f Wednesday, February it, 1905 THE SUMPThR MINER A MINE THAT YOU KNOW I AM OFFERING STOCK IN THE GOLCONDA CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES COMPANY To raise sufficient funds to make certain additions to the present equipment of that admirable property. Briefly, it is.proposed to do the following werk: 1st. Install a new dep sinking hoisting plant; 2nd. Increase the stamp mill and reduction facilities; 3rd, Increase the water power to handle the new reduction, plant, and also to furnish sufficient electric light, etc., and electric power to run the drills, hoisting plant, etc. 4th. Put in a large cyanide plant. 5th. Do about five thousand feet more of underground work ings, etc. To do this work as it should be done, will require an expendi ture of several hundred thousands of dollars, and the sale of stock, which has been authorized by the Board of Directors, is to provide the necessary funds, and for no other purpose. The merits of the Golconda mine as a producing property are so well known AT HOME, that it will be unnecessary for me to dwell on them. How ever, I have prepared a 32 PAGE PROSPECTUS Illustrated, which gives full and complete particulars of mine and management, and I WANT TO SEND YOU ONE If you are looking for an investment, the character of which is un questioned. The stock is fully paid, non-assessable and carries no personal liability to the purchaser. Already the order for the hoisting plant has been placed. The sales to date justify me in predicting that the entire issue will be taken in short order. As improvements are added the prices will be advanced so, my advice would be to be prompt in making application if you are to buy at piesent prices. FISCAL. AGENT OFFICES IN MILWAUKEE, ST LOUIS, PITTSBURG BOSTON '. ' LEE S. OVITT " MAIN OFFICE SUITE 300-532, MERRILL BUILDING MILWAUKEE, WIS. n 1 A h ;