The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 07, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday January 7, 1905
ruDLiViNiiun. .siniur. tint
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Nov. j. loos I
Notice l hereby given llul in compliance with the
provisions t Ihr actof congressnf June 1,1878. en
lltlr J "An net (or the sale uf limber lands In the Slates
of California, Oregon, Nevada, anil Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public I and Slates
by act of August 4, i8g.
of Sumpler, count) of Maker, state of Oregon, has
this day file I In this office fiis sworn statement No.
1658, for the purchase of the s e ', of section No. 8
In township No. n S range No. 8 I.WM, and will
offer proof In show that the land sought Is more val
uable lor lis llmler or slone than lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim 10 said land be
fore Charles II, Chance, U. S. Commissioner at
Sumpler, Oregon, on Thursday, the md day of Jan
uary, lqo.
lie names as witnesses Hubert N Graves, of
Sumpler, Oregon; lose I . Dlas, of McLwen, Ore
gon; Van Rensselaer Mead and Ralph L. drives.
or sumpler, uregnn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are re (nested hi tile their claims In
this ottice on or before said land day of January
I.. W. llAklllTT. Register.
TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE 1, i8j8.-notic:i' low
United States Land Olhce, j
La (irande, Oregon, Nov 7, 1001. I
Notice Is hereby given Ihat In compliance with the
provisions of Ihe act ol congress of June , 1878, en
lllfed "An act for the Nile ol limber I inds In the slites
of California, Oregon, Nevidi and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended In all Ihe Public Land stales by
act of August a, itJuj,
of Hiker cltv, cnunt) of Maker state ol Oregon, lias
this day filed In this ulhce his sworn statement No.
6t for the purchase of the 11 ! ne!,sicllnn ,iw,'
seW , section 1;, In township No. 10 soulh, range No.
IT f.WAI, and will offer proof In show thai the land
sought Is more valuable for Its limber or slone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to estibllsh hlsctalm to
said land I efore A II. Combs lr., County Clerk ol
Maker count), at Hiker Cll), Oregon, on Silurdiy,
the ilh da of lanuir), uo
lie names ns witnesses I.J 1 ewis nnj Joseph
Nellson ol Hiker Clly, Oregon, and I'elir llogmson
and Mali lohnson nl Aid tn, Oregon.
Anv and nil persons claiming adversely Ihe above
descrlted lands are li'iiiesled lo file Ihelr cl ihns In
Ihls oltire on or belore slid ailh di) of January, i'oj.
I W liAUMI IT. Register
TIMHIK IANI), ACT JUNI 1,1878. MUK.i' low
tlnlled SI lies 1-inJ Ollu e,
I a lirande, Oregon, Nov. 8, njn. )
Notice Is hereby given thai In coinpllince with the
provisions ol the ail ol congress ol time 1,1878, en
titled "An net lor the sale tit timber lands In Ihe sliles
ol California, Olegon, Nevadi and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to all the Public l-and stales b
acl ol August a, iHijj,
1 1) HANI)
ol Sumpler, county ol Miker, stile nl Olegon,
has this di tiled In this ottice his sworn sliteinent
No 10711, tor the purclnse nl lot 4, se' sw'4 nl
section No. 7 and ) 11 w ', ol section No iH
In south, range No H IV. w, and
will otier pinot to show the land sought Is more
valuible 101 Its llinhir nr slone 1I1111 fur agrUullural
puipuses, and In eslibllsh his clihn lo said land be
line Ihe Chis II. i.liance. If S Commissioner at
Sumpttr. Oiegnn, un Silurdi), the ?4lh da)
uait, ig.
He 11 lines as witnesses Van Rensselier Ale.iJ.
Willi tin A tin en, R1I1I1 .Mi Sumpler, Oiegun,
and Jose I IMas nl Ah I well, Oregon.
Anv and all ersons chiming adversel) Ihe ahise
destilbed lands ate lequestrJ In hie their 1 1 thus III
ttils nttue nn ur telnie said aith Jit nl Jan" loot
I W Msttlll II, Riglsler.
