Wednesday, February 4, 1903 Storm King is Guaranteed THE SUMPTER MINER " TJ D D p C (D L. (U J 0 (0 C E r LOSS IMPOSSIBLE A BUSINESS CONCERN BUSINESS PRINCIPLES m Ik. Forest Mining Company An investment in the stock of this company is better than an investment in Bonds. Two shifts of men. now engaged sinking a shaft on the Storm King Group of Mines. The shaft is in ore all the way down j j Sturm Kiiijr CJroiip, Ciiblo Cove District, Jitniiurv 4th, 11)03.. T. .1. (Willi, President Koiot Mining Co. Dear .Sir: Since our crow returned to work mi tin1 2lith of December, work has steadily progressed . We mi' now in lienor ore than we were when we laid oil' Cor Christina. My last average sample assayed 882,-tu (old; Mi.l.H Silver, and .'I per rent ('opor. The ore is now liec.'iming more impregnated with Galena. Respectfully, J. L. CODY, SuH5rintcndent. We solicit your thorough investigation of our system and methods. Write fur Itcports, Prospectus, and Mitpsnf this (ireat Group of Mines. Advance Mining Co... FISCAL AGENT oumpter, Oregon Lock Box F ROOMS 6 AND 8 GOSS BANK BUILDING 8 0) rt 0 3 D Q (0 0 c Q) i Q) D rr CD D a Storm King is Guaranteed NO STATE HAS Wounderful Advance In East ern Oregon Mines In 1902. thousands of investors who laid hardly ONE MILLION DOLLARS PROFIT. reali.ed that such a Held existed, much ' BRIGHTER OUTLOOK "7; ; " 'i inducing Kwi,lThe Amoun, An SMm 0 Mlne which in proportion to development was . I actually making more money for the. Produced Last Year. I mine owners than any other district in , irot f f 1,000,000 is declared to lie the world. the record of a sinulo initio in custom Through the dissemination of g. d , Oregon last vear working with a ' mining literature backed liv the invest i tcn-stamii mill 1 ineiit of largo sums of money, a tuiilti-J H t v WOndor that eager eyes are j ; tilde of people Inst year heard of Ore-' turned toward that part of the country pin s gold mines. I IU,, .,tit! is seeking admission? - I Ah a result capitalists from all parts For while this jnino is n wonder in its ' of the country investigated, bought, or- WI,V those who know the section and No Hliile or Militical divisou of any I gauitd companies and started mining r familiar with the gold llclds of kind mi the Continent made such pro-' operations in the state which are only Eastern Oregon are perfectly well aware gics in mining lust year iih Oregon. licgiuiug to licar fruit. that there are other mines which will do .lomtho. ipar.itivoly isolated audi i ,i0,. different districts aru the likewise. t unknown mining Held of a year or two mvnes ,f mining activity unprecedented j It is an astounding fact never yet itn-1 agi 1I111 district is ii'iw one of the best , hjntory of the state. Suiupter, pugned that every mine ever yet oierat-j know 11, iih it is one of the most llourish-j faile Cove, Cracker Creek, Malheur cd with any degree of purpose and con-1 ing in the United Stales, and it is a very nl (irccnhoui are only instances and i sistoncy has turneil out a success in j safe iinxliction that one year hence will ,,-ai.h has its ipiota tif phenomenally I many cases a phenomenal success, show in a much moie marked degree ' rj,., r promising iroerlies. The Hed ' The certainty of the Held oven more llian tins, advance in llie way otspecillc Hoy, an old-time favorite mine of the than its wonderful richness is what i l.tlll.tlM ' a .. I a .1 .. !.l .1 I 1. - . .1 .. .. I... ! For l.owney'a candies. Hue chocolates, lion hons, Key West, Havana and do mestic cigars, tobacco, tocket knives, stationery, cider, fruits, etc., do not fail to call at Sturgill's. Mill Street, near Granite. Miller cap protectors. T. G. Harrison agent for Itaker, Grant and Union counties. Mining deeds for sale at this olTico. ictuniN. .state, was incorporated with another The dillicully witli Oregon up to this property and inaugurated the policy of ye.u had Ikvii that the mining interests ; disponing of some of its stock. wcro concentrated in the hands ol a hall ilorcu men, representing as many luiucn, all of whom had either accumul ated ,t lortutio or were rapidly doing so and wh had no occasion to let it be known either what they were doing or what the enormous poHsihililies of the district were, FoitoiMicly a change came last year, and Ihiough the ersihtent efforts of some of the progressive pa vers of the eastern irlion of the state, the merits ol thai 14,000 siiiaro miles of rich miiicMl territory licgau to bo widely known. It is to the credit of eastern capital, paiticuUily that of New York capitalists, that a letter idea of the resources of the country and the wonderful mineral Only the best brands ot liquors and weajth.aie now known to hundreds of , cigars at Duuphy'a "The Club. Great enterprises were projected last year in Oregon in mining, in Miwerto to carry 011 ocratioiis, in new lines of communication largely due to mining capital enlisted from Hie great cities of New York and Philadelphia. It was demonstrated that far and away the greatest ayiiig individual mine in America or the world, the North Pole, was operated in eastern Oregon and that It was but one of a great series only waiting procr develop ment. Much was accomplished in Ore gon last year and no state in the Union lias a more brilliant outlook for the present year of UKJII. Kxehange. makes it attractive to a more "conserva tive" class of people. North American Miner. Something About Cyaoldlng. I Cyanide solution is powerless in the , presence of antimony. One-tenth of li er cent of that metal taken up by the solution makes it worthless. Sulphuret of zinc is almost as bad. Copper carbo-1 uate In the ore makes necessary the use of sixty H)unda solution to each ier cent of such copper in the ore. Low Cut of Mining and Milling. Probably the lowest charges for min ing and milling at depth on the mother lode in California are now being made in the operation of the Keystone mine at Amador, where the costs are about 1.60 a ton. Water ower and electric power are both used. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME To get in on the ground floor of a well developed mining property adjoining the famous Bonanza mine. A limited amount of stock will be sold for 19 cents per share. For all par ticulars, address, E. E. McCAMMON Sumpter, Oregon. Or P. D. HEALY 135 Washington St. Worcester, Mass.