The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 07, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday January 7, 190$
Sumpter Couple Now Visiting
In the East.
Tin1 Woreenter, .MiiHHiiclniHcttH, Teli-
Urn 111 f if llcceinlier -I, ban, anions other
thinuH, thu following to wiy of an old
Suiuptfritti anil bin ife who are Hpeud
ill)! tint holiday ncanon in tint old Kay
I'l'tcr I). Ilealey nnd wife, who left
Worvi'HtiT 17 yearn imo for a honeymoon
which muled at (hit I'ncillc count, am in
HK!iieur at thu home of Patrick Cniiuorn
on Itell Htret'l. Mr. I leu ley anil bin
Woruenter bride were married in llontou,
and after bidding their friciiilM uoodhy
for a honeymoon, went to thu far went
and did not return.
They are hem for a fitw weeka, when
they will ko hack to their hoinu in
8uniiter, OreK'Mi, which they would
not fornuku for ton citiea like Woreenter.
Mr. Ilealey wiih neen hy it Telt-(rani
mail today, and talked of the went.
Mr. Ilealey in VI yearn old, and wiih
horn in Ireland. Ileciimeto WoreeMer
'2'1 yearn ao, and after learning the boot
mid hIiou working trade, found work in
J. II. Walker'H laruo iihop, which hhm
then onuof Worrenter'a great indiiHtrii'N.
AfU'r live yeara Mtay in tho Heart of
the Coiiiiiiouwealth, he took it upon
hiniHulf to enter thu matrimonial Mate,
and Ht took h young Woreenter girl for
IiIh bride. The day aftur the marriage,
thu couple left with no intention of go
iiiK very far. Mr. Ilealey had money,
mid while on the tour ho concluded with
IiIh wife to no direct to Portland, Ore.
rroiii there they went to Nuwort, an
excellent Hauiiner ri-Hort, iih up to date,
ho Niiyn, iih Newport, It. I.
I'ndor the letin of I'ri'Hiilcut Cleve
land ho wiih made pontmanler of the
place, u hich had a population of over Central iIim-h not care which line you line
:i(KH people and kept the olllco until j I" Hie went, north went, central went or
William McKinley wiiHelecled. lie wiih Inniithwent, hecaiine it connectH with all
ohliuiil toiuit 'ifl'ereitsht tlm' work, ji'f tin and in nbnnlutely impartial to
a republican taking IiIh place. In con nil. All you have to do in to drop iih u
neclioii with the punt ollice he ran a J note; tell iih your dentinatinu and ntart
nhoontore. After Inning the poMtmaMer- l"C point. In there anything in the
nhip, ho went to Sumpter, about JUKI whole glnrloun went that you want to we
Dillon from I'ortland. Tho town wan I n tlm wh.vV Mention it. Wo will ar
Hiuall then, hut it Iiiih grown well, ami j range for it if it can ho done. I'erhapH
Iiiih a population of nearly MHHl. It in you will want a ntonver. We will nr
chielly a minion town. range that ton if it Ih pnnniblo for any-
Mr. Ilealev in oxteunlvnlv intereMed I " to do it. .Innt make u nuggentinn an
Marled in at once to make it up on mill
ing Mock.
Mr. .Ilealey pii.vh he hue no line for the
eat, and Ih natinllcd with only a few
weekh' visit, lie hiij'h there are uochan
con in thoeiiht Mich iih are offered in thu
went. lletellHof recent ventureH made
hy people in which thoUHiindH were
reaped. .John P. Ilayen of Philadelphia
bought the Ilonana mine, half a mile
from the l.ucky Hoy, two yearn ago, and
after keeping it a year, nolil out. He
paid about f500,00( for the mine ami
mild for tl'.OOO.tXHJ to the Standard Oil
Kveryhody that wantnto work in that
Hcctton of the country can do m and live
When thu ordinary citizen Intendn to
Ko cant, or Huud for frieudH or relativen
to come went, thu choice of routen Ih a
ipiention that alwayn botliern him. Hu
wantn to know if thu name route he tired
once, noine time ago, innken thu name
time, name connectioiiH, if the pricu in
the name, if it coMh thu name to go east
iih it did to come went. Ponnihly, hu linn
heard or road of famntiH points of interest
in thu went or ifyitldlu weirftlfnt-he over-
liKiked on thu trip he made. Did not
hoc them hecnuned hu had not time; dd
not know hu could for thu name money;
did nut know hu could get a Moxvur.
