1 lo THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday. February 2$, 190$ to 1 1 V r WHY STOCK IS SOLD. There is Not Sufficient Local Capital to Develop. To many pooplo II 1h hard to un dorHtand why it 1h nooonnury to offer for Halo nlmron of any good mining propponltion. Thoy huoiii to think that local capital nliould golililo up ami control all tho goob Investments In night, ami Iiociiiiho thin Isn't done, thoy Hcoin to fool that tho lnvoHtinont is not uk good aH It should ho. That thlH Idoii In ontlroly wroiiK a fow mlnntoH' thought will convince alinoMt any ono who In opou to convic tion. Knowing what an oxpoiiHlvo opnrntion it Irt to develop a ml no prop, orly It sooms nocoHnary to count tho iiuihIht of minon in a country to real lo that inilllotiH of hollars aro IiivohIoiI horo in dovolopmoiit work and It will not tako long to arrive at tho coiicIuhIoii that thoro Ih not local capital otioiigh to furnlHh moro than a very nmiill part of thin Hum. It liocnmort micdnnary, thoro foio, to attract and iutorcnt capital from olhor pliicon, for wliich purpono Htock or shares aro Hold. Nor Ih thin mode of operation con lined to mining invent inmitn only. Wo llud tho Hamo thing done in rail road I iik, in tho indiiHtrialH, In fact, in all liiiHliioMHort whoro it in nocoHHary to 111 1 ho capital in ordor to aocom PIIhIi certain ronuln. A man would Imi considered ex treinely foollHh if ho assorted that tho nharoH ami bonds of our largo rail road companies or oven our govern ment liomls Hhould lie looked upon with HUHplclon Ihcuuho they are of fered for Halo to the public at largo. Vet those IioikIh ami shares aro sold In onler to ra I ho money to iiccoiupllHh I certain oIiJocIh. Take, for example, hoiiio of tho big railroadH, liko tho Santa Fee and Union I'aclllc, which are issuing inillloiiH of dollars worth of IioikIh to ralne the amount of money ueceHHiiry to equip their engines With oil liiiriierri. TIioho IioikIh aro bought all over tho world, yet no ouu would daro nay that tho invent ment was 11 HiiHpicloiiH 0110 liecaiiHo local capital did not tako tho whole iHHiie. The United StatoH Hteel TriiHt at I(h conception ottered its ntock to tho general puliliu ami tho general pub lic all over the world subscribed for It. . The Russlau government caiuo hero to ralno 51), 0000, 00, yet it would hcciii that thoro Ih siitllcloiit wealth in ItiiHHin to tako up mich an uinouiit locally. It iiuiHt lie remembered that local capital Iiiih a good many ciiIIh upon it, and no man caroH to put all ho ponHcHHCH lii one thing. Ho llguros that money well scattotod Ih well pro tected ami ho Ih perfectly right. Agood IiuhIiioks man will oxumlue dltfereiit iiiveHtmeutrt lieforo Invent ing a dollar; then, If he Ih well liu-pt-CHHcd, ho will buy ntock in tho different ones, always renewing a few dollarn for hoiiio other good proponl tion that Ih bound to coiuo ulong. An inventor nhould not, therefore, jump to the conclunion thut because ho ho tho opportunity oirorwl him of lu venting in a good mine, tho propo sition it of no value nlmply tiocuuse local capital has not yet taken it up. Ou the contrary, if hlH investigation U satisfactory, ho nhould loso no time lu thanking tho one who gave him the opportunity. Exchauge. Mill Purchased lor Jay Gouli. Word, has been received from Cyrua Uradley, of Spokane, that the ten- Htamp mill for tho Jay Uould mine ban been secured ami that it will noon bo whipped and net up on tho prop erty. Tho Jay (Jould Ih located on Gimlet creek, about ten milon west erly from Siimptor. Uradloy, Hart maii and TIioiiihh aro tho ownorn. Mr. llradley Ih now lu Now York, where he completed iirrngeinentH for all ueceHHiiry machinery. Mr. Thomas Ih In charge of tho property. Over' 2000 feet of work Iiiih been done and largo fJuantltioH of ore, of a paying' grude, Ih developed ready for the mill. THE BEST PAYING INVESTMENT. Gold Mines it the Safest Returns'. for Profitable After ii loiigdinnortatioii onothor. Industries, the Journal for Investors, linn thin to nay regarding the Industry of mining for geld: Withuot proving it, It would nound Irrational to nay that u mining enter prlHO Ih the liost paying proponitiou on earth, provided the right condi tions were observed in developing that property. In tho oant ami middle west, we don't appreciate the font and troublo in developing a mine. Wo may vnlt a mining country. Wo nee tho mills and other huildiiigH. Hut those aro only symptoms. Down lu tho earth Ih tho real work' and there, too, in tho real wealth. It taken hard work. It takes patient endeavors to push work of thin kind. Hut mineral wealth Ih more tangi ble than laud. It governs trade. That Ih especially true of gold. It Ih the medium whereby all olno niato rlal Ih judged. There Ih something worth thinking of there. The railroad, the store, tho factory, tho nteamnhlp Hue exist for one thing that thing iHgold. Tho great linen ami the nmall men of fluniico aro in IiuhIiichh for but one thing gold. An enterprise designed to produce gold, then, can alford to pay more for invented capital than can any other enterprise iu existence. Invented capital Ih the co-oporatiou on tho part of the Inventor and tho enterprino lu which it Ih Invnted. It Ih just that snmo spirit that mnkes governments possible. It Ih tho greatest principle in the world. It Ih tempered. Iu dllferent thlngn it Ih varied. Iu gold mining it Ih exemplified iu its hlghent form. Ieave your measure for a suit of clothes at Neill Mercantile company's. Stocks Bonds Mortgages County City and School Warrants All tho Standard Mining Stocks Bought nod Sold. 1miiH on Good Stocks. IiiveatmmiU made for Non-resident jsjMjMjt Bank References Upon Application jt jjljijijtj Seymour H. Bell 8UMPTER, OREGON P. O. Drawer W Phono Main 181 Cede: Bedford McNeil GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays $2.00 for One Year in advance will be given an assay for gold and silver free. These assays will be made by ROBBINS & ROBBINS Whose reputation-as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest. GRIZZLY STOCK... 20,000 Shares at less than ground floor price. You can have it for 2 j cents in ono lump, or 3 cents in broken lots. EST SI IUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. w. r. nuiaisoN 1 I. II. JONES BURLISON & JONES P. 0. OREGON Box 232 REAL ESTATE AND MINING BROKERS GILT EDGE STOCKS A SPECIALTY AND SAFE MINING INVESTMENTS PINC LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD SUMPTER, OREGON m&n wmjs jk. .i j i ' 'ir. RIO GRAND THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lcadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all points East. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERS' DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. Mining Blanks Quart and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discovery Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j &i FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER