14 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday December 31. 1902 I v V GOLD COIN MINES. Progress Being Made on a Greenhorn Group. T. S. Kouncrly, superintendent of the (iolil Coin iiiIiioh' iniMrly of tlui (iolil nijvisr !il,7H().H2, total $:t(S,L01 ,53(1.70. These iiurt'H nri; naid to ho nllicial mxl from the. treasury ltpnrt tticnt 'h report. The total yiold of the. ConiHtock to dato iilwiolliuml Ik nhotit f.'S70,(IU0,(XX), of which over i'tX),(XKMKX wan silver, j A DOZEN DIFFERENT WAYS. When tin- ordinary citizen intends to Ko cast, or send for friends or relatives to come went, the choice of routes in it j cincHt ion that always hotlicrs liim. Ho, Coin MiniiiK anil Millintf company, vviintH to know if tin- name route housed ' wIioho MiHKcMoiiH lie in the (irccnhoriiH, 'mcf, Ninie time into, makes tin; same! i- .1 !... i.i- .1 .ii I .: .1 it .1 .!.... I..' wiih in tint city during tho holidays. Mr. Kentierly reportH that the lonj crosscut tunnel now hoiut! driven, which In to he the main avenue through which the property will In worked, in now in II distance of L'f'iO feel. During the piiHt fall, a Hand air com time, name connections, if the price Ih tilt1 saino, if it co" In tin) Maine to no cast an it did to come went. Pnssihly, he linn heard or read of famollH pointH of interest in the went or middle west that he over looked on tin trip lie iiiaile. Did not fee I hem heciin-cd he had not time; d d CAPITAL .HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN NIGHT AND DAY THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS AT ALL HOURS REMODELED AND UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A. J. DENNY, PROPRIETOR nret-Hor and It drill nlant were iiiHtalled. not know he could for the name meney: mmmmmammmammammimmmmmimmmm which onuses the work to he carried on j did not know ho could not a stnpovcr. i J-''nj much morn rapidlv than hy the old Then' are hundred of iilestions lie J stylo hand method. would like to have linked, many tiling ' J i y In ono particular, thin in said to ho ho would liked to have seen, anil many the Im'hI eiiilpped mine in the (irccii- accoiiiniodatioiiH he could have enjoyed, honiH. There !n a complete macliiut nhop on the promises, ami Mr. Kentierly makcHiill repairH hiiiihelf when needed, and hy having every facility at hand, all macliiuery in kept in much more workahlo shape. Twelve feel of hiiow fell at thin mine Up to a fow ilayn heforo ( 'lirint miiih. TIiIn Iiiim packed, however, until there Ih only nhoul nix feet on a level. It in enough thoucli, Mr. Kennerly sluton, to keep him from knowing what his neiyhhorH art) doiiiK. The (iold Coin consists of six chlilllH. It ImiIoiim to a close corporation, ami no Htoek Ih on the market. Considernhle ore in said to ho in niuht, iihhii)'h iih IiIkIi iih flllO in Kold having heen oh tallied. Buried on Tup of Greenhorn Mountain. Tho late .1. C. Powers, formerly of IIiIh city, who icccully froe to death while oudoiitoriiu; to make hix way out of the (irceiihorn mining district of the Mine MouiitaiiiH, in runt County, Oregon, Imnhi a iciiicst yean ai;o that when death ovcilook him hix hody should ho hurled on the Inchest nililiaclo of (ireon- only, ho did not have time to look into tint suhject, and it wan too much hither anyway. Hero in it Hucstlon that vill nave yon all that trouhlo, vexation anil ru uret. Tho lllinuiH Central Itailroad company run cast and south from St. I'aul, Omaha and St. Louis, and north from New OrlcaiiH. At those (mints, it connects with all tho western trunk linen, and through them, with all their western connections. The Illinois Central iIooh not care which lino you uhc in tho west, iiurthweHt, central went or southwest, hecause it cniincotH with all of them, anil Ih ahsolutcly impartial to all. All you have to do Ih to drop iih a uoto; tell iih your destination and Htart inn point. Ih there anything in the whole glorious went thai you want to nee on tho way? Mention it. Wtt will ur rnuito fur it if it can ho dune. I'erhapH you will want u Htoover. Wo will ar range (lint too if it ih poHHihle for any ono to do it. .luxt make a suggestion iih to tho western lino and wo will elalior- ato it fur you; tell you tho time you nhoiild Htart, when you should arrive at destination, what iiccomiuodiitiuiiH you horn Mountain. 1 1 in Inother, I'al will enjoy, what it will cost you, an Powers, of I'ortloud, employed at the itinerary fur the trip, and will do any I'orlluud Cluli hiiIooii, htaleH that tho I thing that we posslhly can to make your winh will ho complied with. The journey pIcitHcut and comfortahle. remaliiH will lie interred temporarily at lireeuliorn City, from which placi they will Ih-removed to tho dcHirod HHit ill tho Spring or early deceased Iiiih passed That 'h what wo nro hero fur. Wo have hcadiuartcr in Cortland; agents in I'ortlaiul and Seattle, and traveling Milliliter. I he agents that will come anil talk it over II warn in thei with von iinv time and at any place in II'.' Third St , I'oitland, Ore I Crccuhnin distiicl, and formed an at the northwest without it costing you n tachiunnt for the pictuicsun mid rugged cent more than a pontage Hlamp. muuutaiiiH, wliich always appealed to Chicago hushies-Ms a serially with iih, him iih and ideal place fur the last sleep. I"J lm imr own mils in a dozen i . dilfereut sluton cast of St. I'aul. Omaha -I orlhin.l lelogmm. (, N(,w t,t.itllil ,, ,.,, t.k;., ,. , ( these gateways over a tluen different Sine VahubU inloruution. ruuteH. Write iih. Hy tho way, do you Anv luiled Slalen ushiiv olllc 'H 'lice wall mail of tho t'niteil "7"-V" ; '''"'-.Scaule, Wash.. TV!""' K 'U' orehewheie will inUaucolHI n-r cent It. II. Tlil'Miu'M,, on all nold letviM-d and after the le ' Commercial Auent III. Cent. It. It termination of actual value will Mo a cheek on the San I'ranoio MilHicat--my. That Hellleiueiit ih on the hani- of line Hold. Aluciicaii, I'reuch and tier man i,'old in deemed iiine-tentliH line, llritii.ll uold eleveu-twelflliH. Anierii'iill Kild coin ih leceived at itn face value till the wear or ahiablou reaches one-halt of I percent, when it ih leceived hy weight only. The suit r'r.inctnco Mint can liny mulilatetl and iinciii rent silvei coins in hiiiiih in excess of f.'l at a price regularly llxcd hy the director of tho I'uited Stales Mint (or silver contained in pild lepoitH. Fanioui Cormtock Lode Production. ' Some interestiin; data is ohtainetl from I an exchange on the suhject of the pn Our Monthly PttbHcation will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAI f any responsible house. duction of the famous Nevada City I'omstock IihIo. Its i;reateHt nvord in any one year wiih in IS77, when was made a pnxluction of Hold $U,.V.M,(IH.t'kS OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOf TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON v&ssW, :: i: Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA .Agifii3i IMPACT WAitn WHEEL Suartz Mining and Milling oisting, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery, Oiants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rlvlted Pipe, j Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines, Boilers, Pumps and Machinery of every description, j j j Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES Mining Blanks Qur and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Valer Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit 0 Discovery Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j j M FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER 1