There aru hundreds of tit'ntionn hu
would liku to have linked, many tiling
hu would liked to have neen, ami many
accommixlatioiiH hu could have enjoyed,
only, hu did not have time to look into
thu mibject, and it wun too much bother
Here is u nuggi-ntion that vill nave
you all that trouble, vexation mid re
gret. The lllinoin Central Ititilroad
company ruiw eant and nouth from St.
Paul, Omaha and St. l.ouin, and north
frjmi New OrlemiH. At thune pointn, it
connectH with all thu wenteru trunk
linen, mid through them, with all their
wcMorn connectioiiH. The lllinoin
in mining ami N Ireanurer of the l.ui ky
(toy Mining Co., and renidenf manager
of the (irilv (Sold Mining Co. He has
to the wenteru line and we will clalxir
ate it for you; tell you the time you
nhould Mart, when you nhould arrive at
accumulated a largo amount of money jdeMinatiou, what aiYnniiuodationM you
hIiico he went went, 17 yearn ago, and will enjoy, what it will cent you, an
nij'h the chance in yet open, but in Mug itinerary for tho trip, and will do any
eagerly uranped by' men of the eanl who I thing that wennlbly can to make your
aie going there in large numbem every Journey pleiinonl and comfortable,
year, lie couniilern mining a work if jTlmtV what we are here for. We have
i imoii nnn and good judginent. lie i liciidiUiirtori in Portlaml; agentn in
ban with him numplen of ore from IiIh ' Portland and Seattle, ami traveling
clalmn. One piece in worth, he naid, 1 iigcntn that will come ami talk it over
about ti'4),iKHI to tho ton. Anido from ! with you any time and at any place in
what nhares ho ownn, he ban with , the northwoM without It coniingyoua
another about :i'JO hcioh of placer mine, cent inure than a postage ntaiup.
another guide of gold which can be Chicago huhim-cn in a npeclally with tin,
mined more candy than the ordinary hut wo have our own rail in a doen
,,,,., different ntutes cant of St. Paul, Omaha
He reached Spencer laM night, but and Now'OileaiiH, and can ticket you to
wan in WorcoMcr a few dayn. Mr. thene gatowayn over a doon different
Ilealev will lemaiii in Spencer a few ronton. Write tin. Hy the way, do you
dayn, and after a nhorthtay in Woicenter want a uico wall map of the l'nited
wlilgo to New York, to ceo neveral Staten. Cuba and Porto UlcoV Send me
mining niagnalen. Timen have worked nix centn to pay jMinUgi
a great change with him in bin 17 yearn
II. II. Tumtiii't.i.,
Commercial Agent III. Cent. I!. It.,
U'i Third St., Portlaml, Ore.
nbneiico from WorcoMcr. leaving, he
wan practically a ioor man, and to-lay
ban enormoiiH wealth to bin credit. He Timber and HonutUad Filing.
in modcM in bin accouutn, and mivh it in Timber and homcHtead tiling, as well
no more limn what tho ordinary man iih Dual proofs, can bo made before
could have done had ho taken tho Charted II. Chance, United States com
chance. , minniouer, ollice in Kimt Hank of Sump-
After working n while in thu went ho ' ter building, Sumpter, thus wiving ap-i
lont atmut 5000 on a railroad deal, and ' plicautn exK-une of a trip to I.a Grande. A
rjQ red diamond-shaped label on the box, and on every
I fmi Knflr Crrff rrt gf I net
I icw yuiua u. tuicixa FanM..fe -- 6JWWB
is an insurance policy. It
insures long life of the packing,
perfect performance of its duty as
packing, reduction of friction to a
fraction, and less packing expense
than with any other kind of packing. When you have
Eureka, "you have found it."
,lan. I.. HobertHon A Soiib, LWI Pulton St., New York, HoMon, Philadelphia, St. Louie.
32 Broadway, Naw York
Write for IVosiMjctun. Mention No. i0 nnd wo will nend you u coiy
of "OUKfiONVS KKSOUKCKH," un illiiHtrutcil pamphlet on Ore-
gonV famous jrold tin' n en, and it three montlm trial nuliccriptioii to tlio
I CAN locate you on a good TIMBER CLAIM or
1 HOMESTEAD where you can double your
money in less than two years. Yellow Pine or Fir
and Cedar. Q Q RQGERS
206 Stark Strict PORTLAND, OREGON
a iiiiniiiiiimiitiiiiiiini
Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect
that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that
is already made, write me what you want
and permit me to submit a proposition.