The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 18, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    i i
Wednesday, February 18, 1903
The following inBtrumenta were filed
at the Bakur county court house during
the week ending Feb. 17, 1003.
Feb 30 Lincoln et al to Llbby
Woods, lots "to 12blk O, Hunt
ington 550
Dec 20 Sheriff to Mrs L E Miller,
mortgage tax on lot 1 blk 0
Baker City 10
Jan 3 Luther D French to D J
Davis, 320 acres in sees 23 and .
24 tp 10 r 37 e 1500
Apr 20, '01 Ceo E Allen and wf
to Frank W Allen, lot 1 blk 14
Warren Heights, Sumpter 125
Oct 10, '01 P W Dana to F W
Eppinger, 100 acres in sec 8 tp
9r40 e 75
Dee 20, '01 Sheriff to W II Mead,
for taxes, lots 11 and 12 blk 7 and
lots 1 to 4 blk 22 Stewarts 2nd
adn, Baker City 5
Jan 10 E Clieu and hd to Louis
Komlsky, etf lots 17 and 18 blk
13 in Sumpter Heights adn .... 1
Dec 29 J P Klnnison and wife to
W L Williams, 100 acres in sees
25 and26tpfl r43e 1000
Jan 16 Geo M Moody and wife to
Schulzand Brombaugh, e 25 ft.
lots 4 aud 5 blk 1 Richland. ... 500
Aug 27, '02 Powder River Land
and Irrigation Co. to A Vinson,
swtf bo sec 1 tp 9 r 40 e 280
Feb 2 A Vinson and wife to
Northwestern Granite Co., 8g
by 12 cho in sw sec 27 tp 7 r
36 e and aw e sec 1 tp 9 r
40 o . 3000
Jan 24 L R Strattori and wife to
Wm Shellur, 100 acres In sees
23 and 20 tp 10 r 37 e 1
Feb 3 Wm Shelter to M Cassidy
same as last 1
Feb 4 M Cassidy to N Shako
speare, e iie sec 20 tp 10 r37e 1000
Jan 16 M O Moore and wife to
Nortwestern Granite Co., aw
bo sec 1 tp 0 r 40 e 1
Dec 6 G R Small et al to Maud
Oatrora, lot 6 in blk 3 Levens
adn Baker City 160
Feb 12 W A Gardner and wife to
J as A Wright, lots 4 and 5 blk
2 Sparta 75
Feb 4 H S Collin and wife to
Coffin brothers, j int in part of
Langtry Park adn east of O it &
N right of way Baker City 1
Jan 8 F McCullough and wife to
Jos Wain, 80 acres in sec 31 tp
tpl2r37e i 1600
Dec 19 FMcCullou8h and wife to
Wilson Wham, setf sec 25 tp 12
r30 e 1600
Dec 12, '02 S M Haines to J E
O'llryant, lots 10, 11 and 12 blk
L, lot 10 blk 1 and lots 1 and 12
blk 10 Haines 05
Feb 12 A W Ellis and wife to
Anna Moore, 100 feet front on
Bonanza St. at the aw cor. of
Bonanza and Austin .streets 160
Feb 11 A W Ellis and wife to N
O Richards, lot 4 in blk 3 South
Sumpter 2000
July 1 D Rlchoux et al to J W
Vanney, 240 acres sees 7 and 18
tpl0r41e 2500
Feb 4, '02 H Bamberger et al to
Wm M Suavely, 240 acres sees
20 andl5tp8r40 e 2400
Dec 20 Wm N Snavely and wife
to David J Stale, 120 acres in
aecl0tp8r40e 1200
Jan 22 Thoa Burke to North
American Mining Co., ne sec
15tp7r42e 500
OBKOa. ,
Dec 3 I E Rose to C I Newcomb,
