The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 28, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, January 28, 1.003
Comprrhtnilvc Review of Progrtu Made
in Oregon Mines the Quizzical Doubt
at to Their Value and Luting Qual
ities Hat Been Removed. Gold the
Predominating Metal In thit State.
It was i trt m pri lilf in the review we
jr,avn liiHt week of tliti progress shown in
tint mining imliihtry 1 1 1 ramliotit the
oouulry tit ilu adequate justice to miy
irtrticiil ir Hold. We liiivii from time to
time referred to tliti excellent showing
till' inilii'M of Oicgou went making, and
tint record for IIHI'J shows t lutt our pre
dlelinllH went justified.
According to tint government estimate
Oiegoii yielded in MMC'I, in gold,
Hllil fli.'l.liOO wmlh of hilver. Tile lie
cur.icy nf Ihirtcstiitiiitit in questioned by
men fuioiliiir with mining in tint north
west. Some place tint gold output for f l,NMi,M0,iliviililig itiiH follews:
$:I,INHI,(UMI from tint mincH of eastern
Oioguii, chielle from tint district
trilmtiiry to linker City 1 ,5H(),(HKi from
.liiel.-oiii mill .liiHeiliine counties, in
mint horn Oregon; fL'.Ml.tHM) from ihe
lloliemiii district, uml the remaining
470,IHH from lllue Uiver, the Suntiiim
and tliit'l'rout ('reek district, in Crook
Tint actual oiitiut probably Hex sonic
Mherit between those two estimates, hut
in miy event it 1h evMenl there Iiiih been
h l.irgo inereiiHit over recent years. .Mutea hIiiiw ii miieh laruer out
put, Iml mining in them' states Iiiih
almiit leached itH highest stage of do
velniiiieni, while in Oregon it in tint
itomine nf tint future that !h noteworthy.
The unliintry Iiiih heen Htemlier tlniu
ei holme. M (it'll new t'iiitiil Iiiih been
invented mill tint work of development
linn t.ine forwiinl Hyhteiniitteiilly uml
with I'ooliileni'e.
I lie t. en. I nf operation Iiiih heen to
gain depth to HM'ertiiin positive!) how
poiiu incut Orcunu lodges are. Thin
Iiiih eh ti.tctcricd limit of the milling
development of the jeur Ami it in re
gaidel ix f tin hilii-Mt importitnee to
the milling luduMry of the Stale that
the iiIiik deep exploiliitiun. The
uo ii"iH' with ih'pth, iih in to lie
oupei led, hut thin fact lends In establish
the peim.ineiii'e of the depui-llH, as dis
tiugui'dicd limit poeketH mid other forniH
of gold homing strain tluit are hood
winked .nil ll ih cold mining that in
heie Kpukeii of, gold being lint chief nl the State and the basis nf
ilH pienenl Ullllillgilldllxtry
'I lie eluef iiitiiini operatioiiH of recent
ji'nin lnut been upon quartr. lodge.
Many ol Ihe old plueern have lieeil work
ed nut ud abandoned, though hi some
iimUtifcn it In found that modern
inellexlN will make plaeeiN pay hand
Miinely where they could not 1st made
proiitihlit in pioneer times with the im
pel feet fuciliticH then available. TIiIn
(act Ins led to the rehahiliiiitiou of many
old pltceiN, chielly in southern Oregon,
hut nlc i to mi extent in the eastern part
of tint Stale, ami a large, part of the
Hold pioducti in of the State for the pant
year linn come from those, source.
Some dt edging has lieen iloiui on Snake
Hiver hara, hut with indifferent remilta,
it in n.tid.
The tii.trtr. ledges are looked iniii km
holding the great indiiNlry, however,
and the timidity that at tirnt character.
jod attempts to prove the worth of the
ihIn. ImJam AM1.l.44ta ki." 4
.Ullin, l.njt;; am. nii.n.o linn ini(cij uinnr-
poared, ami confidence Iiiih taken the
place, of quizzical douht.
There Ih not a county in Oregon that
docs not iohhihn minerals in the. ;
native. state. Gold, silver, copH'r, coal ,
cyanide plant and other modern equip
ment. The (fold Hug has added a large
cyanide plant tn support its 5-atamp'
In hydraulic mining the greatest
anil iron are the iiiohI common and advancement of the pant vear for Jose
moHt iiiixirtant of these. No iron Iibh , phine county is represented in the en
heen mined in the Statu in the piiHt terprise of the Golden Drift Mining
year. In some ot tint iiiiiich' the copter j Company, which is damming Kougtie
ih the primary product; in more of them Kiver, three miles above Grant's Pass.
