THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, February 18, 190$ 4 1 r THIS IS THE METAL AGE. AND INVESTMENTS MADE MINES OF MERIT PAY. IN Comparisons Drawn Between Mining and Other Branches of Business There are no More Fakes in Mining Than in Other Vocations Considered by Many as Much More Legitimate, This Ih pre-eminently h metal age. It must become more and more ho, during the present century. Tlien, too, tliu improvements In machinery and in the methods of mine development nmko mining prolltnlilu today where even tun yunrH ago it would liuvu been an abso lute failure. Some of the greatest dividend payers on til Ih continent are riinniiiK on ore that Ih worth only from fli to 0 a ton. In fact, tlio success of a mine, ho far uh dividends are concerned, does not do M3iul iiH)ii the richness of the ore nearly no much uh it does upon Intelligence, economy, the use of the moHt improved machinery and the possession of an un limited quantity of low grade rook. Then, and this has probably been tho direct ruHiilt of tho increasing demand for tlui output of tlui mines and greater facility in thoshapc of Improved machin ery for mining, there Iiiih lieon n largo increase in tho discovery of metal IniiiUH during tlio paHt few yearH. Tim Klondike and Noino discoveries are but tho licglnnlng of a wonderful career for tho territory of Alaska. No onitcan ever drvaiu how viimI aro tho re sources of that hitherto seemingly bar- reu and worthless tract of froxen earth. I Nearly 100,000,000 or 1KX) tons of gold have been taken out of that region dur ing the past four years, and the work of discovery and of development have only begun. Alaska has probably twenty, thirty, llfty, or osslbly more, Kloudikes and Nomes. The young man asks, in glancing about in search of a profitable Held for his abilities and ambitious, what aro the chalices of success In mining? it would scum good enough to say, they are as good as they would bo in any other lines of industry ; but in reality they aro vastly better. Tho representative of one of tho great commercial agencies of America, said recently, in speaking of mining as a business, as compared with other lines of industry: "Tlio lieamy of mining is that there are fewer failures in it than there are in any other lino of business in America." Only two xr cent of the men who enter biiHlness succeed J ninety eight Kr cent of them fail. This Is not true of the mining indus try. There aro comparatively (uw abso lute failures in the ocratinn of real mining companies. I.ast year there was lnl in banking :iA,btH),tXH), or more than has been lost in mining in the past twenty-live years. Success anywhere is only won by hard work and intelligence. There may bo such a thing as luck. There are cases where it bcoius as though individuals have stumbled by chance upon vast wealth. Possibly the world of mining affords more illustra tions of such seeming chance than any other business, and yet there is not nearly as much of this element of chance iu the search for gold, silver and other precious metals as many eople seeiu to imagine. Usually it is pluck, patience and in telligence that makes mining pay. Some of the best mines in America to- day were, in the earliest stages, very unpromising, and some of them were condemned uh worthier by practically every mining expert and engineer who examined them. They have been made great by tho intelligent persistence of noino ono indi vidual, or Home group of men who had faith in the enterprise and grit enough to stick to it. Ono mine that could not bo bought today for 10,000,000 was sold by itH original owner for f 12.60 and tho IHireon who had paid tlio fll-'.WJ was ridiculed for throwing away IiIb money. Hut it Ih wild that there aro ho many fakcH in mining that conservative busi ness men hold aloof from it. There aro fakoH in making, but in what lino of business aro there not? Probably the greatest fake of all ages is tho average modern triiHt. A mine that is only worth f 100,000 and is capitalized at 5,000,000 inn fake. A trust, tho business of which is only worth 1,000,000, while it is capitalized at &0,000,000, is a fake. There aro many of each of such fakes in existence. There is the fake element somutinies in banking. An instance is called in a bank in a new western state that on n certain day closed Its doors. When the hooks wore examined it was found that the liabilities amounted to 180,000; the assets consisted of one section of worthless land on which there was a mortgage of 1 ,800, or more than double what tho land brought when It was sold. The bank was a fako, but it would not bo fair to say that the banking business is not a legitimate business. Tho facts aro that most bankers are honest, intelligent, conservative busi ness men who desire to conduct their business In an honest anil business-like way. If a man purchase stock in a mining company without making any investigation whatever of tho standing of tho company, of tho prosccts of tho property held, tho methods pursued, and of tho intelligence and character of tho men at the head of tho enterprise, ho has only himself to blame if he is not successful. Kxchange. NEW STYLE OF STAMP MILL. Parker Rotary Stamps Have Been Erected on the Virginia Mine. V. Fishbiirn, who installed tho Par ker Rotary stamp mill on the Virginia mine in tlio Greenhorns, has returned to Seattle. The trial run is said to have been highly satisfactory. This is the tirst mill of tho kind erected in eastern Oregon, and its 0er ation will Ihj marked with interest. Ilesides crushing tho ore by dropping, a cog arrangement causes the stamp to turn about three-fourths of the way around, thus grinding the ore between tho shoo and die. REDUCED RATES FROM THE EAST Commencing February 15 and con tinuing until April :S0, there will be low rates from the east via the Illinois Cen tral railroad to all Washington, Oregon and Idaho siluts. If any of your friends or relatives in the east are coming west whilo these rates are in effect, give us their name and addresB, and we will make it our business to see that they are given the best Hslblo service. We oerate through Hrsonally conducted excursion cars, and iu fact give you the henetit of tho latest conveniences known to modern railroading. We have tiiteen djfferent routes between the east and the west, and are iu position to give you the benotlt of tho best combinations. Vrite us and we will give you full ar- ticulars. It. II. Tkdmbcll, -v Com'l Agent III. Cent. Railroad. 142 Third Street, Portland, Ore. ...J. W. C0WDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 355225255 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or. IBHB SBMtBsWaBBeBBWlBBiBkStLWaLkAiLWiBLWtHft I J SOLID if SILVER f and fig SILVER gg SS RLATED Cg &WARE g JEWELRY 8; gg CLOCKS ffi h WATCHES $3 & FINE &3 china m Sj SOUVENIR Sg eJ ABTII C"S v F. C. BRODIE JEWELER GRANITE STREET i OPPOSITE HOTEL SUMPTER '"''' W"W THE NATIONAL BANKER 84 and 86 La Salle St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of national circulation. Is read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reach a good class of buyers and tho moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise in the National Banker. Thousands of copies of each issue of tho National Hanker goes to investors throughout tho Middle West. Eastern and New England states. The best journal in the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free. Advertising rateB on application. "THE MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail may, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running tho "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "Tho only perfect trains in tho world." Understand: Connections aro made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers tho best service known. Luxurious coaches, elec tric lights, steam heat, of a vority equaled by no other lino. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point iu the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other information, address, II. S. Rows, General Agent, Portland, Ore. R. M. Ilovn, Com'l Agent, Seattle, Wash. e E-g rnin RDAMriD DENVER WlulS Only transcontinental line assing aisecuy uirougn Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra na daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and free Reclining Chair Cars. The most Magnificent scenery In America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. t For cheapest rates and descriptive jhtnrntiirn. nililrnuN i -- -, W. C. McBRIDE, - Qtiinl Ajttt RIO GRANDE LINES Portland, Oreoon ttpi OREGON Shot line and union Pacific TO Salt like, Denver, hosts City. cmciGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and Sau Francisco every five days. Low Rates I Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. For particulaas, call on or address H. C. Bowses, Agent, Baker City, Ore IhsH RIO GRAN anu ,ri iHHnan DEWtJ 'WJwmn.