The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 21, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday January 21, 190$
domain and roads are being built
through the cauyoiiH and forests to the
outHlde world. Kind Oregonian.
Will "Sour Dough Willie"
Lose His Job In Time?
Pint CUm Road and Iocrotlnf Population
All Over EttUrn Oregon.
T. W. I.ush, wIhi resided (or 'JO years
in the Ukiuh locality, but wlio in at
present located at Im (iraudc, relumed
to thin city lust night (rum an extended
trip tlirotili the Interior o( eastern
Mr. I.uhIi rcHrU the road in (air
condition n fur hm Susauvlllc. Stock in
in gHl condition uml (ced plentiful.
Mr. I.uhIi reports mi unprecedented
settlement throughout eastern Oregon
during the pant six months.
He Ih engaged in the laud ami timber
business and has had occasion to visit
many o( the moat remote corners o( tliin
section o( the Mate and titutrt new set
tlers constantly locating on all the avail
able lamia of the great mountain region.
decently he visited the country lying
lictweeii the Wallowa valley and the
Washington state line, where he win
surprised to Hud many new location a.
Tliia haa I won considered one of the
wildest sections of country left in Ore-g-n,
but the settler haa invaded this
A great many devices are now being
put 011 the market to designate to u
nicity where mineral exists in the
These appliaiiceH lire generally termed
"Ore tinders," hut some of them have
iiamcH which would cause any one to
look up a technical dictionary to de
termine what they are.
In the opinion of Tiik Minkii, the ItcHt
ore Under In a pick and hIiovcI with
plenty of the element called "elbow
grcuMc" behind them.
Of course u few drills, u hummer and
powder, (thai iidvertiacd in thin pwr
being the bent), Im often necessary when
the rock in too hard to lHiHhatterel with
the pick.
An exHirienc''d prospector with it
"grub Htuke" and the ulsivo mentioned
aHHiHtaiitH, comprise the old fashioned
ore finder, but science cliiiuiH there ant
others, and u lint of a few of them la
here given (or what they are north.
The Scientific American of October
I Ith, IHill', hail an article in which it
discussed the dlllicull problcmx encount
ered by the Meeker for metals, with a do
acriptiou of ItrownV Klectric Ore De
tector. Then again there wax an article in
Western Mining World, of .Inly lUth,
IW2, and the Maine subject wan discuss
ed, and a report given with much detail,
of a successful teat trial made in Mexico
by the Klectric Metal (.ocatlug Co., of
It la known that modern mining in
tercsts are appropriating ull advancea in
sciences that allow promise of imliiNtrial
value in mining; uml who can nay but
later milling under inatruiuuiital guid
ance, may yet Imi the general rule in the
near future.
It iaaaid that the Klomlyke waa found
by ".Stick Ueorgo" (Jeorge Cormack.
Old miners aay that Cripple Creek ami
Attlor (illicit, own their early develop
ment to "Mtick proNiectorN.
Ore Findera are now lating advertized
for aale called by ditlcrent namca,
(ioldometera; (Sold Finder; Ore Finder;
Spanish Needle, all profeHHedly reliable
guidon to the prnsiector uml miner.
There iiiuat Imi sales or the udvertis
luents would atop.
Philadelphia Syndicate to Operate Mine
and Build Railways.
A Philadelphia syndicate represent
ingmillioiiH of capital bus organized a
clone corporation in Oregon to operate
uiiiifH, iiiIIIh, huildingH, railways, etc.
I he promoters 01 the enterprise, on
looking carefully over the ground, were
Ntruck with the great activity shown,
and saw at once that a magnificent Held
wasoieu for capital. It is said that the I
company will carry on operations on
a scale exceeding anything in thei
history of eastern Oregon. It is a ar-1
hide towlmt will lie witneexed there ill'
a year or two. The secret of rapid in-'
vestment here is that the mines make
money. North American Miner.
New Camp of This Order Installed in
Sumpter Last Week.
Deputy Head Consul It. M. Needbnm
of the Modern Woodman of America,
organized Sumpter Camp in this city on
the C'th install), with lllty-live charter
Following is u list of olllcers installed
for the ensuing term. Venerable Consul
J. . I. Jackson; Worthy Adviser, Hugh
II. Hall; Kxcellent Hanker, Alfred I'.
(Joss; Clerk, Ieon J. Schotleld; Escort,
Wm. II. Mather', Watchman, Harry ti
Allen; Sentry, Samuel Fuller; 1'hy
slciuns, Drs. Ilrock ami Vose. Managers
S. A. Jackson, one year. Win. F,
Iturliiison, two years. Kliga C. Hani'
llton three years.
32 Broadway, Naw York
Write for Prospectus. Mention No. (10 uml we will fend yon u copy
of "OREGON'S RESOURCES," mi illustrated pamphlet on Ore
gon's tainoiis gold mini's, ami a three month trial sulHcriptioii to the
Spread the Glad Tidiop.
Seymour II. Bell, one of the leading
citixena and mining oiierators of Sum
pter, Oregon, wasin the city recently the
goes tof Prof. William II. Tibbals, with
whom lie la interested in the Victor
gold mine, in Sumpter haunts. Mr.
liell had with him some of the Hneat
gold specimens ever exhibted in this
city. These were from eastern Oregon
mines, and were enough to give the
most skeptical u violent attack of the
mining fever. Mr. Hell aieaks in the
highest terms of the future outlook for
eastern Oregon mines, and he reports
great activity and success In this section
of the west. Suit l.ake Mining Review.
The Illinois Central Railroad office, at
Portland, Oregon, haa a small supply of
nicely mounted wall maps of the United
Stutes, H'-'xttH inches,-aWo. Cuba i and
Porto Hlco, enlarged. If yon will send
us Umi cents, in stamps, we will prepay
the Hstagu and send you one of these
handsome maps, by return mail. If you
intend going east, or know of anyone
coining west, from any point east or
south of St. Paul, Omaha or St. I-ouis,
we would appreciate the oporlunity of
writing to you or your friends about the
details. To say that is the purpose of
this advertisement, but the maps are
free. Add res,
U. II. Thcmhcll,
142 Third Street,
Portland, Ore.
For lowney's candies, tine chocolates,
bon bom, Key Weat, Havana and do
mestic cigars, tobacco, pocket knives,
stationery, cider, fruits, etc., do not' fall
to call at Sturglll's. Mill Street, near
Granite. '" .
He ware of imitations. See that, the
Mwder you purchase is branded "Giant
Powder, San Franciaro, , patented May
24, No. 241W41 and June 14, No. 242883.
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
s Bank of Sumpter 3
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts diawn on jI putts of the auiIJ Special attention to :oilecllons.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
21,111 Shares nt less than ground floor price. You can
have it for 2J cents in one lump, or tt cents in broken Into.
Write for particulars to
BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore.
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of
popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Pnopriitom
Mining &
Quarts an& Plater Loca- -- r-
tions, Tunnel Claim and I Ml
Water Right Locations, c.t IMOTrn
Proof of Labor, Affidavit bUrll I tl
of Discovery Work rVllMlzb
Mining Deed, Option to I IIINlIx
Purchase, Quit Claim '
Deed, Lease j j j j