The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 31, 1902
Resumption of an Old Time
Tim Itoiiaua mill lit (telaer in now
dropping '-'(I MlninpM on orn -xt rnctol
tdiiru tlm time tint cniHucut from tint
iiinin xliiift Iiiih M'iiclratcil tint lend,
I'ivti hIiiiiiim wcri! Hturted lirHt, hut tint
accumulation of milling iiiart. Ihm'iiiimi
ho great, it wiih found iieceHdiry to have
oint-liulf tlu i'iimi'lty of the mill in
A cniMHCiit from tint HoO fiHit level of
tlm tin i II nlmft, which Iiiih Iteeil Mink to
that depth in the laxl few inoiitliM, . Iiiih
H!iietnitil litt ore lewly, proving tlmt
tint wonderful pity .omt of ore, wliieh on
tint iiiier litvitlH niinlit IIiIh mint ho
fiiniotiH, itxiHtc at tlmt depth to u eer
tilllity, and tjioro emi he no tie8tinn
hut that il goen down to unknown
doptliH, the came an other great milieu
of tlm cHMterii Oregon gold iIoIiIh.
There In morn pleiiHiiro in recording
factH ahout an iiiiiortaut and permanent
Htriku on the Itonanxa than on many of
tlm other hig mined of tlm ilitdrirt for
He vera I reiiHOUH.
Thin iroHrty wax tlm meiiiiM of call
iug a great deal of attention to thin
country. Hh iheniniieiml output, tlm
largo llguro for which it wild, and the
fact that it lifted more than one permiii
out of ohm'iirity into wealth ami iif
lliience, together with other romantic
rcuiliicHeurcH which cling alxiut il, cauntt
many to remeuther hiicIi a mine and Iiiiho
their opinion of lint inineH of a whole
date, perhaps "" the huccchh or failure
of thin one property.
(Jniiheipiently, when a few ninntliH
piiicn tint llonaua ctunihltd, and came
near falling on account of lack of de
velopment, llicic were many who could
have wiiil, "I told ymi mi." Hut fortun
ately the extensive development which
WUH living mi dlliu'elltly prohecuted III
other MvtioiiH of the dixtrict, and the
laige hodiea of high grade ore heiug
opeiied up at coiiMilei.ihle depth, i'iiiimmI
an nptimiNlif feeling, and people had
faith in the old Itou.iua, a faith which
need never now he liakeu.
Ilenpito the report that the fl.MMKHI
hoiht wiim elected and another fO,0M
w.ii. expended on Hitf.uii improvemenlH,
iix a hlulT, the management have kept
ipuetly at work and have arrived at that
point where they need cine nothing for
puhlic opinion.
It in wild that the only draw luck to a
complete kiuvcnm of t Inn nuiiou old pro
ilucer in that the null will have to he
moved to 11 limit convenient location,
and the tramway changed to coufonu
to the new ciiiiilitioun. All of which
will he d me in due time.
Quito MiHiu thi mum will he adding
Hh iiiotu of fllhl.OOO h' mouth to the
gold hillllou yield of caMcm (liegou.
Hunker Hill and Sullivan company to
remove the hoict from the nurface, and
place it on the 5(10. Thus 500 feet of
hoifting and pumping will lie mived, and
tint prenent machinery will enahle the
company to milk JiOO feet further, or
KXK) feet helow the curfaco.
Shipping couccntrateN Ih Htill the great
prohlem hefore the company. They
have tried the route to Pendleton and
hIho that to Whitney. A portion of the
product of the mine Htill gocH doth wayH.
The large force of men at work on the
road early in the fall had to he laid off
during winter' hecaiiHu of the hiiow. A
deMil of cnnccntratcH Iiiih heen entail
liHhed at TIioiiuim ranch, from which
point the company Iiiih hcitn hauling the
remainder of the way over the hiiow
Zinc Shavings or Dust arc Not Required.
Wlut it tWlii( Dour on Ttu Badgtr Prop
erty. At the llulger mine tliere i- no cer.a
lion of work. The chad in now down
fiSTi lect while two force are driving the
rniM-.Mit tunnel, nhich it to cut the xhaft
at a depth of .MM, feet, and oxu aUive
the null One foice is drying liom the
hh.ifl l.nsaid the mil, while another
Htailed at the null and i driven toward
the nhaft. Thev will nuvt idmrtly, com
pleting the adit level, and tliUH ohviat
iug the Mirface tram that Iiiih Ixvn med
niiicit the concentrating plant wuh put
in oxratioii.
