The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 31, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, December ji, 1902
Forest Mining Company
The (ireut STORM KING Group of mines it now being lcvelocd by this compuny. These mines
uro situated in Cable Cove Mining District, filleon miles north of Sumpter, Oregon. This group
consists of Suvi'ii full claims, located iimii four great parallel veins. Thin mammoth mineral zone
is attracting the attention of the mining fraternity, anil its development proceeds on this procrty,
greater conditions continiio to arise. Investigate and vou will appreciate what we say. That this
proMrty will soon rank among the leading producers is douhted by none who have examined it.
Mining men of wide reputation have, and are still purchasing stock in this company, and men, too,
who uro dccnly interested in other mines in the near vicinity. The system of this coin puny only
needs to he known to he appreciated, and it is here where your money, if invested, will bring you
returns with which you will be greatly pleased. Write for reports, prospectus and maps of this mine
Advance Mining Co.
Lock Box F Sumpter, Oregon
Report of a Mining Superin
tendent on the Property.
Tim Sturm Kin; crimp, Incited hi tint
Cable Cove sct-timi, liftecn mile- north
of Siiuiitr, mid in tin- vicinity of
SIII'll Well kllllUII MlilH'l a till' l.ii
Ht'llitvuc, l.usl t'h.uitv, Impel ml, Cali
fornia, etc., will, .it finding to tin best
uiitliorily olil.tin.ilili', I'oini' into liiu- u
out' of tin In; producing properties of
its nuii;)iliir) 1
Thin group is Ix'int: ili'M'lopi'il I iv t lit
I'm est Minion i oiiip.iux , ulni'li in turn
is being Iluanccil d I lie Advance .Min
ing I'
Sullii'ii'iit nil til a s.itif.iftoiy grade
Iiiii been pliii'i-il in sight to justify tln
fnuipaiiv in prcpinug tor extensive )
vi'liipini'iit. which will In proi'i uti'il
diligently fi tin- tiini'oii
Itftvutlv I'.ipt.uu A M I'.iul, superin
tend nit uf llu- ImpiMiiil nihil', in tin'
H.itnn viciuiiv, i,iinini'il I In- piopi'rty
Hint Ins ii'"iil ii hcicwith given
These pluHTtli" .ire Mtll.ltcll in till'
Cable I'nvn Miniii.- DiMnct, ii bout t i f -ti'i'ii
uiili" uoitli hi iunpti'i, Oregon,
ami nit tut "iii- mill' unrthwci of the
Main Mi'Ki'o iiiiiii', about two iinliw
northwest nf tin' t'li.uii't', the Al
pine, Urn I tn noil the California
Tint piopci tn". hi tins ri'port cniiMst
of seven I'ltini- I'lic n.iiiii'ii ut the
win mi t'l.iiuis U'liu- n- follow. I'lm
Kuntkit mnl tin linnet Dollar. Tlice
two claim .un on tint same M'lii. Ad
joining tlit'ntt two claim mnl paiallcliug
tliitm on lint iiorthwc-t is another vein
UMIII wllil'll there aio two claims known
Ins the. lessio mnl (ioldcn Kille. Adjoin
ing the .lessie ami Golden Kule ami
I paralleling tlii'in mi the northwest there
J Is another vein iimiii which there are
two I'lniius, known iis the Storm King
i mnl the Onue. The lust claim of this
Croup lies to the northwest nf the lust
I iimiieil two mnl is adjoining them; this
cIiiiiii is the Shmiimn Hell.
In making my report I will entiitiieuce
with the two llrst uameil claims of the
gioup, the Kurcka anil Honest Dollar.
)i'elopmeiit on these claims consists of
1 it tiiiiiiel ninety-seven feet in length
running along the course of the vein,
showing two feet ten inches of ore in the
1 top of the tunnel ami a little oer three
feet in the Imttoiii, with assays giving
Millies of fmiii ftl.ilS to $70.00 per ton in
gold. About four liuudretl feet in a
southwesterly direction there is a shaft
I on the vein tell feet deep, show inn the
win to be from one to two inches wide
mi the Mirfnce ami about twelve inches
wide in the bottom of tint shaft, in which
assavs give Millies of from fll.Ttl to'fiO.OO
per ton in free milling gold ore.