trustee, Snowstorm and Gold
RidReqtz claims 2000
Jan 29 Hugh Gillis and George
HulsetoFred D Smith, Snow
Ball and Lulu qtz claims 1
June 2 Eugene Way to II K
Brown and W T Miles, int in
Lnst Chanco placer claim and
other adjoining placer claims .. . 75
Nov 14 Sheriff to W G Rallon,
Blue Rock, Lucky Boy and Mel
burn qtz claims 1399
Feb 7-A W Ellis and wifo to
Fred D Smith, all Interest in
Snow Creek qtz claim 1
Oct 10 M H Knapp to Jas Dun
phy, int in Ellsworth qtz elm 100
Feb 10 W W Gosney to Lack A
Schmitz, 4 horses, harness and
wagon 200
Dec 17 W I, Williams and wife
to J P Kinnlson, 100 acres in
sees 25 and 26 tp 9 r 43 e 160
Feb 9 Lawrence Grants aud wife
to Joo Smith, 100 acres in sees
10 and 24 t 12 r 44 e 200
Feb 12 Maud E Ontrom and hd
to Wm Allen, lot 5 blk 3 Lev-
ens adn Baker City 350
Feb 13 Agnes K Stoae to Mrs E
M McDonald, 168 acres in Sec 4
tn 9r39o 1007
Feb 4 D J Stall aud wife to J II
Donald. 120 acres sec 10 tp 8 HOo 300
Feb 6 Isaac H Kinch and wife to
Jas Schindler, lots 2 and 3 blk 8
Brattaiu aud McComaH adn. . . . 200
Feb 10-Mrs M E Roggs to J F
Alden, lot 11 blk 6 b Sumpter. . 400
L J Wilcox and M J Jennings vs
Baker City, to quit title to 50 by
118 ft. cor 5th and Washington
streets in said city
II E McCullough vs 11 K Brown,
sheriff, amount taxes paid under
protest on 240 acres in Bee 31 tp
7r39e 70
Tracy Curtis vs Columbia Gold
Mining Co., damages for injury
received while in Co's employ. . 1944
Mary A Dry borough vs J W Dry
borough, divorce on desertion..
Baer & Summer vs Jas Mitchell,
amount of uoto 06
Joseph L Hungerford vs Augusta
Hungerford, divorce on grounds
of cruelty
Geo Fronhofer vs A Sullivan and
M Eddy, amount of board and
lodging and part purchase price
on horses not delivered 277
J W Rolland vs Keystone Belle
and Gold' Boy Con Mining Co.,
amount of labor aud sums ad
vanced 2079
Jan 16 Guarantee Inv & Trust
Co., by L Balliett et al, Baker
City 200000
Feb 11 Bull Hill Mines, Con.
United Minos, Con Sumpter
Mines and Inv Co., Quebec Ex
tension G M & Co., Independ
ence G M & M Co., each by E
E and A E Carrand J W Daly,
Sumpter, branch at Baker City2000000
Jan 13 Northwestern Granite
Co., by Wm Pollman, PBaache
and N C Haskell, Baker City. 10000
Jan 10 S Clein to Louis Komisky
stock, etc., ia Parlor Saloon
Sumpter 1
H Harrison favor Geraon 4 Hart.
Eastern G M Co., favor Patterson
& Eppinger
Sep 12-C K DeNeffe and M F
Muzzy to T H Dunphy, regard
ing party wall on wjf lot 2 and
e)i lot 3 in blk 3 Sumpter
The Mormon Temple.
The Mormon temple at Salt Lake City
is no doubt the moot substantial aud
well constructed religious edifice In the
United States, if not in the world.
