Wednesday, February n, 1903 The Sumpter Miner 'TRICKS IN ALL TRADES," ETC. NEW TODAY - PUBLISHED EVBDY WEDNESDAY BV JAMES LOOIE Entered al Hie pottuMcF In Sumpter. Oregon, for transmission tlirciuirti the malls ai second class mailer Eastern Brokers' Fake Meth ods of Buying Oregon Stocks. SUIISCMIHTION NATES A&)Xgrf Onr Year Sl Miintht &tofrliigX I.JJ ALWAYS IN AIIVANCE. Fr,r, wr THE SUMPTER MINER II V 'VA I I J 'Ai Till! Stall) It'niflatlvc Iiiih (ho-mmI thu inhcritiuiio tux luu. Ah Ioiik iih they ln not uiiiict 11 iiiuiifiiri! taxing liicoiiifH, niiuHi.iH!r men will liavi tliul iniirh Ivhm to uurry Ihrin. At IiihI iiHMiirniu'cM ari) at liiiml tluit thu mining ami hiiMiichH iiich'm coin inltti'c, appointed early in Di'ii'inlicr aro to iiii'ol, appoint mill romniitlrrH ami traiiHiu't mit-h nthi'r Ituniiii-HM iih may bti iIuuiiiimI iii'ciHiiry. Tiiimy 'I'm: Mi.miii jjivrM tlm joyful nnuH tluit an cxIi'iiniMt iniintifm'tiirliiK plant will Imi i-hIiiIiIihIiimI in SmnjittT nn ilcr ciirtaln ronilitionn. Ah IIiIm conrnni in iln initial HtiiKi'H will oxpcnil f l(M,il(0 ciihIi, anil will rri'iitn a pay roll whirh That "tlicro aru tricka in nil trnilr-H I'xri'pt ourH" 1 now Mug verified in I relation to thu iiivorito cuMern ureon IllilllllH HtOukH. SlIIIIO Of tllL'HI! etockH I Inivu of Into hucomo ho popular with i thu iiivt'ntlnjr public that broken in wvurnl ciiHturn rllies, notably Denver, Now York anil Chicago, who have none for hiiIu are HHteinatically endeavoring to pound down thu price, at thu mime time. napiiiK a benellt for theniHelveH. Yi-Hturduy Tiik AIinkii received n telegram from a Denver broker, re- iiientiiiK that an ailvurtlHeineiit bu in MTteil in thu paper today offering 100, 000 hliareH of Golconda at Ilfty cento. Thu thing looked "IIhIiv" on the facu of it, iih UiIh Htoek in Helling rvailily 111 ,,,.... r,.,.rr,. I....U ll.,... Ilkl ....... Il t lirilllgllOUl lllU I'llHl III 0 L'OIIIH. M'CrU- jjoen without Haying that thu eiiterprin- t,,r-v ""Wiinl. of the Golcoinlii eonipnny, Jul. In of llilnelle itill ,.,,,. In.,, WIIH HIIOWII UIU lUlegrillll, lillU H8KUII i."x plum when il i" ill night.,' With ail the natural iiilvaiitageH that IIiIm city mhhi'hm'h, then) in onu feature which might bu cIuhm-iI iih artilicial, that Iiiih been for hoiud minim overlook ed. That iH thu formation of koiiiu kind of an organization. A lloanl of Trade or u Chamber of Commerce, hoiiiu NyHtutn of a unit which can I hi need iih thu mouthpiece of thu community when iH'ciiHiou requires Thu bumnchH people of thu city have ho many per rioual niatterH to look after that they think thuy have no Hint) for uffiiira of u public nature. They chain them hcUch down tu their di'Mkn too dimly. Thuy would enjoy tbiM lite moru if thuy niut occuHionally and exchanged idcim with other biiHineHH pcoplu.'kmaii.inii and attouiited black mail in proponed bilnincHH detilri In get ting to bu tiMi common in thu mining dintrictH of thu went, .Sumpter Iiuh not riuffored kh much from thu cowardly viiiiiruH who do thin kind of htisinen ai hoiiiu other HoctioiiH, yot lately a horde of liungry human wolves have been do ing all that audi low minded creatures can do to blackmail a deserving and ouurgetic man who for iiioiiIIih haa Ihhjh oiitleavoring to bring a large sum of jnonoy in to the district. With woltlsh nature, tbewi despicable creatures aro cuttiug uach others throats in their zeal to throw nil obHtaclea in the path of progrcHH. In u short time Tiik Minku may give the full detailH of a black mailing Hcbeuie of which il ban all thu facts, w!iich willcauHu a Htrong wave of diHgiiht to paxH over thin section of coun try. PROMENADE CONCERT AND BALL White Swan Baud ol Baker City Will En tertain Here on 18th Iostant. Ouu of thu moHt pleHHing features of linker City, in thu aHHocialiou of musicians