Wednesday, January 7, 1903 THE SUMPThR MINER 1 OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were flleil at the Baker county court house during the week ending Jnn. 0, HK)3. RKAI. KSTATK TRAN8FKKS. DKKDS. Nov 28 .1 H Hnttteld and wife to T M and T J Hewitt, 1(H) news sees 5 and 8 tp 10 r 3 e 760 Oct 27 .las l'uliner and wife to A F Compton, lot 18 in blk 62 Wilovale, Haker City 25 Nov 17 John McSerney and wife to A Lang and It 1' Andorson, lot 11 Mkll Hnlnes 600 July 28 George Chandler and wf to Josephine Ison, part n e Bee 27 tp 8 r 3D e 4000 Dec 2 ltachel Shaver to W M Hunimury. lot 5 blk A of Syndi cates 3d mill to Sumpter 1135 Dec 111 David It Castiday and wf to W II Gilbert, Epigram prem ises in blk 7 Baker Citv 3(100 Dec 20-Obidali to Mary K Miller, wife, 1110 acres in sees 20, 32 and 33tpl0r40 1000 Nov 28 Ira Hatfield and wife to Fannie Sutvelv, 100 acres in set: 7 tp Urfflle 750 Oct 24 Chas Keller nnd wife to It W Makinson, hit 38 acres in sec 20 tii 9 r 45 e 1300 Auk 7 J C Christcnsoii and wf to Frank Grey, 4 acres adjoining Hainea 60 Dec llO Broyles and wife to W Uroyles, w 00 rods so ( sec 21 tp r 40 o 300 Dec 24 Geo M Weigel and wifeto C Kisenhardt and wife, 8 lotO blk 11 Sumpter 2000 Feb 22 Win McMurren and wife to II 7. Perkins, .. s w h e )i sec 25 tp 8 r 38 e 1 Feb 18 h O Sterns and wife to II 7, Perkins, u e J4 s w ,'4 sec 25tp8r38 o 100 Apr 4 L W Nelson and wife to II 7, Perkins, & int a w s o )i sec 25 tp 8 r 38 e 100 Dec 20 I. D Stellor to W 11 Gil bert, 100 acres in sect 34, 35 tp 10 r 37 e 200 Nov 10 Oscar Kendall and wife to Cliaa Keller, int in lot 0 Hunts adu to Itichlaud 350 and 51x100 feet in 11 e M sec 21 tp8r40e 117 Auk 30 Hoy II Miller and wife to Win Weed, lot 4 blk 20 Vinsons ad 11 Smuttier 140 Dec 20 Hdward Hirsch and wife to Jennie W French nnd Bailie Baer. 11 35 feet of lot 3 blk 2 Fisher adu Baker City 8000 Dec 31 W J Patterson and wife to Public, Patterson homestead tract in a w Vi sec 2 tpO r 40 0. . Dec 20 T Turner and wife to W C and M C Thompson, w i 11 e ), sec 32 tp 8 r 40 o 758 Apr 30, '01 Jas Gasman and II A Hottel to C T Seifert, 5 acrea in a w sec 21 tpr40o 200 Jan 2 J 11 Donald and wife to J K Horn, 60x110 feet just west blk 15 Boyda adu Baker City. . . 700 Dec 20 John Schmitx and P A Mann to Kd Itawson, lota 0 and 7 blk 3 Stewarts adn Baker Citv 000 Sep 21 John Toronto to I.fezie B Hall, lot 2 blk 3 Warren Heights Sumpter 02 MORTGAGK8. Dec 20 E H Whitney and wifo to Walter Fernald, lota 6 and 7 blk 7 Parkers adn Baker City. . 1147 Dec 20 A F Compton et al to O B Mount, lot 18 blk 62 Wilovale Baker City 60 Dec 28 Arthur Oliver to First National Bank, 200 steer 4700 Dec 27 S H Jackson to Itoy II Miller, 20 milch cows 400 Dec 27 Mary It Painter and lid to J It Hughes, 32 acres in sec 5 tp 8 r 40 e 160 Nov 22 Harry D Robertson and wife to John It Hughes, 39 acres in sec 30 tp 7 r 40 e 400 Dec 16 W W Young to Lack & Schmitx, 4 horses, wagon and harness 100 Dec 30 A B Vandecar to S Van decar, 2 horses and 10 pigs.. . . 275 Dec 30 M W Sullivan to L High land, stock, etc., in Magnolia saloon on Granite St., Sumpter 600 Sen 8 Samuel L Shannon toChaa W Michall, same aa last 600 Auk 20 Geo G Pratt and wife to Chaa Keller, lot 0 blk 1 Duffey North adn Richland 400 Dec SO ML I m bier and A K lid to Tillamook Co. Bank, 160 acres sec 18 tp 14 r 45 e 730 Dec 27 (.1 F Gardner and A and S I, Adams to Buffalo Pitts Co., engine etc., threshing machine outilt 4tH Dec 16 Chloride Con G M Co. to II C Armstrong et al, Chloride group of 3qtz elaiius and Ms. 24000 Dec 31 Kd Itawson and wife to Schmitx and Maun, lots 0 and 7 blk 3 Stewarts adn Baker City 400 MINING MATTKRS. DKKDS. Dec 1 C A Burkhart to SS Strain et al, Aurora n,tx claim 000 Sen 2, '010 A Burkhart et al to , Kasteru Oregon G M nnd M Co. Ashland nnd 3 other qtx claims. 