Vheii thin adit tunnel lias heen
couipietiol, il il the purHXH ol the
Dr. J. A. Ogden, an anmiyer mid
cheiuiHt of Dead wood, S. I)., Iiiih Ik'cii
iHHiied a patent for a proccHH wherehy
gold in cyanide Hohitiou may he precipi
tated without the line of zinc diiHt or
Dr. Ogden accotiipliHhcH the precipita
tion hy the union of other chemical
Holution. Thu effect in inHtantitneoiiH.
The gold Holution chaiigcH from u clear
liipiid to a dark muddy hue. Ah the
union Im made an agitation in kept up, to
more effectively hrlng the gold notation
and the precipitating chemical together.
After the union Iiiih liccu accompliHli
ed the value are ohtaiucd hy a few
ImiirH' Hcltliug, when the precipitated
are caught after paHning off the pure
water, or hy Uttering. The latter ia
much more ipiickly effected and in
eipially miticfacinry. Tho preciptatea
are then in the form of a hlack piiHtu.
Thin Im pacfed over a moderate heat to
drive off the mnixturo, and Ih ready then
to he melted into hulliou, which in ac-
conipliHhcd in the onliuary way.
NuiueroiiH demouHlriitioiiH have la-en
made hefore Itlack 1 1 i I Im mining and mill
men, I Iii'mi lieing conducted in a hiiiiiII
AriaiigeiueulH are lieing uuide to give
the proccHH it trial in a commercial way.
Hit piovcH it h iiHcfulneHH it may Hup
plant zinc for piccipitation, iih it hih
HChHCH certain iidvautageH over the latter,
one of the grcatcxt U'iug the dinpatch
with which precipitation can he acconi
plinhed. American Mining Nowh.
Will It Ever Happen?
In the day of gigantic trutH and
merger no attempt Iiiih yet heen made
to form a coiiHolidatiouof the gold niiuen
of the world. DoiihtlcrH thin Iiiih nrciv
ed Mime thought, hut the undertaking in
loo large for ordinary lluaiicierH who
only ileal in the "hundreds of milliouH
liiNt." of HcciiriticH. Hut men of the
(Veil IthodcH Hlaiup men with the
world idea are likely to undertake the
huge tank of controlling the gold output
of the world, and tliere are hiicIi in
America. The "gold minetruHl" would
ol ncccHMity lie the urightext and grcatcHt
ntar in the galaxy of nyndicaten, truntH,
comhiiicH ami merger. Mining mid
cieulilic I'rcHH.
Call II Porphyry.
"I'roplijry" in a handy and convenient
name for which one doon not know
much. It in cany, and generally wife, to
call it "piophyry" and let it go at that.
I'ctrogiaphy in not iih yet an exact
NCiencc, and the precipe Hhaden and
tine diHtiiictioiiH of difference hetwecn
different "rook", iipproxiuiately of the
Mime "hikhmch" are not of ovemhadow-
iug. Any recent elementary work on
mineralogy will give hh much infor
mation on iIiIh niihjcct hh one can as
Himilate or liud ueccHxary. U'ad mid
Zinc New.
If you do, nddrcHH or call on J. I.. KVAXS, Kooin 1, Gleanon Bldg.
.Sunipter, Oregon. I'. O. IJox 2
Good Business Lots, Good Residence Lots. Look
at the list and see what you want. I have
good investments for you if you want them
IIoiiho and lxt on North Street ... $'2750
House and I.ot on Auburn Street - "500
FurniHlicil IIoiiho on Columbia Street ' .1250
House and Lot on Manilla Street .- 800
IIoiiho and Lot on Columbia Street 800
A Snap, two LotH on North Street .'(50
IIoiiho and Lot in SunnyHido - 250
.'l-Kooni IIoiiho, ground rent very cheap 200
Kino ItcHidciico I)t on Bonanza ... 250
IM on Lower Mill Street 300
4-Hoont IIoiiho on Parkinson Avenue 1150
Two IIoiihch and I)t on ParkiiiHon Avenue 800
5-Kooni IIoiiho and I)t, good Stable, in Sunipter HeightH 700
Corner IM, good location .... 350
DcHirublo KeHidcnco Ixrt, Upier Mill Street - 500
(t-Hoom IIoiiho, good stable .... 075
I)t :i0xl50 100
A good thing, Lot 105x150, two good IIoiihch, part cash
balance on time ..... 2300
Good lodging IIoiiho in the heart of the city cheap.
In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes
made by
FLYNN, the Tailor.
Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received.
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co.
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main if. BAKER CITY, OREGON.