termed thu while Swan Hand. It ia really worth the tune mid excnne of it trip to thu Shire town of linker county, to U) entertained by thin Hiierb imiHical organization. However Simi liter hoIu who have not had an oi Hirtunity of litening tu thu atraiua of inutile produced by this congregation of home artists, can bu gratified by attend ing thu grand promenade concert and bull to bo given by them in thiscity on thu IH iuntaut. The nrico of admission Iiuh been placed al llfty cent. Tickets can be obtained at thu Sumpter Drug Store. how any onu man in Denver could have ho largo a block of thin Mock. He ex priced thu opinion that lie didn't havu that or any amount of Golconda and explained thu trick. He naiil that for hoiiiu time pant a Chicago tlrui Iiiih been iidvcrtiHlug to (ell Itetl Hoy at a liguru coiiHiderably Ichh than thu market price. Thu com pany Kent a representative around to uncertain what Htock it wiih offered at thU Hiicrillcu price; who wiih informed that It hail till been Hold, and thu gentleman waH urged to buy hoiiiu other Htoek, "jiiHt an good and inuclicheitpcr," accoriling to thu Htory of thu fakir. The purK)ho wiih evidently to estab libit connection with a;oplu who are in veatiiig In mining HecuritieH, in thu Iiom) of working off hoiiiu drug on thu market. Several wcoka hiiicu iiik AIinkk whb rcqueated to insert an advertisement offering Cracker-Oregon "at a bargain." Thu man was informed that if ho would hoII for leaa than thu market price, no advertlHement would bo needed to dis pone of it ; that an olllcer of the com pany would take it. No reply to that proposition haa yet been received. Timber and Homestead Filing!. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles II. Chance, Unltod States com missioner, office in First Bank of Sump ter building, Sumpter, thus saving ap plicants expcnHO of a trip to I-a Grande. All Boys when once they wear the above shoes want them again. See our new stock of MEN'S SHOES for $2.50, 3.90 and $5.00 HOBSON MERCANTILE CO. DR. J. H. DAVIS DENTIST Portland Prices Over Uiiche Hardware Co. Sumpter, Oregon F. A. E. STARR. Center, cor. High Si, Attorney-at-Law Sumpter, Oretoa Only the liest brands ot liquors cigars at Douphy's "The Club." and L '&r This fellow feels happy. He used Giant Powder, the best powder on earth. T. O. HARRISON, Agent J. J. Murray VGTIHINARY SURGEON AND DEN 1 1ST Graduate of the American Veterinary College, New York City. Office at McKwen's Liverv Stable. Phone -iW. F. E. HOBSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, glneer lor the City of Sumpter. En- Uii'erireiil ail fateat teretis. aa Drsaiatlef. It Matlaf QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Cllf atteraei U. I. Cammlaaleaer Rooms 2 and ), First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON U T. BROCK W. H. VOSS BROCK & VOSE Physicians and Surgeons. Special Attention Given to Ear, Eye, Note, Throat ani Skin Dlteaaet. Uety Hot air ap- paiatui for Treating Rheumatlim. Wilton Block, Sumpter, Oregon. INSURANCB. E.L. MANNING, RIAL HTATS City Recorder and Notary Public. Collet rlone Aestracta Agent for Fyrlclde Fire Eatlnguleher. Sumpter fJ)R. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRISTOKS 1UMFTSR QINIRAl HOSPITAL SUMPTIR, ORSOON. , . 1 Orrict. Main ill, Tetepboae hospital Main ii. basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps & C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO EAT I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. . . THE 1 SUMPTER MEAT MARKET Us AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON E. A. CLEM & CO. MINES . PROSPECTS STOCKS Write ua for list of properties and lowest market quotations on stocks In producing mines and oil wellt. Excellent opportunity for profit In low priced stocks. 416Chatn. of Com. Portlakd,Orkkn. I