1 Nov 20 Kastern Oregon G M nnd M Co. to S S Strain et til, same as last 1800 Dec 20 C II Barnard to Cracker Knglo G M Co., the Pearl placer claim 200 Dec 3 C G St rock and J O Car rell to Big Bug G M Co., Gold Dust nnd 3 other qtx claims ... 1 Oct 21 M L Keixer et al to Card inal G M Co., Alliiimbrn nnd 5 qtz claims 1 Dec 34 A F to Blanche Garrison, wife, Crown Point No 1 and 2 nnd 2 qtx claims 1000 OctO, '01 F-dward Chrisman to J W Holland, liitllu placer claim 1 Dec 29 II K Courtiu.y et al to Isaac Hyatt, 2-oth Int in Fir Grove plnerr claim 1 Dec 20 .1 II Dearmiu and wife to W N Thompson, Cnmperdown qtx claim 1 Dec 31 II K Sawdon to Thomps Menefle, Pupers Dream qtx elm 100 Dec 2(1 Itcrt to J B Hillenry, i hit in Never Sweat, Wearv Willie and Bald Mt. qtx claims. 1 INCORPORATIONS Dec 22 Oregon Trading Co., by Clark Suvde, J T Donnelly and 11C Bowers, Sumpter 20000 Dec 22 Baker City bxlgo No 338 B P O K, by S L Baer, II W Shurtliff and Nut Cooper Oct 18 Blue Mt G M Co., by K G Stevenson. II Ilolcomb and ThosMcKwen, Baker City. ..1250000 Dec 30 Baltimore Mines Co., O G Wright, J II nnd C C Rob bins, Sumpter MINING AGRKKMKNTS Nov 0 L M Harnett to TIioh Me Kwen. extension of time to com ply with option to purchase U int in Snow Creek qtx claim till Novl, 1004 1 BILLS OF SALK Jan 2 Joseph Traesdalo to Pat terson & Knpiuger, chattels in Truesdale Rooming house in Baker City 600 SUITS TIioh McEwen etal vs W V. Sand era et al, purchase price Snow Creek qtx claim 76000 Frank Wnllace vh C B Turbin and G J Parker, damages and ex penses of wrongful prosecution in JPcourt 10250 It A Cxauder vs C J Carlson, note and interest 3000 Jas York vs II A and S Taggart and C W James, amount of note by Taggarts 243 Beware of imitations. See that the powder you purchase is branded "Giant Powder, San Francisco, patented May 24, No. 241041 and June 14, No. 242893. If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer cantile company. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant ow der company. Only the best brands ot liquors and cigars at Dunphy'a "The Club." Giant Powder is the best by test in the world. T. G. Harrison agent. All tho latest novelties in hats at Neill Mercantile company's. Something to depend iioii Giant powder. No headaches from Giant powder. Mining deeds for sale at this office. A FINE LINE OF .. GROCERIES .. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Vegetables Arriving Dally. Prompt Delivery. Give Us a Trial and We Will Plense You. EDLIN & STARBUCK Optra Hous Blook Phont) " F.E.O'Rourke&Co. 1 right! everything fresh i : i I PRICES I IN GROCERIES .. Granite St. v Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tohaccoes n large uunilier of popular novels, the leading HriNlicalsnnd n complete line of stationery ...The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Mining Blanks Quarts and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discovery Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j I CAN locate you on a good TIMBER CLAIM or 1 HOMESTEAD where you can double your money in less than two years. Yellow Pine or Fir and Cedar. Q Q ROGERS 206 Stark Strict PORTLAND, OREGON 351 SUMPTER. OREGON Sumpter, Ore. 2 FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER in ! U 11 ..aMrtsMftsyWili''" MS- srsrwatrsg: j&