Corner stone laid April 6, 1853, rap stone
April 6, 18D2 and dedicated April 6, MM,
over forty years of constant labor being
consumed in its construction. This
maguitlcen structure 200 feet long, 100
feet wide is built entirely of Utah white
granite, beautifully carved, symbolic of
the Mormon faith, surmounted by six
towers, the highest being 230 feet from
the ground, supMrling a bronze statue
of the angel Maroni. The cost of tlds
bulldlmjis about 16,000,000. There are
many other attractions at Salt Lake
City of interest to the traveler or tourist
where a day can bo well spent. The
Rio Grande Is the only TraiiB-continental
route passing directly through Salt Lake
City, where a stopover is allowed on all
classes ot tickets. The service of the Rin
Grande llnenia unexcelled. Three trains
daily between Ogden aud Denver, carry
ing nil classes of modern equipment. If
you are contemplating a trip to the east,
write the. undersigned for Information
regarding rates via the "scenic line of
tho world:" W. O. McBrlde, General
Agent, M. J.Roche,TratullnnPnHHonger
Agent, 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Commencing February 15 and con
tinuing until April 30, thero will bo low
rates from the east via the Illinois Cen
tral railroad to all Washington, Oregon
and Idaho points. If any ot your friends
or relatives in tho east are coming west
whilo these rates aro in effect, give uh
their namo and address, and wo will
mako it our business to see that they are
given the best possible service. We
operate through personally conducted
excursion cars, and in tact give you tho
benefit ot the latest conveniences known
to modern railroading. We have fifteen
different routes between the east aud
tho west, and aro in osltlon to give you
tho benofit of tho best combinations.
Write us and wo will give you full par
ticulars. B. H. Trumiicix,
Com'l Agont III. Cent. Railroad.
142 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Help Build Up The Wttt.
Tho low rates from tho east to tho
west and the northwest, Kobuary 15 to
April 30, will undoubtedly bring out
thousands ot settlers. Where they will
go is largely a question ot inducement.
If you are interested in securing any
eastern people for your section of the
west, send their names and addresses
to tho undersigned. All the facts
and figures about the trip will
bo promptly sent them. 11. S.
Rowo, Gonoral Agent, Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railway, 134 Third
Street, Portland, Ore. '
Department of the Interior, (
Land Office it La Grande, Oregon, Feb. t. ioo. I
Notice It hereby given that the following-named
letller hat filed notice nl hit Intention to mike final
proof In tupport cf hit claim, and that tald proof will
be made before George F. Ward, U. S, commit
tlonar at Canyon City. Oregon, on April 6, looi, vli:
H. ETNo. 79).
of Auttln, Oregon, for the w H n t V, t t Kn!(
Sec i. w X nw X Sec. to. Tp. iiS.. R. n EWM.
He namci th following wltnettet to prove hit con
tinuous rttldence upon and cultivation of tald land,
vli: John S. Gutrldge, Lewlt Hen, John Kelly, of
Prairie City, Oregon; and G. W. Dart, ot John Day,
E. W. Oartistt, Rtgltter.
Department of the Interior,
United Mates Land uinct
La Grande. Ore eon. Jan. la. loot.
Nmirm I. tt.r.hv riven that the following named
teltler hat filed notice of hit Intention to make final
proof In tupport of hit claim, and that tald proof will
be made before Charlei H. Chance. U. S. Commit
tloner. at Sumpter, Oregon, on March 7. tooj,
vli: H. E.N0.I410.
of Sumpter, Oregon, forth nX nwtf ttctlon jt,
townthlp o S, R jt B W M.
He namet the following wllnetttt to prove his
contlnuout retldcnce upon and cultivation of tald
land, vli: John A. Johnton, William E. Weed,
Marlon Beamtr, and Edwin J. Young, all of Sump-
''.Or.r- E w- minm,, ,,,,
HMtrtrtl Hhrttxi
All Boys when once they
wear the above shoes want
them again.
See our new stock of
for 2.50, ?.$o and 5.00
Examiner ot Mines, Lands
aud Investments in Oregon,
Washington or Idaho.
Maps aud Blue Prints
furnishod. If you want to
purchasu high class stocks
write me.
owc & (Brant,
Hear Depot
Sumpter, Oregon
$eeb, ,$lour
anb Piobuce
Retail Office, Granite Street
Wholesale office, S. V. Ry Tracka
AJLl rlAHit