The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 14, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 19.
A Home Market Here la Sumptcr for all
Products of the Mine, Quartz or Placer
Bullion, Ore aod Concentrates
Purchased Progress Being Made at'
the Works.
The Oregon Smelting and Hutlulhg
company art' rapidly gutting in sliae
to purchiisu bullion, amalgam, placer
gold, or in fact any kind of mi alloy of
the noblo metals no matter how base.
TlieHu metals will Ins refined by the
company here in Sumpter, paid for
jipot cash and forwarded by the Smelter
company to the markets; of the world.
lly tilts nieniiH the Oregon .Smelting
and Helloing eonipany of Smnptur will
be the mineral hunkers and clearing
house of eastern Oregon.
What 11 world of ojMrtunlty tliiw plan
opeiiH up for the entire district. It will
be the next thinn to having a govern
ment assay ollice in the Htate. In home
rt'HH-ctH it will he letter than an insti
tution of that kind. No matter what a
miner produces, an long iih his product
linn a metalie value that will pay, he
can hriii: his product, whether pure
gold, silver, copper or any coiuMiund of
these tuetalH to thu local smelter, have
them ho pa rated and refined mid obtain
the full value for the came without
wuithiK a long time for returiiH. Thin
will ulso nave him the coot of expressagc
to distant nointtf, the rink of Iohh from
hold-ups or any other cause.
Those operation stamp mills, or thu
placer miner can duxisit their gold in
any bank, if they ho chmise, and thu
Smelter eonipany will receive it and
attend to the rent. Therefore, anything
from pure gold to the most refractory
concentrates or rebellion. ores, have a
ciihIi ciiHtomer almost at their doors.
Within live weeks of this date the
Smelting and Helliiiug company will bo
in shuu to curry out these plana.
Sampler in now the acknowledged
mining tnetroMlis of eastern Oregon.
With the additional prehtage it will
gain by the oHrution of the extensive
works of this progressive concern, will
place it in a mxition to rank with any
miiiitivc or reduction center on the con
tinent. By the means that the smelter people
have adopted, at the end of each year
the exact production of the entire
country will lt known. Hut it
understood that no individual's business
will be made public. Only the aggre
gate will he given.
At the site of the works below town
everything is hustling activity. The
stone ami brick work will be complete! I
In a few days. Grading on the terraces
is about all finished. The massive
foundation for thu l!W loot steel stack is
ready to receive its load.
Nearly all Milliters for the super
structure are in place, and the immense
building is being rapidly housed in.
Ah soon as practicable the Sumpter
Valley Ituilway company will hae the
spur from their main Hue constructed
to the works, and it is expected thej
Smelting and Itetiiiing company will be i
ready to blow in their tirst furnace be
fore early spring is far advanced.
At their commodious ollice everything
is completed, and this structure is ready
for occupancy. It is in this building
where gold and silver bullion will be
separated and refined, as outlined in the
New Feature in Robbins 6c Robbins Assay
Office and Laboratory.
HnbbiiiR & Hobbins have added a new
furnace to the equipment of their assay
ollice and laboratory, which is about iih
up-to-date and complete as any innova
tion of thu kind to lm seen anywhere.
This furnace is just large enough to
hold two muffels, sine nine by seven by
fifteen Indies, one being alxive the
other. The lower being used for scori
fying and crucible work and the upier
for cupelling.
This furnace is built of lire brick,
sheatcd with asbestos, over this a cover
ing of sheet iron and sheeted over that
again will be another layer of itU-sto.
lly this means it will lie next to im
possible to losu any heat. Soft coal will
Ih) used as fuel, which is an advantage
in many ways. The doors are of asbes
tos with mica windows.
They also have a gasoline furnace
which will be used as occasion requires.
Developing the Cracker Eagle.
On the Cracker Kagle, one of the Kil
ltn, Warn,, Stewart mines, the cross
cut which has been energetically pushed
forward for some time so as to cut that
Immense vein from wall to wall, is now
in over HO feet, starting on the hanging
and run to cut the foot wall. The
objective Mint has not been reached
yet. However over thirty feet of line
milling ore is develoed.
It is the intention when the foot wall
is found to drift Ixith ways along this
wall, crosscuttiiig at intervals so as not
to miss thu rich shoots of ore which ure
known to exist in that wonderful tissure
in other places. Suerinteiident .luck
sou, who ban the work in charge, has
had considerable exerieucu in ojieiiing
up other mines on. the great mother
lode, and is considered iiiulitied on ac
count of Ida past exH'rienee to Hud the
pay channels in the- one where he is
now directing development.
An Eastern Company is De De
veeoping: a Splendid
Something to depend
upon (iiant
Preparations are being made for more
extended operations on the Tahoma
group of four claims and a fraction, lo
cated alsiut one and a half miles south
west of the Ibex mine and on the same
mineral belt.
