The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 18, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, March 18, 1903
Forest Mining Company
0) I
i sL Lock
Your attention is called to the fact that this stock was placed on
the market at 10 cents per share.
It is now 1 5 cents per share.
We will further inform you that the Storm King Group is pro
ducing richer ore as the work progresses, so it will be only a short
time till the price will again be raised.
We do not need very much money to place the mines on a
self-sustaining basis; so do not delay, buy now before the next
Come and see our mines; then you will realize the importance
of grasping the opportunity we now offer to you.
Write for Reports and Prospectus of this great group of mines.
...Advance Mining Co...
Box F
Sumpter, Oregon
Forest Mining Company
Prominent Mining Men of
Lowell, Massachusetts, Note
Wonderful Development.
K. A. Kinlth, president of the
Miumimth, and O. A. Curt or, also
Interested In this property, of Low
ell, Massachusetts, woro In tho city
hint week mill made it trip to tho
mine. Whllo declining to talk re
garding their mining proposition,
lioth. gentlemen Imil iiiih'Ii to say
ill milt tliu growth mill improvement
of Kumpter. President Smith Mild:
"Hh lieon iiliout ii yi'iir since I was
In .Siiiupttr, mill I nolo a oulirful
development along all linos during
t lilt tlmo. Kvcrythlng Is moving,
not only tlio mining Industry, Imt
business gcuoiully. It's a live class
of cttlcus Siniiptir Ih getting."
"J ciiii go yon several hotter,"
Joined In Mr, I'm tor. "Ms I icon two
years since I was In Kumpter, anil
my surprise Ih oven greater since
inoio change Iiiih tukon place in this
tlmo, Kmnptor Ik up-to-date In al
liuont everything Ono of tlio most
ugrccahlo Improvements to tlio ho
jourucr Ih tlio imurovemout in tlio
hotel service. Ono sees tlio suhstau
tint evidence of progress on every
IiuiiiI, ami It Ih Nifo to prod lot that
tlio ftituro has still moro wondoful
things in ntoro for tlio camp"
Doth gentlemen left for California
ami Arizona, whoro thoy aro also
llnaiu'lally interested together.
J. Mlchacb, of the Crackftr Jack, Tcllt
Amusing Story.
,1. Michaels, of Minneapolis, presi
dent of tlio Tiirniigalu Arm and
Cruokor .laok Mining companies, tolls
tlio following story, tlio truth of
which ho solemnly voiiuIioh fer:
"Thoro aro two littlo hoys of my
acquaintance In Mlnnoapolis who aro
fast frlonds. Ono Ih a Jow and the
other a Christ Ian. Ono day while
thoy woro playing together, tlio
littlo Christian suddenly stopped and,
looking up, asked the other In all
seriousness, 'Why can't you bo a
Christian? I wish you would bo
one. '
" 'I'll toll you why,' returned tlio
littlo Hebrew, 'I bollovo God can run
thing's himself, and I dont think He
needs any help.'
"The littlo Christian thought a
moment, for ho seemed to bo up
against a pretty hard proposition,
but ho came back all right. Ho said,
'Coil's a mighty old man, and He's
had a heap to do In His time, ami its
nothing but right that Ho should
have help.'
"The littlo llebiow agreed that It
was a plausible theory, and tlio two
continued their play."
Directors Hold Meeting and
Take Active Steps Toward
Pushing Work.
Quicksilver Output.
The annual tiuicksllvor produo
tlnon of Spain is 50,000 Husks,
United States 110.000, Russia '20,000,
and Mexico 5000. During the last
tlfty yours Mexico has exported
10,000 Husks a your at prices vary lug
from t"'i to $15 a tlaskof 72 pounds.
Miller cap protectors. T. G. Harrison
agent for linker, Grant and Union
The directors of tho Listen Lake
Gold Milling company mot Friday
afternoon lu tlio otllco of tho com
puny iu this city ami oloctod tho
following elllcers:
W. II. Gleuson, president; J. Win.
Wilson, vice-president; 1 O. Ruck
uum, secretary and treasurer; J. Wiu.
Wilson, manager. The otllcors aro
all residents of Sumpter.
Tho properties of tho company
consist of the Listen Lake group at
tho head of tho North Powder and
the Copper Dyke group at tho head
of tho MoXamco. lioth aro copper
propositions, carrying substantial
values in gold and silver. Tho latter
is regarded as ono of the best and
richest copper showings in tho dis
trict' Arrangements have been made
and funds secured for installing
machinery on tho proporty and push
ing development work us soon us tho
season opous up. The management
states that it will bo ready to ship
ore as soon us tho roads aro in con
dition and tho weather will pernit.
Vclnt on Railroad Property.
Should a vein of valuable mineral
Iw discovered on railroad land, tho
tlrst step is to ascertiau if tho
railroad have a patent to tho land.
If thoy have, tho proper course Ih to
buy it from tho railroad company.
If thoy havo not patented it, tho laud
Is subject to location. If u portion
of tho rein is on government laud
and a portion on railroad laud, and
tho land is patented, by posting a
notico of discovery at sonio point ou
tho vein whoro it appears ou tho gov
ernment laud tho locator is entitled
to all that portion of tho vein lying
without the railroad grant, both on
tho surfaco and iu depth. Whoa
tho railroad or tho ugricultual claim
ant obtains a patent to land, tho pat
out guarantees to tho holder thereof
not ouly tho Biifuco of the laud,
but also all lying beneath it to the
center of tho earth, but these rights
aro bounded by planes drawn vertic
ally downward through tho bouaudary
lines, and tho locator of a rein ou
government laud outside tho railroad
or agricultural put out may work all
of tho vein excepting tho portion
included within tho vortical planes
established by tho boundaries of tho
railroad or agricultural laud. Min
ing and Scioutitlo Press.
Department of tho Intorlor,
United States Laud Otllco,
Lu Grundo , Oro., Feb., 9, 1903.
Notico is horoby given That the
ottlcial plats of tho surveys of Town
ships Nos. 7 S. R. 47 E.; 7 S. R.
18 E. ; uud US. R. 48 E., have boon
received at this otllco aud the same
will lie tiled of record iu this office
on Wednesday, tho 15th day of
April, 190!), aud that ou and after
that duto this otllco will bo prepared
to receive applications for the entry
of lauds in wild townships.
E. W. HARTLETT, Register.
S. O. SWACKHAMER, Receiver.
Use Giant powder, (use and cape.