IIMMIR UND. At. I JUNI 1. 1878
United Mates land Ollice.
I a drande. Oregon. Not. 11, iui. I
Notlie Is hetel's given thai (11 cumpllante wlih Hip
I nit Islmis nl Ihe acl nl confess nl lune t, i8;8, en
titled "An at I lor the sile nt Umber I inds In the stales
nl Calltiiinla Oieeuu, Nevadi and Washlnglnn ler exIenJedtnall Ihe Pulllt Lind slates b)
act nt August 4, ifcj,
ID Mi.Nl'1 IV.
uf Siniiplet. muni) nt Hiker, stale nt Oiegnn. Ins
this di filed in this nllice tils swum slalement No
1(81, Ini Die puiihase nl lots 1, 1, and 4
nt settloit No 18 In township No 11 south, tinge
No w I WM, an I will nidi pinnt to show thai the
I md sought Is mine saluitle lot lis llmler nr slone
than tin agilnilliiial puipmes, and to esiillish his
tlalm In said land lilme (Jus II (liiine, I' S
(.nmiiilssiiniri, at Sumpler, (, nil Saiutd i , the
Jiih di nl Januai), iim
lie names as witnesses William K'elli, Pelu
I. Siuids, Knletl Ai P.1II1 isim, Daniil Rugits.all
ul Sumpler, Oiegnn
An) and all pusiuis tlilinlng adteisel) the alnise
desirlted linds ale ie.uistid In file Ihelr ilaiins In
Ihls utiue on ni lelme said iilli das nt l.m.ii
I.. W Msuti1, Register
Slites I and Oldie,
I and unite,
ande. Oli gun.
Det a. lutia 1
I i (nan
Nuilte Is hritbs gltinthiiln tntiiplliiue Willi ihe
I tntlslnus nt the .nt nl inngiess nl lune i. iSrK, n
tilled "An .ul Im the silent ilmtti liiidsln Ihe stilts
nl Callliniila, Oiegnn, Nesadi slid Washliiglnn lu
iilniv,"as eslrnded mall Hie Publit land stales l'
atlnl Augusl4,tlij,
nl Suinptei, iiiuai) nl Miker, stite nf Oiegnn. Ins
this J.n hied In this nltite his swum slaiemeiit vu
i7io for the putt base nt lite wk) sw i-4 s ei-asw
1-4 anj s w 1-4 n w 1-4 nt sitiinn in 10 in Dun
ship Su. 11 south, range sn b I.W.M and will utter
piiHil In show that His- land sought Is note sajuable
Inr lis limber nr slone thin agtltutltiral puipises,
and tnestilllsh his tlalm In slid land belnie (.tias.
II, Chance, II. s Cninmlssloner, al Sumpter, Oie
gnn, on Wednesda), Ihe nttida nl lebtuat), ivo
lie names as witnesses Van Rennselaer XeaJ,
Rilph Atead. W. A, Gieen, I Al Lmell. all ot
Sampler. Olegon
An) and all peisons tlalmlng adterselt Iheatote
Jestlibed lands ais ieuested lo tile their ilaiins In
this office on or belnie said nth Ja) ot leb. ia
L. W. lUklllll. Register.
United States Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 8, iooj
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1873, en
titled "An act for Ihe sale of limber lands In Ihe
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all Ihe Public Land
Slates b) act of August 4, 18)1,
of Sumpler, county of Maker, Slate of Oregon,
has this da) filed In this office his sworn state
ment no 1681, for the purchase of the it i l(!(
section No. 1; 1 )i 1 w !( and n e l s w i, of sec
lion So. 1 In township No. it South range
No )7 I' w M, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber nr
slone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim In said land before (.has. II, Chance, U,
S. Commissioner, at Summer. Oregon, on Saturday.
the )alh day ol January, tool.
lie names as witnesses: Daniel Rogers, Peter
J Soards, Robert M Patterson, Edmund McNulty,
all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said aath day of fanuars , 100 j.
L. W llAWTUTT. Register.
United States Land Office,
I a Grande, Oregon, Nov. 8, root. I
Notice Is hereby given Ihat In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tllled "An act for the sile of timber linds In the stales
of (-sllfnrnla. Oriinn. Nevada and Washington Ttr-
rliory," as extended to all the Public Land slates by
act ui August 4 WHi
ol Sumptir, county ol Makei, stale of Oregon,
has this d i) hleJ in Ihls oflice his sworn statement
No 1680, for Ihe purchase of the s! n e l, and n h
se'J" ot section No. 0 In township No. 11 south,
range No. 17 I' W M, and will offer proof lo show
that the land sought is more valuable tor Ifs
tlmler or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
In eslibllsh his claim In said land before Chas. II.
Ctiance, U S. Commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon,
on Salurdiy, the ?4th day nl January, tuoi.
lie names as witnesses' Van Rensselaer AteaJ,
William A. Green, Ralph Alead, James Conta, all ol
numpier, uregnn.
An) and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to hie their claims in
this oltice on or before said 34lfi day ot January, tuoj
I.. W. llAkTU'TT, Register.
United States Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Ottober t. ioj. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions nf the acl nt Congress of June , 1878, en
titled "An acl for the sale of limber lands In the
Slates nt California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Terrltnr)" as extended 10 all the Public Land
Slates by act of August 4. tBui,
ol Maker City, county ol Maker, slate ol Oregon, has
Ihls diy tiled In this oltice his sworn statement Nn.
I do, lor the purchase ol Ihe w)4 ne!, se't nn',
II w1,' se'J ol set Hon No. 10 In township No. 10 soulh,
range No. 6IM, and will offer prnnt lo show that
the land sought Is more le lor Its limber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
bis culm In said lind belore the Register and Re
ceiver nl this office at 1 .1 Grande, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 17II1 da) nl Januar) , loot.
Me nimes as witnesses P. A. lalsen, Alilk W.
Calder. Caspei (1 ittlker, James Hunt, all nl Hiker
Am and all persons cl liming adversel) the above
destilbed linds are requested 10 hie their claims In
ttils nttue on or before said 17th day ot January, toot
l W. IIAWIUTT. Register.
At T JUNB , 1878-
putaii. Alios.
UnlleJ Slates Und Oltice, I
j Grande, Oregon, Ott. 98. looj.
Notice Is beieb) clsen Ihat In compliance with the
pint Islons nl the act nt Congress of June 1,1878,
entitled "An act Inr the sale of timber lands In the
st lies nt California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
tun reiillni)," as extended In all Ihe public land
stales b) act nl August 4, 1804,
ul Aid wen, count) ol Hiker, stale ol Oregon,
Ins tins di filed In this oflice his swum statement
Nn it44, lor the purchase ol Ihe vw' n e ,
11 w 1, s e 't, n e ' s w , ol section No. 6, In
township No. 10 Smith, range No. 17 E W Al.
and a III nlltr ptuot to show that the land sought
Is mine saluitte lot lis umber man lor agricultural
puipmes, nid lo eslibllsh his claim to said land
hi hue A II. Combs, Jr , Count) Cleik, at Baker
1. lit,, un Tutsdi), the autli Ji ul Jan
11.11), ivi.
lie names as witnesses I rank Hulk anj Peter
lliigensnn nl Atcl win, Oiegon, louis J. lewis, ul
Baker CM) .Oregon, and lames Wntle) ul Aid wen,
All) and all persons claiming a Isersel) Ihe abuse
descilled lands ale requested to tile their claims in
thisultitenn nt betuie said aoth da ul Januar),
L W. lUwilPIT, Register
Tihiiiw I ami. Act JliM t, 1878 NOllllr I on
United Males Land Other. ,
la Grande, Oiegnn, Not . iua. (
Notlte Is hetrb) glten that in compliance with the
ptti) Islons ul the act nf Congtess uf lune 1. t8t8
entitled "An at I lot the sale nt llinbtr lands In the
states nt Califotnla, Oregon, Nesada, and Mashing
tun letlltoi)," as esltnded to all the Public Land
Slites b act ol August 4, '4i,
nl Sumpler, cnunty nt Maker, stale of Oregon, lias
tills da) hied In this urine his swoin staumrnt Nn
j io7, tor the purchase uf Ihe s e . ul srvih,n Su 7,
I in InwnshlpNo. 11 S, R. No. 8 U W Al, and will
j oltet ptiHit to show that the land sought Is mole sal-
uitietorits umrcr or stone man lor agricultural
pui poses, and to isttbllsh his claim lo said land be
lnie Chailes II, Chance, l- S, Commlsslumr al
Sumpler, Olegon, on Ihursdu), the aind da) nt Jan
uan, iu.
