Wednesday, January 7, 1905 THE SLMPThR MINER IDAHO'S GREAT COMING MINE. Scarcity of Lumber Retards Progress on Development Over There. NVil J. Sorensun returned it few days ago from the Friday Minu at Pearl, Idaho, where he spent oeveral dayalook ing after the Intercuts of the company. Mr. Sorenoen feels highly elated over the showing made upon the property since his last visit there, and states that there is no question but that the Friday will eventually tie one of the biggest mines in the state of Idaho. On account of the scarcity of lumber for mining purposes no drifting is being done at present, and the work is of necessity limited to hoisting the ore to the surface from the great ore reserves in the mine and placing the same upon the dump and in the ore-bins; in this way a large amount of ore will be on hand to run through the mill when it )b finished. The mill will be pushed for -ward to completion at the earliest ob sible moment, consistent with the economical expenditure of the com pany's money ; lint lumber seems to be the controlling factor in thi-'Peurl camp, as the Lincoln mill stands there today but little more than half completed, and none of the mines have received any thing like the amount of lumber neces sary to fully carry out their plans. When asked whether or not he would place another property upon the market, Mr. Sorensen stated that it was the in tention of his Arm to give their entire time and attention to the Friday, and first place it upon a dividend paying basis; then, should they find another meritorious property they would not be adverse to taking hold of it. "By giv ing our attention to one thing ata time" said Mr. Sorensen, "we feel that our energies are not scattered, but are concentrated, and thus am in a better position to conserve and attend to the interests of our stockholders, which we have always endeavored to make our first consideration. 1 expect to send the most of my time at the mine for the next few weeks, as I am determined to II ml some means of overcoming the lumber situation in the Pearl camp. Mr. Sorensen left for the Maxwell mine Saturday FREE MINERAL SURVEYS. Remarks on Resolution Adopted by Inter national Mining Congress. K. G. Stevenson, one of the big min ing operators of tho Greenhorns,; writes Tiir Minkr asking that it give publicity to an article written by Dan Kvans, one of the delegates to tho last International Mining congress, on a resolution passed by that organization. Mr. Kvans nays: The resolution provides that when the price $5 per acre of a mineral claim shall have been paid into the land office, that the person making the pay ment shall receive an order of survey, which shall bu free of expense to the claim owner. If the press of the country will take that resolution to bo good and advocate the passage of a bill on line witli it, I believe the prospectors and mining men would have a law favorable to their interest in a very short time. I will also suggest that all people inter ested in mining in different parts of the country write to their respective Rep resentatives in Congress urging them to assist in the passage of such a bill. And with our joint action the press and people interested in mining, Cong ress will surely do what they can to wards the passage of a bill on line with the resolution, which undoubtedly would be very beneficial, especially to the poor prospector. It is a well known fact that all lands other than mineral lauds are surveyed free of cost to the locator, and I am of the opinion that mineral laud is a very essential factor in the world's industries, and that tho locators of such land who suffer more inconveniences and hardships than any other class of people should be encour aged and granted these rights, which locators of other lauds enjoy. Acquired Additional Territory. Since the late importnntdevclopmenta on the Bonanza mine at Geiser the com pany owning that p operty has b.-cn reaching out and acquiring more territory. Recently V. A. Thatcher, act ing on behalf of the Bonanza consolidat ed mining company, has purchased the Butcher Boy, Iowa, Blue Bird and Littlo Blue locations, in tho near vicinity. These claims were formerly owned by P. A. Gilbert. Heard From their Machinery. The long over duo shipment of machinery for the Blue Bird mines near tho Red Bov, has been heard from at Omaha, Nebraska. Originally this freight was shipped from tho factory of the Sullivan Machinery company at Clermont, New Hampshire. It should arrive here soon. We have a reputation for handling a better lot of interesting specialties for steam users than any other house. Among these nre the now well-known Kureka packing, the Improved Robertson-Thompson indicator, the Iline eliminator, the Willis planimeter, as well as a dozen other things. These things mean money to the man wise enough to run his plant on a scientific basis. Our catalogue will tell you about them. It is free. .las. L. Robertson & Sons, 204 Fulton St., New York. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 332&12&& MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or MINING INVESTMENTS WE CAN SELL YOUR STOCKS IF LISTEI WITH US WE HAVE FOR SALE BYRON ARCIIULKTA OIL NAVAJO OIL CONSTELLATION NORTH WKSTKRN CON. GOLCONDA CRACK KR-ORKGON LISTKN LAKK GOLD BKLT Kl. DORADO Wilson SBucknum SUMPTER, OREGON I Campbell &t Landreth WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS WE CARRY A FULL LINK OF SILVER WARE. .JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ROGER8 BROTHERS TRIIM'LE PLATED SILVERWARE. :;:::::: : : EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE CAMPBELL; 8c LANDRETH GRANITE STREET SUMITER, OREGON '-''' A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier C Bank of Sumpter 3 ' Tfi Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts diawii on ul p.irts of the aoiIJ Special attention to .oilecllons. Safety-Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON 'f'.' GRIZZLY STOCK... 21,801 Hlmiw nt less Hum ground floor price. You can Imve it for 2J itiiIh in one lump, or il centx in broken Iota. EST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Writo for purtieulnw to BERNARD FLYlSTN sumpter, ore. 4vvi OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a ao-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON -. Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nov jU to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WAT EH WHEEL Suartz Mining and Milling oisting, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Giants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rivited Pipe, j Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines, Boilers, Pumps and Machinery of every description. J jt j Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES i