grado oro as was erer shipped
from this camp. A shipment of
several car loads will bo mado within
tho next two weeks.
The mill is doing better than at
any time during its history, tinder
this or any othor management, aud
tho concentrates aro running more
than 100 per cont bettor than thoso
at any timo prior In the operatlou
of this property.
Assays Show Remarkable Ores With
Averages from $300 to (400 a Ton.
President O. C. Wright, of the
liluo lllrd, returned from a visit to
tho proproty this morning. He
reports that from nvorugo assays
recently mado tho oro iu tho present
workings shows n value from $.'100
to $400. A sample of oro from
this mine assayed at tho, lied Hoy
yesterday showed tho remarkable
valuo of 91,(118.80.
With tho six-drill compressor and
othor machinery recently Installed,
tho company is prepared to carry
forward operations on a large scale.
Gold Bug GrUxly to Start Work.
Tho Gold Hug Grizzloy, embracing
teu claims in the Ilmx district, of
which eastern people secured control
last full, is to begin development
operations in a short timo, putting
on a large force of men. This
property joins tho Ibex on the west
aud glvoH every evidence of a good
proposition. J. J. Hennessy, general
manager, is making preparations to
start work with tho opening up of
spring. .
Visit the Highland.
Neil J. Sorensen and J. r Shol
ton, of Noll J. Sorensen & Co., loft
yesterday for the Highland property,
and will return tho last of the week.
Their visit to tho property is
understood to 1ms in connection with
the recent striko at the Glusgow.
Dr. Greenlee, dentist, over Ilasche
Hardware store.
Eighty Hone Power Boiler, Compressor,
Pump and Hoist to be Installed Mill
and Cyanide Plant Will be Put la
Next Fall Immense Ledge With Good
V. P. Schultz, of Milwaukee,
president of the Old Abe, In tho
Mlnorsrillo district, is In tho city
making urrar.pmo',.'H to install
machinery at the inlue In it short timo.
Two elghty-hr rse 'owt r boilers, a
six-drill compressor, a doublo cylin
der, 0x14 holstnnd a No. 11 Cameron
sinking pump with a capacity of 350
gallons a minute aro to be put in.
This machinery has all been con
tracted for aud will bo shipped asj
soon as president Schultz returns to
Milwaukee, which will bo iu a fow
days. In addition to this tho
company proposes (o Install a mill
and cyanide plant iu the fall capable
of taking care of at least '!()( tons of
ore a day.
The property presents a promising
outlook. The company has now (100
feet of development work, more than
enough to establish the character of
the ore and the permanency of tho
mine. It has a wonderfully largo
body. CroM-cutting has now advanced
10ft feet and Is still in ledge matter.
Average t-amplcs usuiy $.'1.81.
According In Professor W. fi.
Kbermau, the oro contains neither
cholcopyrlte or galena, thus making it
an ideal cyanide proposition. With
the modern machinery which the
company proposes putting in, the oro
can lie mined mid milled for less
than $1 a ton.
President Schultz will leave for
the east In a few days, and complete
the shipment of machinery at once.
Fire Limit Ordinance.
The J. II. MacCallum company,
agent for the Traders' luMiranco
company of Chicago, Is In receipt
of u communication from tho San
Francisco managers of the concern,
stating thut If the propond Hie limit
ordinance for Sumpter will take
iu the principal streets on which
general business is transacted,
better lire rates will be granted from
time to time.
Broke Her Leg.
Mrs. J. II. llrowu slipped on h
stunting hoard yesterday, breaking
both bones of her left leg below tho
knee. Drs. 1 1 rock and Vose attended
and reduced the fracture.