lie names as witnesses I rank S. Malllle. Robeil
N. Grates, Van RtussWaer .Mead, all ol Sumpter,
Oregon, and Jose I D as ol AttLwen, Oregon.
, An and all peisons claiming adseisel) the above
dest nbed lands aie tequested to tile then claims In Ihls
oltice on or before sa'd aind di) ot Januar), iuo.
L. W. Uakiuti,
United States Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon,
December 8. torn.
Notice Is hereby given Ihat In compliance with Ihe
provisions of the act ol congress of June , 1878, en- ' ,.,,," 7. n. n,Jii and Washington Ter
illled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In Ihe states ' .. C"' !orn'T??fai?"KJ,,r'',i,.JB..0.?-'Lr.,
of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
rltorv." as extended to all the Public Land states by
acl of Augusta, i8oa.
of Sumpter, county of Maker, stale of Oregon, has
this day hied In this office his sworn statement
No. 1761. for Ihe purchase of the wH netf and se
n e t-4 ol section No. 15, and s w 1-4 n w 1-4 of
section No 14 In township No. 11 south, rang
No. j8 E.W.M., and will ofler proof to show that the
. ..a . - . . .. .
land snug it is more va uaoie lor Is timper or stone
claim lo salJ land before Chas. H. Chance. U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on Thursday, the I
athdav of February, loot.
lie names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead,
Ralph Mead. W. A. Green and James Collins, all nf
Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
desirlbed lands are requested to file their claims In
this oltice on or before said i?th day of Feb , loot,
b. W. IIAHUKTT. Register.
UnlteJ Slates Land Olfice, J
La (irande, Oregon, Dec, 18, ion.
Notice Is hereby given Ihat in compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, I878, en
tilled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by act ol August 4. I841,
ol Bourne, cnunty nf Maker, State of Oregon,
lias this dav filed In this office his sworn state
ment Mi. 1768, far the purchase of the s w 1-4 ol sec
tion No. is, in township no. 11 S, range No. ,8 1! w M.
and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for lis timber or ston? than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said Chance. U. S. Commissioner.
at aumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday the iBth day of
lebruar), loo).
He names as witnesses: V. R. Mead, W, A.
Gretn Charles I k'ear. all of bumpier, Oregon, and
II S. Morrison, of Bourne, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this nttue on or before said 18th day of Feb , rooj.
E. W llAUHETT, Register.
UnlteJ States Land Office,
La (irande, Oregon,
December o laoi. )
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with ihe
provisions of Ihe act ol congress of June ), I818. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe states
ul California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended lo all the Public Land states by
act ol August 4l8u
ol Hourne, county ol Baker, stite ol Oregon, has
this da) tiled in this olhce his sworn stateuent No.
771 for the purchase of the n e i 4 of section No.
ai In tonnshlp No. 11 s range No )8 c. ))'. W. and will
olfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valu
able lor its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to estalllsh his claim lo sold land before
Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at Sumpler,
Oregon, on Wednesda). the 18th di) of I ek. loo.
lie names as witnesses' V. R. Atead, W, A.
Green, Charles, I: Kear, all of Sumpter, Oregon,
and William Wlegand, of Bourne, Oregon.
An) and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie their clilms In
this oltice on or belore said 18111 day nf lebruar),
I'. W. IIAMTILIT. Regster.