gold Ih chief. From there power will bo utilized in
It in in eiiHteru Oregon, of which Sump- oierating mammoth puinpH and forcing
ter and Maker City are the renter, water to the Dry Diggings, where five or
that the must striking iluvelopuieutH ttix giants can hit kept in constant opera-
have been heen. Improvement have tiou, thus overcoming the embarrass
mostly coiiHiHted of deep Hitiking, and ment of n long delay and suspension of
extension of tunnels, the building of work during the dry season. Irrigation
IsMtcr roads and the installation of new and Miwcr for manufacturing purposes
machinery in suitable buildings. A'arualso to Ih) incidents of this great
large number of well-worked prospects enterprise, which will be completed tho
have been brought to a better Mute of coming spring and summer,
development and placed on the list of Fourteen miles of the Oreuon Ac South
producing mines. Among thcMt new f eastern Hailway have been completed,
properties nnt the Phoenix, Gem, Don i reaching out toward ths great Hohemia
.luaiii lllack Hawk mid lllue llird, the j mining region ; four miles are ready for
Itul Hoy, lloniumi, North Pole, ' the ties, and an equipment of two
Columbia, and others have worked locomotives and ten Hat cars are doing
activity with better results thanever Ih- ' service on tho road.
i IS'trraaOstamp-Tnlllrafld hararjded'rtf prominent In attractlnratUsnttort IcfthW
district. His companies, the Oregon-.
Colorado, Vesuvius and Riverside, are
proving his judgement in selection, and
the large amount of work he is having
done proves his faith in the district,
which is reached by stage from Cottage
Grove, 140 miles south of Portland, on
the Southern Pacific Railroad. America
Mining News.
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
Tint HitiHlcy-Klkhnru mine which Iiiih
heen a steady producer for seviirul years,
Iiiih heen shut down for the past year on
account of litigation, hut it bus now
heen sold, mid, together witli the Itoh-hiiiH-Klkhnrii,
which adjoitiH it, is being
made ready for extensive development
work in tint near future. When theeii located Iiiih been so long undeveloped,
two properties are opened by the long No district in the world Iiiih more sur-
The mines of tho Hohemia mining (lis
trict have lieeu vinited by many large
mi no owners tint past hciihou. Several
companies have been able to diHtose of
the treasury stock in tint east., and more
work has heen accomplished in this dis
trict than over la-fore. It is strange, but
true, that a district so conveniently
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant pow
der company.
tunnel now proHised it will be the larg
est and most exteiiHive gold mine in the
Stale. The Golcouda mine, in Cracker
Crock district, which wan shut down
last year pending a Hottlcincnt witli the
owners and lessees, has Won sold ami is
now Iteing worked with a larger force of
men and on a larger scale than ever be
fore. Tint Ciolconda adjoins the Colum
bia, which is one of the reliable pro
ducers of the camp, and hidn fair, by
face encouragement, nor can one Iks
found where less money is required for
development. There is not a ledge hut
can ho explored by deep tunnels, scarce
ly a claim that has not enough timber
for mining purposes, and there is
abundance of water in all the streams.
There is frcugold at tint surface, with
sulphides in deeper levels, and every in
dication leads to permanency of values.
!'. .1. Hard, secretary of the Oregon
Otllcials of the National Govern
ment recognize it as an authority.
No one interested in mining can af
ford to be without it. Send for free
sample. Published every Saturday
by the
11 Broadway New York
Campbell 8c Landreth
SILVERWARE. :;:::::: : :
reason of tint rich strikes made in the. .Mining Stock Kxchange, has been most II
past year, lo come near ladug the best i '
mine in the State.
The past year has witnessed great
advancement in the mineral industry of
southern Oregon. Prom a "pocket and
blanket" era the milieu of this section of
the State have entered u permanent and
substantia! business epoch. Though the
pioneer mining section of the State,
southern Oregon has boon tho slowest in
development, owing to jts reputation for
iH'ing a "HK'kel" country. Hut capital
ists have begun lo see ami lind some
thing more than surface mines in and .lacksou counties, and
have Invested morn heavily in the sec
tion in tint last year lliau ever before.
The succiss of those who have fearlessly
sunk their shafts deep has led others
to follow suit, and as a result the south
ern Oregon districts have u numlHir of
well developed and paying iiiurtr. mines.
The future succass of Josephine county
mining is ImiuiiiI up in its quartz lodges,
for there must come a time when the
placer mines now being worked will be
washed off. This in turn will depend
iikiii the attitude of capital toward the
district, for, aa a matter of fact, few of
the southern Oregon miners who have
goitd quartz claim have the means
adequately to develop and equip them.
There are three times as many paying
mines in Josephine county at tbistimo
as there were one year ago, a fact that
prove that the quarts ledges of the dis
trict are receiving much attention from
men of means. Kantern capital hat
dona this work.
In Josephine county the Kureka mine'
operating a 10-stamp mill and full equip
ment, hai been brought from a hole in
the ground to a bullion producer of 26,-
000 to 130,000 in the past year. The
Gopher it operating a .Vttauip mill, and
was doing nothing last year. The
mine has incrcd iu equipmeut front
84 and 86 La Salle St.
A journal of national circulation.
Is read by hankers, capitalists, in
vestors, retired merchants. If you
want to reach a good chits of buyers
and the moneyed and investing pub
lic, advertise in the National Hanker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
the National Hanker goes to investors
throughout the Middle West. Kastern
and New Kngland states. The lest
journal in Hut country in which to
reach investors. Sample copies free.
Advertising rates on application.
Afftits for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a ao-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and