Wednesday, January 7, 190 STORM KING THE SUMPTER MINER r " k 0 z 2 0 h (0 LO BUS SS IMPOSSIBLE I U SI NESS CONCERN JIN ESS PRINCIPLES Forest Mining Company An investment in the stock of this company is better than an investment in Bonds. Two shifts of men now engaged sinking a shaft on the Storm King Group of Mines. The shaft is in ore all the way down j j Storm KiiiL' (Jroup, Cable Cow District, Jummrv 4tli, 1003.. T. J. Co-del lo, President Foic-t Mining' Co. Dear Sir: Mince our crow returned to work on the 2(!tli of December, work has steadily progressed. We are now in better ore than we wei-e when we laid oil' for Christum. My last average sample assayed 982.45 (Sold; $(.1M Silver, and .'I per cent Copcr. The ore is now becoming more imprcgnatrd with Galena. Icsx'cUiilly, J. L. CODY, Sticrintcndcnt. We solicit your thorough investigation of our system and methods. Write for lteorts, Prospectus, and MapH of this Great Group of Mines. J ...Advance Mining Co... Sk. Lock 0) H 0 71 5 z 0 Box F FISCAL AGENT ROOMS 6 AND 8 GOSS BANK BUILDING Sumpter, Orego J STORM KING MALHEUR OIL FIELDS. Indications Good for Renewed Interest this Year. .1. II. Itiowii leturueil hoveral days since from Malheur oil Ileitis, where lie with I to look after thocxtcnsivolntercsts ot himself mill associates. They own i-i'oial thousand lie res of liinil there. Mr. Brown says that it is the general impression of 1 1 nine who have been iniii'h in that vieinity during the past year that llm llirseli well is already in oil; that operations were Mopped hint Miiiiiner after oil was encountered for the iiirMiHe of discouraging other oMratuis, mi that the company might mure readily actpiire mure gmuml. It is a fact, its every one familior with the nituatioii knows, that the (greatest poxMilile wcrecy was iiiaiutaiued regard inn everything pertaining to the llir-i'h eumpaiiy and its operations. Just what will now he done on that nn..'rty, that Mr. Ilirm'h is dead, is nut known. Them was considerable of a rush .liiouary 1st to relocate claims on which iiMVivmicut work had not been done, CHpccially in the vicinity of Vale, though theie was little or iiodihHiiiiiiu on the part of any one to jump, every one seeming to rccogoiic the fact that dur iug the past vein those who bad taken up I toil, tliere Mug no derricks in the cull n try, bad not bad time and oppor tunity to get to work projierly. The combined (taker City companies did their assoHiucut sinking shallow shafts on varum claims, which is said to Iks a ncivinary preliminary before starting to Ixint. Mi. Brown is of the opinion that there willbe manifested much renewed inter est in the Milliliter oil proHisitiou dur ing the present year, and that a number of wells will be sunk. Kvery expert who has ever examined the region has ex piesseil the lielicf that oil of excellent ipuility exists there; as the indications are very pronounced and unmistakable. The linker City Democrat says: Oil has been struck in Malheur. The indi cations are that It is in paying ipiauti ties. High grade petroleum has been found in two wells; one of these is on the property of the I'niou Oil company and the other Is on the lauds of the Zenith Oil company. Messrs. Al brecht, Miles and llurtcb, as well as the score or more shareholders, are happy. They ant already talking of oil burning I ccomotlves and sprinkling the streets with oil. This is the tlrst oil that has been struck in Oregon. South Africa Gold Giving Out. M. I.eroy-Beaulicu, the well-known French economist, lias written an In structive article on "The Situation of the (iold-Minlug Industry in South Africa." He gives only ton years more of maximum production, ami less than twenty-live years of continued life. This second estmatu is substautally that given out by John Hays Hammond, some mouths ago. If the deductions drawn out by these gentlemen are cor rect, and accepted by the British in vestors, it will cause that class to seek elsewhere for producing gold mines that give evidence of having lasting ipiulitics. It would i'ot be a bad idea, iH'rhapa, to do a little advertising in Loudon re garding eastern Oregon. DIXIE MEADOW MINE. Much Good Work Done-New Character of Ore. Miller cap protectors. T. 15. Harrison j agent for Hakcr, (irant and Union! counties. Mining deeds for sale at this otrloe. Five shifts of miners are at work on the Dixie Meadows mine, three shifts in the lower tunnel and two In the second level. The lower tunnel is a crosscut, driven to tap the main ledge at a depth of MX) feet. This crosscut is driven for a working tunnel, and will strike the ledge at a distance of 4'.'K feet, provided the dip of the ledge is continuous at the angle of the ledge in the second tunnel. Because of the permanent nature of the huge crosscut, it is being smoothed and timbered, graded and drained with extreme care. The work was begun about three months ago and has progressed for a distance of 357 feet. If no harder ground is encountered the great ledge of ItOO or 400 dollar ore will be struck in a mouth's time. The second level was nrginally intend ed as a prosjiect tiiiiuel, but is now be ing used to block out a large Isxly of ore. Through it two shifts of men are drift ing on the main ledge, which shows a steady pay shoot from two to twenty feel in width for 200 feet along the ledge the entire length of the drift. The values are mostly base, in Iron pyrites and sulphides, but contain a con siderable ipiautity of free gold. The latest developments show a slight change in the character of the ore, the difference being a deeper vellow in the pyrites, and large deposits of very rich galena. This latter may greatly simplify the reduction of the ore. Mr. Hash, who is spending the holi days with his family in John Day, says the boys are in good spirits, and many of them are down from the mine for the holidays. Ho presented a news reort er with samples of the flKIO pyrite ore, and of the newly found galena strike. (irant County News. Beware of Imitations. See that the powder you purchase is branded "Giant Powder, San Francisco, patented May 24, No. 241041 and June 14. No. 242803. "THE MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Kail may, known all over the Union as the Great Itailway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect trains in the world." Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, elec tric lights, steam beat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the I'liited States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other information, address, H. S. Kowk, General Agent, Portland, Ore. It. M. Boyii, Com'l Agent, Seattle, Wash. C