THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 7, 1903 l ,v3 1 THE MAKING OF A MINE Spokane Company Quietly Opening up a Bonanza. ing. Hi! reports thu work on the lower tunnel procreating at the rata of six feet ler day, with a working force of three HliiftH. They are now in 300 feet, and, according to the mirvoy, they have only iilxiut 100 feet tnnre to drift Ixjforo tliey Hlrikc thu main ledge. They liaveHtrnck 11 II foot vein, the ore of which looks more like Cracker Creek ore than any Keen in that district, ltv drifting in a Over on Cranite Creek, three iii)Iih ncirtliw-Httrlv dlrvctirm on the vein in north of the town of (iranite, in located ' i, uimer working, thi'v Htnick n mining property which, if xituuted in f ore Hhowing a large percentage of Nw Prom Dialc Mdowi Cmp. (iiM, II. Knight, pri'-iilciu of Dixie MeitilnwH (iold MiniiiK company, came in fiuiii their camp on Wcdm-nday even any other portion of the mining lleldn of the wtnt, would attract douhtlcxiagrcat deal of attention. Yet nothing ulmiit UiIh Hue nhowintf ever IIiiiIh itn way into print, and the company owning the property appar ently care little whether t lit) public know anything about what they have or what I hey are doing. II wiih liy aluioHt an accident, during the pant Hummer, that a rcprcHentutive of 'I'll k MiNieu happened to he invited to go through the workingH of UiIh fairly well developed mine and Hccure a few noteri iih to what had already been done, and gain Home idea of the future inten tioiiH ol thu company owning the name. Tlila property Ih ntyled the Clliinix group, and coiiNiHtH of live full claium adjoining each other, and Im owned by a Spokiiuti, WaMhingtou, company with the title of the KiiHteru Oregon Mining mid Milling company. l-'or Mineral yoarti ilevelopmeut work hurt hoeu in progreNH in rather a hIow hut Miiru mai r, generally a few HweedM having a contract. They ener getically doing their allotted work mid not Haying anything to anyone about their or the compaiiy'rt liuninenn. The veiim which trend through the ground owned by thia concern, are ap parently coutactH, with granite on the hanging ami Hlate on the foot wall. lleVelopilleutH coiiHiHt of II forty foot nlm(l in uiie place, from the bottom of which a croHHCiil tunnel twelve feet in length biiH been run with no wiiIIh in night. Number 'J, or the upper tunnel, Im diiven in 011 the vein. IIm length !m IfiOfcel, all in ore. One hundred feet verlic.illy below, a crnnneut tunnel 171) feet in length penetrate the eiu. Drifli have been mil KOO feet on each nIiIu of tbirt tunnel ami iiumerouH ero-H-ruin made, proving tint ore Imdy to ho from thirty to forty feet wide, except in one place where u width of lifty feet Iuih been criHMCiit and no wall found. What in raid of thin latter tunnel iih to width of ore body, applli h an well to the tunnel above, Tliii itiimciipc body of ore carrieM con Midei.ihle ftee gold, Nlllnerouri MainplcM taken fiom the driftM and croexcutH and ti'Mleil by lire iiMay, yieldiil from f8 to fits hi gold per ton, At a convenient heighth above (iran ite cieek. no um to hae room for a dump, a tunnel mi a ciohm lead wart Mlartml to cut tln viiun at depth, and in time be come the main aenue through which the pioH-ity will be worked, 'I'b iii tunnel irt now in 1100 feet, and it Im c.ilcul ilitl it will hae to he driven auotliKi 'tiKt feet bulore it croneH the in.iiu contact vein, 1'iiy v.iluert bine Wen encountered in this tuiiiii'l, hut in iu.mtity the ore found i- o it o imiiieuMe um in the other veiiiM described The contract for thin 11(h) leet le.entlv expired, and in a nhort time .mother will lie let when the tun nel will Im purthfd forward until it cutH the ote nhool developed above. TIiIm will beat .1 depth of aUuit flOO feet be nentli the "iirf.U'c, Nothing U known at pre-eut an to the couipinv'n intention uUitit electing re duction irkrt. lead and nine; the vein Iiuh Wen eronn cut for 'M feet and neither wall Iuih liecu encountered ho far. They will continuo drifting in tliln direction, one cronncut every 50 feet, to nhow up the full extent of the vein. I'rairie City Miner. DOUBLE AND SINGLE DRILLING. Conloti Which Will Tke Place at El Paso, Tcxai. TIioho who take an intercHt in rock drilling con I cm t nhotild watch the re HiiltHof that Hport which will take place at the mid-winter carnival to he held at Id I'iimo, Tcxiih on the 15, 10 and 17 of thiM mouth. The Htone which !h to bo need by thu drillerH Ih the mime iih that lined when the world'M record wiih cHtahliHlicd. The Htone Ih from the (iunniMon ipiarry of Cripple Creek, Colorado. The bain merM niUMt not exceed eight poiiudH in weight for double and four poiiudH for Mingle. The contcKtH for both doublcH and MJiigleH will Im for 15 miuiitcH. The drilling couteNtH will he held un der the uiiHpicicH of the International MinerM' iiMMociatiou during the proccMM of the tiiid-winteruaruival. Thudrilliug will begin at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of .limitary 15. For the double drilling content the llrnt prize !h f 1,000; thu mccouiI, $:t00, and the third, IM). I'nr the Mingle handed drilling thu prizcHiire: Kirnt, rL'M); mccouiI, 100 ; third, f0. 'I'lie pnV.eH are all in chhIi. Iii addition to the ciinIi pri.o a nilver loving cup, valued at f'JOO, ix offered in the double drilling content. The enteraiice fee is I'.'O for the douhlcrt and flO for the Hlllglcrt. PARKER ROTARY STAMP MILL. One of This Type Has Been Erected on the Virginia. ('. It. Townnend will leave in a few daya for the lireeuhoriiH where bu goen to take charge of thu mill recently erect ed on the Virginia group of minen. ThiM group connintn of the Virginia, Nabob and North Virginia locatioiiH, and in nituated in the name neighlMir hood iih the Don Juan and Kldorado groiipH. The mill which Iuih junt been com pleted in one of the Parker rotary Htanip pattern. When the Mtamp dropn on the die iu the mortar, a cog arrangement turiiMit around alMiut three-fourtbn of Um diameter, tlniM grinding the ore iih well an criiHhiiig it by the blow imparted from thedropof thuHtamp. Thin Ih the llrnt mill of the kind erect ed in the Suinpter dintriet, and itn work ingH will mi doubt lie watched with keen iuterent by thone inturentcd in ipmrtr. iiiilliug. Preparing For Development. The lot Cabin Cold it Silver Mining company, owner of the Sanco Pedro group of claims, coiiHiHtiug of the Sanco I'edro, lex, Connection, KccklcHH and Florence, located between Secenh and Dixie creek, now havo a crew of men ut work building a upSecenb gulch to their proHrtieH, wherethey are now put iug up huildiiigH, preparatory todevclop incut of the mine. Prairie City Miner. No headaches from Giant powder. DO YOU WANT TO SELL ANY REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT TO BUY ANY REAL ESTATE If you do, addrt'HH or call on J. L. KVANS, Room 1, Gleason Bldg. Sumpter, Oregon. P. 0. Itox 02 Good Business Lots, Good Residence Lots. Look at the list and see what you want. I have good investments for you if you want them Hoiiho and Lot on North Street . 2760 lloiine and Lot on Auburn Street ... 2500 KurnlHbcd I Iouho on Columbia Street 1250 Ilouneand Lot on Manilla Street - 800 Houne and Lot on Columbia Street ... 800 A Snap, two LotH on North Street 350 Houne and Lot in Sunnyside ... 250 Il-Koom Houne, ground rent very cheap - 200 Fine Henidence Iit on Ilonnnza ... 250 M on Ixiwer Mill Street .... 300 4-Koom Hoiiho on Parkinson Avenue - 050 Two HouncH and Iot on I'nrklnnon Avenue 800 5-Hoom Houne and Lot, good Stable, in Sumpter Heights 700 Corner I)t, good location .... 350 Denirahle Henidence Lot, Upper Mill Street 500 0-Kootn Houne, gooil stable - 075 Lot 30x150 100 A good tiling, Lot 105x150, two good Houses, part cash balance on time ..... 2300 Good Lodging Houne in the heart of the city cheap. J. L. EVANS GLEASON BUILDING P. O. BOX 92 SUMPTER, OREGON f V' z ALL WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNN, the Tailor. Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received. CKNTKIt HTKKKT, NKAK rOHTOKFICK SUMPTER, OREGON. THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON.Prop. (.Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. BEER The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main if. BAKER CITY, OREGON.