United Stales Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, Dec, 0. tuoj. j
Notice Is hereby given mat In compliance wlih the
pros Islons ot the act ot Gongrss ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act tor the sale ot timber lands In the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Lind
Stales b) ad of August 4. iKo,
ol Sumpler, count) ol Maker, slate of Olegon, has
this day filed In this ottice tils sworn statement No.
176a lor Ihe purchase ul Ihe r ! n w 1-4, s w 1-4 n
w 1-4 and n e 1-4 s w 1-4 ot section No. jj In township
No 11 south, range Nu j8 L v. , and will otter prool
to show thai Hie land sought Is inoie )aluable lor Its
timper or slone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
estalllsh his claim to said land belore duties II.
Chance, I', S. commissioner, at Sumpler, uregon, on
Wednesda), the 181I1 Ja) uf I ebruars , 1001.
He names as witnesses, V. R. Alead, W. A.
(iieen, II. S Atnrilson, all ot Sumpler, Oregon, and
William Wlegand, ol Mourne, oregun.
An) and ali persons claiming adversel) Ihe ahote
destilbed lands are requested lo hie their claims in
this ortiteon or before said 181I1 da) ot I eb., ii.
L. W IIAWIUTT. Register.
United States Land Otlice, f
La Grande, Oiegnn, Not 18, igoa
NnMte Is hereb) glten that in comphante with the
prmlsinns ot theatt nl Congtess 01 June ), 1878,
entitled "An at I torthe sale ul timber lands In the
stales nt California, Oiegnn, Netada, and Washing
ton leiillii),"as extended to all Ihe Public Land
stales b) ad ul August 4, iksii,
at Sumpur, tuunij ut Maker, state ul Oregon,
has Hits da) filed In this uffite Ills swum state
ment No, icmo, tor Hie purtliase otlols iv 4 and s'v
nw;4 01 set. (so, 1, iiiiownsnip mi. 11 soutn, range no.
it L.)S.,xi,and will ullir prnoi to show that the land I
sought Is motexaluable lot lis Umber or slone than j
tor agricultural puitHises, and to establish his claim
to said land betore Chas H Chance, U S commls-
slurier at sumpter, Oiegnn.on Atonda), theitihda)
ul Januar), ij
He names as witnesses an Rensselaer Mead.
winiam a. ureen, icaipn nieaj, Anjrew J (.arm, all
ol Sumrfer. Olecon
An) and all prisons claiming adtersely Ihe above
described lands are requested 10 hie Ihelr claims In
tlris olhce un or belore said will da) ot Januar) ,
E. W. lUkllUT, Register.
United States Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, Dec tg, 1001. (
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the
provisions of Ihe acl of congress of June ), I878, en-
:. 1 ... .a , .a. .. -I- nl I -m h -t, Ian In In aha at tat ate
"!?", "J "T."
"' of M'uit l8',t'. ,.., T1Bnc
of McEwen, county of Maker, state of Oregon
has Ihls da filed In Ihls office his sworn statement
No. Irot, for the purchase of the nw 1-4 sw 1-4
i of section No. s In township No. 10 south
range No. ,8 LWM, and will offer proof to show
I Ihat Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its.
, timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
I ..Lift 1 l 1 - I a.. tll - lolntu Ceanli I
esiariisn 111s ciaim m mm mna nine. " -
Mnnr.i. IfnlifJ Slates CommUsioner. at Baker City.
Oregon, on Tuesdaj . the 10m day or narcn,ioo.
11. lugii
He Names as witnesses: Alex Izett, of McEwen.
Oregon; William A. Green, of Sumpter, Oregon
Charles Tlbbs. of McEwen, Oregon; Robert N.
Service, of Baker Clt), Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adtersely the. above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this olfice on or before said toth day of March, loon
E. W. MARUCTT. Register.
TIMBkR LAND. aIit" JUNe"iB78.-Not1cb
tor Publication.
Unll.d States LanJ Office. j
La Grande, Ore.. Nov. 1, loot. (
Notice Is hereby given Ihat In compliance wlih the
provisions ot the act of congress of June I878, en
titled "An act for the sale oitimber lands in the slate
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public LanJ slates by
act of August 4,l8oi,
of Sumpter, county of Maker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oflice his sworn statement No.
i6,g, for the purchase of the n e l( s w if, w )S s w
( ot section Nu. 8 and n w nw nf section No, 17
In township No. 11 Soulh, range No. 18EWAI, and will
offer proof to show Ihat Ihe land sought In more val
uable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, an J 10 establish his claim to said land be
ore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Ihursday, the tmd day ot
January, 190).
He names as witnesses: Ralph L. Graves aaid
Frank S, Baillle, ol Sumpter, Oregon; Jose I . Dtas.
nt McEwen, Oregon, and Van Rensselaer Atead, ot
Sumpter, Oregon.
Anv and alt persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested 10 tile their claims in
Ihls office on or before said und Jay of Jan., iooj.
h. W. HAHUerr, Register.
United Slates LanJ Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, Nov, 4, loo. I
Notice Is hereby given thai in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June t, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale oftlmber lands in the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Ihe Public Land Stales by
actol Augusta, 184s,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon,
has this dav filed In this office his sworn statement
No. 1601, tor the purchase of the eJS nw, anj
lots and a of section No. jo, In township No. e S.,
range No. 17, 1.WA1, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than Inr agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Chas. II. Chance. U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on Friday, the
9 d day of January, too)
He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Atead.
C S. Van Du n, John Barnes, and Ired Amell, all of
Sumpter. Oregon.
An) and all persons claiming adversely the abo)e
described linds are requested 10 file their claims In
this office on or before said aid dav of January, ioo.
E. W. BAHTLbTT. Register.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. iSrB.-votloe ho
UnlteJ States Land Oflice.
La Grande, Oregon,
novemfer bin. 1003.
Notice Is hereby gl)en that In compliance with the-
provisions uf the act of Congress of June ), 1878,
entitled "An acl tor the sale of timber lands in the
stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
Inn Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by act of August 4, 180a,
ot Sumpler, county of Baker, stale ot Oregon, has
this da) tiled In Ihls oflice his sworn statement No.
1671, fur the purchase of ihe s1 j e!., sec 10, and n1,'
ne' of sec )i. township g south, range 7E)))t,and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable lor Its timber urstnue than lor agricultural
purposes, and lo establish disclaim to said land be
lore Charles II. Chance, U, S. commissioner, at
Sumpler, Oregon, on I ilJa, Hie d Ji) ol Janu-,
ars.ioo). '
He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Atead,
John Austin, C S. Va Dun and John Pennington,
all ul Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
describe J lands are requested In tile their claims in
this office on or belore said aid day of January,
E. W. Hawtutt. Register. '
MmK K()t p!,,,,,,.,.,,,
United States Land Office. j
La Grande, Oregon, Dec, q, looi (
Notice 1 ' creb) gi)en that in compliance with Hie
pro) Islons ui the act ol congress nt June 1, 1678, en
titled "An act lor the sale 01 timber lands In the stales
of Calilornla, Oregon, Nesada and Washington Ter
illoi), as extended to all the Put lie Land stales b)
actol Augusta, Itxja.
ol Mouire, count) of Maker, stale ut Oregon, has
this das hied in this olhce his sworn statement No. 1
1770 lor the purchaseajl the nW se 1-4 section No.
k. and n '. s, tv i-a nl v.-tlnn S!n win
No. 11 south, range No )8 D) )), and will offer proof to
show thai H e land sought Is more saluable lor Its
timber or slone than lor agricultural purposes, and
10 establish his claim to said land betore Chas. II.
Chance, c . S. Commissioner, at Sumpter. Oregon,
on Wednesda), the 181I1 das ol I ebruai), loo
lie nines as wltresses: V. k. Atead. W. A
f,r...n f harl.v I. Lur nil ..f Ciimn.r rs........ ...
William Wlegand. of Mourne. Oreeon.
---" - .,., hi. v, kui,'ii-,, wivnuii, ana
An) and all peisons claiming adtersely the above
described lands are requested to Me Ihelr claims In.
this office on or before said 18th day of Feb., loo).
fc. W. BaHTIETT, Register .