8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, February n, 190$ PACIFIC COAST GOLD BELT. Trend of Auriferous Veins and Figures on Their Production. According to thu hunt iiiformcil mill ing lltxl tcclllllcill lllillllH, HHVH 1111 cx- :limiKi thu moxt important nolil licit In North America in Unit Ktrcti'liin along tliu I'liclllc count, that in throughout clmraclfrizcil by free milling ijiiiirtx oreH with mirifcroiiH HtilphiilfH, hut u Ureal croHion Iihh taken phu-u since it was formed. Thu Hturling point of thu gold belt !h in Lower Ciiiifornia, continiiiiiu through Kan Dicu'o, l.o Aiiki'Ic ami Kuril t'oiintiuri ii through thu central part of California, where it Ih htvtloioil in I great HtreiiKlh; then to northern Call-1 foruia, NoutliweHtern ami northeaHturn Oregon, J In thu latter Htatu, it !h inixlilleil hy thuapiiearaiH'o of iimin hilvor-gold dc ileHiritH anil veiiiM currying aurifuroiiH MilphiileH without free gold. .Strong de velopment Im again attaineil in thu Cariboo ilintiiet, in central llritinli Columbia, and it continueN through Oniinei'ii, CiiHxinr and Atliu iliHtrictH to thu Kliuiilikii region, and thuncu liend ing wextwatd follnWH thu Yukon to thu western end of thu continent at Nome on the Seward peniiiNula. Throughout thin utretcli of country thu veiiiH are acconipauied hy develop inentH of placerH which are character istic of t hi- chiHH of gold veins. At many places in California, iih well iin in Oregon ami Alaska, thu veiiiH from which thcHo placera were derived weru liHupNiiutiug lii'cauHt thu primary do KiHitHweru often cialtered rather Hum concentrated. California Iiiim yielde.l I.IIOO.OOO.IXH) from thin belt, Oregon IWi.OOO.llOO, JlritlHli Columbia and .Northwest t r- ritory $ I Lt,tHX),tHK), Alaska :U ,000,000, u total of over $1,100,000,000. During WOO thu IhjU yielded 150,000,000, of which one-half came from British Columbia and thu Yukon. Besides the I'ueillc gold holt, tlioru Is n broad .one in thu central ami eastern part of thu Cordillcrau region. Thin broad zouu begins in Mexico, where thu l'acitle states of Sonoru ami Sinaloa con tain many veins ingranitcM ami crystal lines. Soiuu of those in Sonoru aro con sidored of thu same ago iih Cnliforuia voiiiH. Similar deposits in old rockH continue through thu southwestern part of Arir.ona. From thu time of discovery up to UKX) thu United Slates have produced f.'.IUU), 000,000. Mexico at least 181,000,000, and probably twIcouN much, ami British nnd North America f I r.'.OOO.OOO, milk lug u grand total of fl'.HSII.OOO.OOO. inggold, silver, copper and lead. Over $70,000 worth of ore has been whipped from the opening made and thu winzo mink below thu lower tunnel level. Itcceiitly there has been several expert examinations of the property, but witli what intention, the public Is not made aware. C. Nibley, of Baker City, one of the ownerH of the Suinpter Valley rail way, nnd Jonathan Bourne, lawyer nnd millionaire of Portland, have a lease 'and bond on thu group. Just what they propone to do with Mich n showing in at thin time unknown. WILL BUILD HOIST IN THE SPRING Campbell St Landreth Standard Mine la Cable Cove Will Be come One of the Producers. John II. .ShaukH, principal owner of I thu Standard, a high grade Cable Cove I property, in in town. Thin claim be I lougH to an incorporated company in thu Htatu of Vanliington. It in thu south exteution of thu Imperial nnd a parallel vein to thu California. There aru two veins on thu location and two shafts; one tnirty-live nnd thu other forty-live feet in depth. Moth of these shnfts nru in oru which curry in gold, silver, copper and lend, un aggre gate value of over f 100 pur ton. It i thu intention of thu company to erect u hoist iih soon iih possible thu com ing spring, when oru will bo extracted for flipping. It 1h presumed that n home market at thu Hinulting works in Mimpter, ih nn incentive to turn com pany thu hiiiiiu iih it Ih to many othern. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS AVE CARRY A FULL LINE OP WARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, ROGERS BROTHERS TRIPPLE SILVERWARE. :;:::: SILVER CLOCKS, PLATED EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE CAMPBELL fie LANDRETH GRANITE STREET SUMFfER, OREGON t'fV'''' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Dixie Meadows Development. In thu Dixie MendowH Cold Mining couipany'H report hint issue there ap peared a tyiographical error. It Hhould have read: "On level No. 2 the south drift Iihh bemi extended ninety feet and the north drift fifteen feet, milking a total of 205 foot," whilo it rendH "mak ing a totnl of lOfi feet." 105 feet has been made since the last aiiuunl meet ing, July 7, 1002, ami 100 feet had been made prior to that time. Prairie City Minor. Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a ao-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re- sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON New Pump For the Wbcootla. A largo pump, one of 200 gallon per miiiutu capacity, Iihh been ordered for the Wisconsin mines eight miles south ofSumptor. This piece of machinery la expected to arrive soon when work on that property will bo resumed, it being necessary to close down somo time since on account of u heavy inllow of water. IMPERIAL GROUP IN CABLE COVE Men ol Meant Have a Low and Bend on Big Showing. Very little Iihh boon mild of late about what Ih locally known iih thu Imperial mine of the Cable Cove section, not much over a dozen iiiIIcm north of Suinpter. Thin group consists of fourteen claims all of which belong to the Kaglo Mining company. This group lien nst of the California, and is located on parallel veins to that projierlv. Fully 2000 foot of tuuuU have been driven and a tlfty foot winio sunk developing thu ground up to its present Dingo. Ouu shoot of ore has been proven for 300 feet which aver ages over 100 per ton. Thu values be- MINING INVESTMENTS WE CAN SELL TOOK STOCKS IF LISTED WITH US SALE WE HAVE FOR HYSON AKCHULKTA OIL NAVAJO OIL CONSTKLLATION NOHTIIWKSTKHN CON GOLCONDA I.ISTKN LAKK COLD BELT KI.DOKADO HOOSIKR BOY 11AUB GOLD MINING CO. Wilson &Bucknum SUMPTER, OREGON Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor V' A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TriMiott t Mill Iwkl t Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts diawn on al patts of the auiU Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON WV " F.E.O'Rourke&Co. tnzs:nes!Ji&&e&mffl3m3affl33 RIGHT 1 EVERYTHIMB FRESH PRICES I IN GROCERIES rtfS3fss3se&a?&S9S'S! Granite St. . Sumpter, Ore. n gS W cul gj S w f-A