Wednesday, March n, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER $.m WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE SECOND ALLOTMENT OF 100,000 SHARES AT SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE. The first allotment of 100,000 shares was disposed of at ilx cents oer share, mostly Jby telegram, and in order to allow those whose (inn lilul 1( iml if 1y tleSOth of Feb ruary on account of delayed malls and blockaded trains, an opportunity to secure : HLAND GOLD STOCK At the BEDROCK price of Six cents per Share, we have placed the second allotment on the. market at the same price. 'HIS is a ground floor offer, and an opportunity to invest your savings in a gold mine with a brilliant future, one which will, without doubt, after a course of systematic develonmont. rank as one of the lamest mild tiroducers and divi dend payers in the Sumpter gold fields. i LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Highland Gold Nines Company owns twelve quartx claims (240 acres) in the heart of the famous Sumpter District of Eastern Oregon, and located on the same belt as tho world-renowned North Pole, the Columbia, the Golconda, and the B, V E. Nines to the west, and the Balsley-Elkhorn and other large producers to the east, the great Chloride mine lying to the north of tho Highland Group. This wonderful belt or zone, after passing through the mines to the west, strikes tho Highland ground and runs through it for a distance of 3500 feet. The vein or ledge has been thoroughly prospected and pay-ore 1ms been uncovered the wholo distance, in fact, the the Longest and Most Continuous Pay Shoot or Ore Body aver Dis covered In the Sumpter District is found in the Highland ground. SEND FOR OUR PROSPECTUS From our prospectus you can learn all about our enterprise. It is a good one, safe and certain. We recommend it to our moBt conservative clients. FREE TRIP TO THE MINES To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum in the Highland we will pay all traveling expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his making a personal Investi gation. We have a good mine and we are not afraid to show it. Mining men and experts of known ability who have visited the Highland are all unanimous in saying that the Highland will make a large mine and a good producer. In inviting you to purchase stock in the Highland we do so with the end in view of securing you as a permanent customer and client, believing that by fair and honest treatment only can we retain the confidence of investors. SECOND ALLOTMENT IS NOW OFFERED AT 6 CENTS PER SHARE 30 will buy 500 shares; IGO will buy 1000 shares; (300 will buy 6000 shares. No discount on large orders. THIS 18 POSITIVELY THE LAST BLOCK OF THIS STOCK THAT WILL BE SOLD AT SUCH AN EXTREMELY LOW FIGURE Do not delay your orders. WIRK US AT OUR EXPENSE, stating tho number of shares you wish set aside. Then remit by letter, (using the application blank below.) By tliis means you will be reasonably certain of securing the stock while at the BEDROCK price of six cents per share. We refer you to any bank, business house, or to any substantial citizen in the com munity in which we live. Send money order, check or draft at your earliest convenience. For Further Particulars Apply to J j jt J J J NEIL J. SORENSEN & COMPANY FINANCIAL AGENTS SUMPTER, OREGON GOOD AGENTS WANTED. MUST GIVE REFERENCES. To NEIL J. SORENSEN & CO., Sumpter, Orejor. 100.... GENTLEMEN: I hereby make application te the HIGHLAND GOLD MINKS COMPANY, of Sumpter, Oregon, through yourselves, (or ( ) Shares at per share. I agree to accept allotment In case of over-subscription. The purchase involves NO PERSONAL LIABILITY as the stock is FULL PAID, NONASSESSABLE and NON FORFEITABLE. PAR VALUE OF SHARES $1.00 EACH. N'"' Enclosed herewith you will find f in payment for the above subscription. P. O. AddresH. J