Wednesday, December $i, 1902 THE SUMPThR MINER" FLOATING A COMPANY. Local Capital Cannot Handle All That is Offered. To many pooplu it is Imnl to utitlor fltand why It is necessary to offer for sale shams of nny good mining proposi tion. They seem to think that local capital should gobble up and control all the good investments in flight, and because this is not done, they seem to feel that the investment is not as good as it should be, sajs an exchange. That this idea is entirely wrong, a few minutes' thought will convince almost any one who is open to conviction. Knowing what an expensive operation it is to develop a mine properly it only seems necessary to count the number of mines in a country or district to realize that millions of dollarsare invested there in development work and it will not take long to arrive at the conclusion that there is not local capital enough to furnish more than a very small part of this sum. It becomes necessary, there fore, to attract and interest capital from other places, for which purpose stock or shares are sold. Nor is this mode of operation con lined to mining Investments only. Wo 11 nd the same thing done in railroading, in the industrials, in fact, in all busi ness where it is necessary to raise capital in order to accomplish certain results. A man would be considered extremely foolish if he asserted that the shares and bonds of our large railroad com panies or even our government bonds should lie looked upon with suspicion because they aro offered for sale to the public at largo. Yet these bonds and nlmres are sold in order to raise money to accomplish certain objects. Take, for example, some of the big railroads, like the Santa I'e and Union Pacific, who are issuing millions of dollars worth of bonds to raise the amount of money necessary to equip their engiueH with oil burners. These bonds ar liought all over the world, yet no one would dure say that the investment was a suspicious one because local capital did not take the whole issue. The United States Steel Trust, at its in ception, offered its stock to the general public, and the general public all over the world subscribed for it. The Russian government came here to raise 450,000,000, yet it would seem that there is suHlcieut wealth in Russia to take up such an amount locally. It must be remembered that local capital has a good many calls upon it, and no man cares to put all he iwssesses in one thing. He figures that money well scattered is well protected, and he is ierfectly right. A good business man will examine different investments be fore investing a dollar; then, if he (swell impressed, he will buy stock in the different ones always reserving a few dollars for some other proposition that is bound to come along. An investor should not, therefore, jump to the conclusion that because he has the opportunity offered him of in vesting in a good mine, the proposition is of 110 value simply because local capi tal has not taken it up. On the contrary if his investigation is satisfactory, he should lose no time in thanking the one who gave him the opportunity. PASTE IN YOUR HAT. An Incomplete Litt of Tclluridc Com pound. As Tellurium is found in many places in eastern Oregon, it is well to have the following list of principal tclluride min erals on hand that simple tests can bo made in case of doubt : Calaverite, 6(1 per cent; gold, 44 per cent ; hardness, '')... ; color, bronze yel low. Hessite, U" per cent ; silver, IK1 jht cent; hardness, '2i to It; color, steel grav. Coloradoito, H8 percent; mercury, ttt per cent ; hardness, .' ; color, iron black. Tetradymite, 48 per cent; bismuth, fi'J per cent; hardness, ',i to 2; color, pale steel gray. Melonlto, 7(1 per cent ; nickel, -4 per cent; hardness, 3; color, reddish white. Sylvanite, 5(1 per cent; gold, 1!8 er cent; silver, 10 per cent; hardness, lj to 2; color, silver white. I'etzitn, 'Xi per cent ; gold, 25 per cent ; silver, 42 per cent ; hardness, L", to II; color, iron gray. Altaite, 38 per cent ; lead, 02 per cent ; hardness, 3; color, tin white. Xagyagite, 32 er cent; lead 54 ht cent ; gold, 1) per cent ; hardness, 1 to IJb ; color, lead gray. A mineral scratched by a linger nail has a hardness of about 2 ; one which is cut by a knife is aliout 5j in the scale of hardness. The Mormon Temple. The Mormon temple at Salt Lake City is no doubt the most substantial and well constructed religious edillce in tho United States, if not in the world. Corner stone laid April 0,1853, cap stone April 0, 1802 and dedicated April 0, 1803 over forty years of constant labor lieing consumed In its construction. This magniflccnt structer 200 feet long, 100 feet wide is built entirely of Utah white granite, beautifully carved, symbolic of the Mormon faith, surmounted by six towers, the highest lieing 230 feet from the ground, supporting a bronr.o statue of the angel Maroni. The cost of this building is about 411,000,000. There are many other attractions at Salt I-nko City of interest to the traveler or tourist where a day can lie well spent. The Hio Grande iHtheoulyTrans-contiiicntal route passing directly through Salt Lake City, where a stojxiver Is allowed on nil classes ot tickets. The service of the Hio (irandolincHis unexcelled. Three trains daily between Ogden and Denver, carry ing all classes of modern equipment. If you are contemplating a trip to the east, write the undersigned for information regarding rates via the "scenic line of the world:" V. C. Mcllride. General Agent, M. J. Hoche, Traveling I'assciigor Agent, 124 Third St., Portland. Oregon. One thousand pounds of Christmas candies just received at Sturgills. MINING INVESTMENTS WECM SELL YOW STOCKS IF LNTEf WITH VS WE HAVE FOR SALE HYSON AHCHULKTA Oil. NAVAJO Oil. CONSTKIXATION NOUTHWKSTKHN CON. GOI.CONDA CRACKKR-ORKGON LISTEN LAKK GOLD BELT KLDOKADO Wilson SBucknum SUMPTER, OREGON TTJfc This is "Worth Your While" OUT IN THE Famous Cable Cove district there is a prospect that is the making of a great mine. This we know to be an absolute fact, be cause on both sides of it the ledges have been proven to be wide and rich, both width and values increasing to a known depth of iooo feet. On these particular claims sufficient development work has been done to demonstrate that the ore is there. We need money with which to block out and treat the ore, and you can get in on this good thing at ground floor prices. You can buy an interest, large or small, in a property that is sure to develop into a mine, at a figure usually charged for an unproven prospect. Write and let us submit to you an ex ceptionally favorable proposition. Address, Overland Gold Mining Company SUMPTER, OREGON ytofllflllltllllMMMfllllllllllMllfllfllfllllfl BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY Capital $200,000 FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MININC DISTRICT. EASTERN ORECON 50.000 SHARES OFFERED Xurp,c" WHEELER & CO., Inkers It IIROADWAV. NEW YORK Mention No. to end the North American Miner will tie mallei yiiu U nonlhi Irtt IF YOU WISH TO : -INVEST IN MINING Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS E. SANDERSON SMITH SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON