The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 21, 1903, Image 1

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vel: iv.
At a Dcplh nf Nearly Six Hundred Feet
Below the Surface the Loaf Tunnel
Encounters Ore Body Developed in Up
per Working! Moit Impcrtant Strike
Made In that Section.
One year mid twenty davs after break
ing ground, thu lower tunnel of the
Alamo consolidated mining ami milling
company reached the immense gold
bearing vein which traverses Quebec
mountain, on last Sunday morning.
It did not require till of this time how
ever, to drive this tunnel of 1200 feet
through solid rock to Its intersection
with the wide ore body that haa now
been cut. '
Well pouted iersous say that thia
tunnel, nearly a quarter of a mile in
length, Iiur been run fur less money
than any other work of the kind in
eastern Oregon.
I.HHt July, when in about 580 feet
from thu portal, the air in thu tunnel be
came ho foul that it was absolutely
necetJHary to close down for 11 time so
as to put in an air hliiHt. Ah a ditch
had to be constructed ho as to use
water power, work on the tunnel had
to be HiiHieuded for nearly three
When seen in Sampler yesterday,
Junius 1'. McGuigau, president and
generul manager, stated that the tunnel
had been pushed into thu ore shoot tun
or twelve feet, and there was no
question hut that it was the samu as tie
velojied in the levels alxive.
This gives thu owners u vertical depth
from the surface of 51(1 feet ; but follow
ing up the dipof thu vein thu distance to
thu outcrop will be over (100 feet.
Making a Ixxly of oru of such magnitude
that there will likely be several million
aires in thu company lieforu it is worked
Mr. McOuigan also states that thu
grade of ore encountered is us good and
probably better than any develoied In
the two levels above. The new strike
also shows free gold, which is quite a
feature in thu upper workings.
This company, whose principal otllcu
is in SKkune, Washington, own live
claims and a fraction on thu north east
slope of Quebec mountain, on the out
skirts of the town of Alamo. All thu
claims are held by virtue of United
States atents.
Near the top of thu mountain, from a
addle on the east slope, Number 1 tun
nel, 100 feet in length, cuts the vein
seventy-live feet in depth. From this
point a drift follows the vein 120 feet
and an upraise haa been made to the
surface, following the ore all that dis
tance. From this tunnel level a wince has
been sunk seventy-rive feet and a cross
cut at the bottom shows the ore body to
be twenty feet wide. Through this en
tire width free gold is distribated and
the results of many assays give a value
of from $5 to $8 per ton in gold. Iloing
so near the surface, the ore here is of
lower grade, characteristic of Sampler
Tunnel Nnmber 2, is driven into the
mountain from the north east slope, and
is 200 feet vertically below Number 1,
and cuts the vein at a distance of 280
feet. Numerous crosscuts show thu ore
body to be from twenty-five to thirty
feet in width. It is said that l'atrick
Clark, the Spokane mining millionaire,
at this, point offered the Company 250-
000 cash for the property.
Samples taken from different points
on this level and from the crosscuts and
also from the dump, after being care
fully assayed, returned values of from tl
to 20, per ton in gold. Vans of ore can
be taken at random on this dump and
colors of gold obtained every time. A
greet-deal of vtte etvaaieweajajajVMewe
to the naked eye without pecmiea;.-
Above Number 2 tunnel, before the
last 100 feet was run on the ore shoot,
competent engineers measured this oru
lxxly and calculated there was in sight
at that time and ready for extraction,
100,975 tons of ore which would range
in value from ftl to $20 per ton in gold.
This property is situated on an ideal
situ, for economical working. Thu com
pany havu two water rights, mill site
and Homu placer ground for dumping
and building purposes. They havu had
arrangements made for a mill for some
time, but were waiting thu results of
this lower tunnel development.
In Charge of Grackcr-Oregon.
I. M. Watters, of the lute firm of Mc
Kweu tic Watters, axsuyers and metal
lurgists of this city, has been npxiiiitcd
superintendent of the Crackttr-Orcgon
mines ut Hourue, and entered Uxin thu
discharge of his duties yesterday. Mr.
Watters laid the foundation of his min
ing H lid metallurgical education ut the
famous I'Minburgh University in Scot
laud. He has added to this primary
training by years of employment umong
the big mines and reduction works of
Colorado, British Columbia and other
mining sections. There is no question
but that his services with thu Cracker
Oregon will meet the approval of that
mining company.
Owned By Origical Discoverer.
The ore from the Morning mine lu the
Greenhorns, which is now being run
through a live stamp buttery of the
Psyche mill, averages (HO er ton in
gold. The Morning group was discover
ed, developed and still owned by the
parties who first found it, demonstrating
what perseverance and industry can do
when properly applied in the making of
a bouanxa out of an eastern Oregon
Extensive Improvements Being
Made and More in
At the Storm King group, in Cable
Cove district, thu Forest Mining com
pany am pushing work on thu main
This shaft !s now down twenty-eight
feet, and for some time has been fol
lowing a body of ore three feet wide
which samples 8o per ton,
Judging from the fact that this pay
shoot has been coutlnually widening
from the surface, there can bo but little
doubt that it will be the full width of
the shaft when a depth of seventv-Ave
feet is attained.
The Advance Mining company, which
la the fiscal agent (or the Forest Min
ing eoeaeany, ia bow eerfectlag sr
iMaeaeeale te develop several other
promising propositions in the vicinity
of the high grade Storm King group.
Among the many contemplated im
provements will lie a section of wagon
road two and one-half miles in length
by which the company can transxrt
their ore by wagons or sleds instead of
by pack animals, as at present.
This roud will In) an extension of thu
one from Sumptur to thu Lust Chance
mine, and will enable the company to
utilize thu electrical or steam railway
which will x(xncr or later be constructed
from Sumpter to Cable Cove.
In addition to the abovu, the company
are contemplating and figuring on the
cost of building about one mile of
wagon road down the north fork of thu
John Day river. This improvement
will intersect the Sumptur-tiruultc
count v road.
It is claimed that. these enterprises
will Ik undertaken and completed as
soon as the conditions will xrmit. He
sides Ix-ing u great benefit to thu Forest
and Advance Mining companies, they
will tend to make thu district where
their proHTty is located, more acces
sible for every one.
Proposed Development on the Black Jack
The Lincoln, Nebraska, people who u
fuw weeks ago purchased the lllack
Jack group of claims adjoining the
Oregon Monarch on thu south, have
untitled their Sumptur associates that
as sixm as thu siunw leaves the ground,
everything will lie piessed to make uu
early producer ol thu proierty.
The probable plan of development will
be W opeu thu mines from thu Clear
Creek side of the hill. The tunnel
already started on the Congress claim
NO. 20.
can be driven on the vein for three
claim lengths, or MX) feet, ami nil) give
n depth of at least 1000 feet under the
This will givu an immense sloping
area, and will enable the management
to block out u very large ore reserve.
From this tunnel crosscuts can be run
to open thu parallel ledues, making it a
splendid, economical mining proposi
tion. Death of MUt Ida E. Hoffman.
Ida Kphemiu Hoffman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hoffman, died
in this city this morning of quick con
sumption. Miss Huffman was horn at
Corad, Nebraska on July 11, 188a. The
remains will Im interred in thu Hlue
Mountain Cemetery ou Friday, thu 21x1
instant. Father Dcsmarisu of Haker
City, will conduct the funeral from tho
family home on Auburn Street.. Misn
Hoffman has resided iu. Sumpter alxnit
three years, except for aix mouths spent
visiting friends in Nebraska during the
past year. She returned to ttumeter
last July and made this city .her home
until thu grim messenger called her
hence. .
Mete North Pole
A number of four horse teams went
down to Sumpter from the North Pole
mill Friday loaded with concentrates.
The concentrates were loaded on to cur
and will lie shlpKil to the tTacoma
smelter. It is tho regular monthly out
put from thu mill, and aggregates -1:1,000
pounds, or two car loads. The value ol
thu shipment could not Is ascertained,
hut thu concentrates are said to U as
rich as thu shipment made last ,'mouth.
It Is Ix'lleved that thu monthly oul-piit
will lx) more than doubled as soon as
thu old ten stauiis are again added to
thu battery, which will givu tlju mill
thirty HtampH iu active operation.
itourne News.
Operations on Big Producer.)
Manager Win. II. Cliamlxirx is crowd
ing work ou the lllg Producer group
near Alamo, and cxix-ctH to cut"' tlnr
llostou Hoy ledgu in u few days. If thin
tunnel develops thu ground at depth u
it shown up on the surface, the llig Pro
ducer company will lie entitled to con
urutulutiun. There are eleven claims Iu
thu group. A fuw tlays since quite it
strlku was made on thu Moulder Hoy,
another claim of thu company's minus.
A. H. Hrowuu, of llrowne A Smith, will
go out in a fuw days to make an examin
ation and iwrform soinu engineering-
work ou this pnqxrrty.
City Recorder and Magistrate.1
Professor H. S. Start now holds tlnr
xisition of city rccoriler with Which
other duties and the emoluments of'
ofllcu are combined. Mr. Start has)i
been identified with mining to a con
siderable extent. Last year he was
principal of the Sumpter school. IIe
and his brother are more or less 'in
terested iu ruiues and town pjruperty
throughout Baker uiul (Sraut counties,
and have some valuable interests iu