I i . THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, February 2$, 1903 UNPRECEDENTED SALE OF HIGHLAND undeveloped property district I11 tho stato. In tho best First Allotment of 100,000 Shares Largely Over Subscribed. Probably thoro uovor was a min ing company In eastern Oregon with equally brilliant financial huccchh as that which attendod tho flotation of tho Highland . Of eourso, to Noil 7. Borouaeu it Co. la duo tho credit for this. Tho huad of tho firm, which boara his name, Otto Herlockor and Frank Sholton havo all worked IntoiliKonUy and uultodly and do nerve tho aticoosa which has crownod tholr offorta. Naturally, tho roputa tlon which tho firm haa won by Mltiaro doalingH In tho past waa tho predominating reason for such a pro- nouncod atiucoss. Noll J. Sorouson A: Co. havo Hold mining stock to hundreds of people throughout tho country, Hold It on tho uiorltri of tho property without false ropruHontatinti, and havo made money for their cuh tomerH. These people are therefore, at I II their cuHtnmoi'H and are ever willing lo rink their money on the judgment and intelligence and hon esty of tho firm. TIiIh is why I lie flrnl allotmuut of 100,0(1(1 HhuroHor Hlghliiud stoek, which It had been announced would be ready for delivery February 'JO, Iiiih been very largely over HurhcllHd. Do.oiih of ((degraiiiH have lawn re ceived dally hIiico this announcement wan Hrst made In TIIK MINKU, or dering ntock reserve! for the senders; while tho mailH have brought these onlei-H by tho hundreds. Numerous M IN Hit suhxcrl Iters merely tho order coupon which was printed In the advertisement, tilled it out and houI it along with a draft, mi accoiitpauletl by another written word. Owing, however, to the recent hiiiiw Idockades on all the traiiHCouti ueutal roadH ami tho consequent delay In tho iiuiIIh, ninny or the lettera did not reach here in time to participate in tho allotment on tho twentieth. Some of these were from old custom ers, who have invented their money 11 every enterprise that the linn ha promoted and, of course, they must U let in on ground Hour prices. In order to take care of these old frloudH and to make new ouch, Her eupon & Co. have decided to let go of another ? 100,000 shares of Highland al the original price of six ceutrt hhare. TIiIh will leave a few thouaud Hhitren left after tilling all order re volved to date and those who wIhIi to buy at thin price Will have lo act promptly, for thin second allotment will Hiiroly noon lie c. haunted and then Highland ntock will Ik ad vanced, It Ih M'arcely necessary to repeat here what ban been nald and written no often Itoforo; that tho Highland, formerly known aw the Knitpp or liauuock Hum property, Ih consid ered one of tho mont valuable groups of mines in tho lllue mouutatun, by the lest posted mining men in tho tttato. Largo bodies of high grade ore am already uncovered and there Ih 110 doubt but what a great, gold producing, dividend paying mine will lai added to tho already long lint emitted to eastern Oregon. Mr. Borousou nayn that the reason why tho public In buying no heavily in tho Highland In that it is tho best Rock Lousy With Gold. Ono of tho most promising mining proiortlos at Quartzburg is tho Gold en Rulo quartz mining claim, about ono milo south of tho Copper King, of tho Standard Mining company's group, ownod by Redmond Joyce, who haa sunk throo 10-foot shafts and an open cut sixty foot long to ex pose tho lode, showing that It Is a contact voln thirty-olght feet wide from wall to wall. The walls are porphory and granite. Mr. Joyce oxhibited a spoclmou from thia prop orvy In which can bo plainly soon gold In fact ltis smply lousy with gold. It is in a formation of blue quartz, carrying hoavy sulphides, and assays for tho whole width of tho lodo 1103.47 in gold. Assays woro taken by Prlco & Sons, mint assayors of San Francisco. Thoro is no (loum nut what thoro aro numer ous othor lodos of tho samo kind in thlH mining district. Tho Golden Rule claim Ih a blind lodo and re- qulroH a lot of prospecting to find out ltn form. Pralrio City Minor. fft-f Victor Mining Co. J THE FIRST BLOCK OP TREASURY STOCK IS NOW ON THE MARKET LOCATED IN THE RED BOY DISTRICT Found the Ledge, Twelve Yean Work, For twelve years tho owners of tho Strausburg initio havo boon tunneling In search of a largo body of ore known to exist in their ground. Tho work has not boon carried on contin ually for that length of time, but there has been a largo mini of money expended in running tunnol during tho twelve years. In what is known as the old workings about III yearn agon quantity of rich ore was taken from the Stranburg, and work has lioou carried on since to find thin oro in a lower level. Lant week L. Stelnmetzer, who ban a contract In tho oroHHCiit cut Into the lodge tore off and has since shown eight feet of ore that carries good values, and the Stranburg will noon have a place in tho ranks of Oregon inlncn to which it is entitled. Granite (Jem. THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN WORKED ON FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS VALUES RUN FROM $50 TO $300 PER TON IN GOLD AND SILVER Only tho oest brands ol liquors and cigars at Dunphy's "The Club." NEW TODAY Staowofc TMueittbbon I Shoes 1 TSfc Jwhoc If v m T ' Trri f 1 2ftV FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS G. M. Rockwell 8c Co. 701-702 Herman BIdg. Milwaukee, Wis. WM. H. TIBBALS, President. SEYMOUR H, BELL, Manager. All Boys when once they wear the above shoes want them again. See our new stock of MEN'S SHOES for jjL'.jo, $).$o and $5.00 HOBSON MERCANTILE CO. WHEELER&S. BANKERS 32 Broadway, Naw York FISCAL AGENTS FOR BLUE BIRD MINING CO. AND VALLEY QUEEN MINING CO. 1 Write for Prospectus. Mention No. GO and wo will send you n copy of "OREGON'S RESOURCES," an illustrated pamphlet on Ore gon's famous gold mines, mid u three months trial subscription to the NORTH AMERICAN MINER IF YOU WISH TO iiliSfvEST 'Si' rdSSg : Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, Prospict that is "tho Making of a Mine," or ono that is already made, write mo what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON A !