I.iiiiiIht is now on the ground for thu
building of large quarters so that ipiite '
a uumlier of men can he added to the
force and comfortably housed.
Win. II. Ha I Icy and Andrew (iteii
have owned this procrty for four years.
Uist September they bonded it to
Maryland parties (or eighteen mouths.
It in thu parlies holding thu Ismd who
ant now doing the development work.
Previous to bonding, the original own
ers sunk two shafts. One thirty and
the other thirty-live feet deep. They
also run two adit tunnels, one I'M mid
the other M feet in length. These
tunnels are from 140 to "WO feet from
the surface at their faces.
In the thirty foot shaft there is a
streak of ore from two to four inches
wide which is said to be worth over fl
t pound in gold.
Samples taken across the thirty-live
foot shaft, four feet and ek'lit inches in
width, return an average value of fl''.:.'l
ier ton in gold.
In places the main vein is forty feet
in width. In all the oH'iiingM the vein
matter and ore is much wider than
either shaft or tunnel.
Four veins in all cross the locutions
and the parties holding the Isiud pro
viso to prove the value of all of them.
This Mine can now be Reached From
W. W. Itobbius arrived in town this
ufteiuooii from atrip to the tunnel of
the South I'olu t nusolidated Mines com
puny tin Hock creek.
This is the lirst trip to the pioperlv
Mr. Itobbius has made by crossim; the
North Pole mountain since the snow
He left the caiiiii at the mouth of the
tunnel at II o'clock this morning, travel
ing on Web snow shoes, and reached
Hourne by noon. He had a iiiiiiiImt of
samples with him.
The tunnel he went to insis-ct is now
ill HAO feet. All hut the lirst 100 feet is
in ore of a grade which upis-urs to Ih
satisfactory to the company.
list to the nresent theiu Iihh Iwcii o
little travel over North Pole mountain
that thu trail was not kept open. Mr.
Hobbins has made several trips when
he had to go and return via linker City,
traveling sixty miles to reach a point
not much over eight inllen from Sump
ter. The snow has drifted considerable
on the route, hut its general average ia
six or seven feet on a level, ,
New York Capitalists Will be Here. In a
Few Days.
A local mining man received a letter
.vesterday front Cjrus Hind Icy, o'f Spo
kane, slating that he and a number' of
New York moiihd men would Ih in
Sumpter in a few dajs for the purHise
of examining the .lay (ioultl group, and
if the appearance of the property justi
fied it, a ten stamp mill would ! erect
ed as soon as posih!e.
The .lay (iould group consists of live
claims, mid is located on (iimlet creek,
about ten miles westerly from Suinptcr.
It is owned by llradley, Holterman and
Thomas. Mr. Thomas now- living in
charge of the property. Over L1XMI feet
of work has bteu iN'rformcd on thu
group, anil vast iiiautlt(es of ore'nro 'In
sight. t .... '
U the New Yorkers are pleased' with
the outlook, they will furnish all 'thu
capital necessary to cipilp the 'mino'
with all necessary machinery, taking '
stiH'k in the company to rcihtriursu
Know of Eastern Oregon Now. ,,
)r. K. W. Mueller, general manager
of the Oregon Smelting and Helloing
company, lias returned from a uioutliM
vacation scnt at his old home, St. Joe
Missouri, and in ChiciiL'o, The toclnr
says there is a great difference U'tween
going east than any time in the past hs
far as eastern Oregon Ih concerned.
Heretofore if this count ty was men
tioned H'ople would express surprise if
told that gold was produced in thlnKr
tion of Oregon, Now, if it is known a
IH'rsou is from IheSiimpter district, they
are plied with ipieslious alsiut different
mines whose names apN-ar to lie quite
fainilliar to those who take an interest
in the industry. It upM-ars the fame of
eastern Oregon is spreading rapitllyi.due
in great measure to those enterprising
eiioiuih to advertise lis resources.
Cleaver Brothers' Propositions.
I). K. Cleaver was in town Sunday,
finm Prairie City. Acting for Major
Itiiiitn, he keeps a force of men at work
continuously at the Will Clcavcrgrnu'ps.
He hems regularly from that gentle
man, who left for the east Iht-emher 'JO.
He writes very encouragingly relative
to the progress Isiug made to finance
the electric line prnsiition. Dr. Um
Cleaver has been sick in linker City for
a mouth past, which has delayed some
of Cleaver llrothers' hushiccs plans.
Spokane Mountain Claims,
Mr. W, II. Atkinson, of llailey, Idaho,
one of the owners of the O. K. group on
Ssikane mountain, near (Srauite, is at
the proHrty doing the Hsswhsinent
work. The work that has been done on
SMikauu Moiiutaiii during the past year
gives every indication of making the O.
K. one of the valuable proertics of that
locality. Oraulte (Jem.
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