I This fin is exHiieil by small shafts
mid open cuts for a distance of fifteen
I liuudretl feet, mnl the cnuise of this vein
is north, ten degrees east, ami the vein
1 cuts the forin.itioii, showing it to 1st a
i true llssiirc, ami the formation is gran
ite. Tins u'ln shows in places u width
ol from ten to llfteen feet of tniucraluctl
i m.itter, commonly called M'iu matter,
but which is caused by hot solutions
from below.
I will now pass to the .lesie ami
Golden Kule. There has liven very
little work done upon thee two claims,
there being nuc discovery shaft ten feet
deep, showing ore mi all sales of the
shaft, mid running in value of from ft.(X)
upward. It is my opinion that with
development this, too, will prove valu
able property.
The work on the Storm King ami consists nf a tunnel near the (stint
of discovery, and is driven along the
vein for a distance of one hundred ami
eighty feet, showing ore all the way
from the surface to the face of the tun
nel, and averaging in width from six to
eighteen inches. Three assays give the
following values: $12.50. Thia being a
general sample taken from the dump.
The other two assays are $U2.tW and
7II. OS respectively, this being the as
sorted ore for shipment. The course of
this tunnel ami vein are north, ten de
grees west, and the vein cuts the trend
of the formation obliquely (which is
granite) and by driving this tunnel live
or six liuudretl feet on its present course
it will intersect a quart.ita reef (which
is running north, twenty degrees east)
which would make this a contact vein
between granite ami ipiart.ite, and
should produce a large body of ore at the
intersection of the contact.
The only work done upon the Shannon
Hell, the last claim of this group, is the
location work, anil is not enough to
allow of a report being made.
There is water for xwer purposes one
mile from the proerty, and timber on
the ground, of a very flue quality suf
ficient to run the mines for many years
to come.
All the assays mentioned in this re
port were made by the assayer of the
Imperial mine at my request, and the
ore was taken by me from the pnerties
1 will state that 1 have been a practi
cal miner since 1870, and am now the
manager ami siiieriuteutlent of the Im
perial mine in this district.
Progress Being Made in Various Mines of
That Vicinity.
Sinn Hughes ami James Sanderson
have disclosed a six-inch vein of free
milling ore at a depth of 50 feet which
assays $000 per ton. The entire ledge
is 24 inches, The claim was formerly
owned by James Stevenson, ami, lies on
the north uf the Hadger mine and near
the old stamp mill built ly the Hadger
The Hadger company installed a new
pump in the Hull of the Woods last
week where they have a 20-foot ledge of
high grade ore.
Win. Cooper sold to N. C. Haskell, of
linker City, his one-half interest in the
Monarch andOrenloqnartzclaims. Ore
from the former mine runs 25 cts., kt
pound. The consideration for the pro
perty was not learned.
A mining capitalist from Chicago' is
out at the Hig creek placers prospect
ing them with a view of purchasing. ..
Chas. Graham and Heatou Bros.
have begun work on the Daisy, which
carries $180 ore.
The Princess mine owned by the
Smith brothers, has been sunk to a
depth of (SO feet w here a 4 foot ledge
shows up in which gold is visible to the
naked eye the entire width of the ledge.
The owners have worked the claim for a
number of years with but small success,
however, one year ago Hilly Morris, an
oldtime miner, was put in charge of the
work and the result is as stated.
The celebrated Guild's "the beer of
good cheer" always on draught at Dun
phy's The Club.
leave your measure for a suit of
clothes at Neill Mercantile company's.
Timber and Homestead Filings.
Timber and homestead tilings, as well
as tinal proofs, can be made before
Charles H. Chance, United States com
missioner, office in First Hank of Sump
ter building, Sumpter, thus saving ap
plicants expense of a trip to I .a Grande.
TJUV-- -i J"