The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 31, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday December $1,1902
TiMiiik Lanii, Act Juf i, tiiR-Nuni.r low
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNI- 1. 1878 vitii:.! row TIMER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, li;i.-NOTICE TOR LAND, ACT Jl'XK !t, 1878.-
UnlleJ Stairs LanJ Oilier,
La GranJe, Oregon, Nov. , ivm I
Notice Is hereby given that in cnmpllince with the
provisions ol the act ol congrettnl June , 1878. rn
lillrj "An cl lor ihr salr n( ilmhrr lanJs In thr Stairs
of California, Oirgnn, NrvaJ.i, anj Wath'nglun
Trtrllnry," as rOrnJrJ In all the Public I anj Slain
by act nf August 4. iBw.
ot Sumptrr, county nl Hakrr, l,ilr nl Oregon, hat
thlt Jiy file I In Ihlt ufficr his swurn sta'rmrni No.
1(158, for lli purchase nl thr e ' nl mi linn No. 8
In township No. 11 S., future No. H EWM, anj will
olfrr ptool to show that llir lanj sought Iv inorr val
luahle lor Hi Ilmhrr or stone than lot agricultural
purpntrt, anj In establish liU claim 10 talj lanj he
fore Charles II. Chancr, V, S. Comtnlttlnnrr at
Sumptrr, Orrgun, on ThurtJiy, thr inj Jay ol Jan
uaiv, luui.
Ilr namrt at wllnrttrt Robert N (ir.ivrt. of
.Sumptrr. Oregon, lotr I . Dlit, ol AUIwen, Ore
gon; Van Rrnttrlirr Mr 1 J anj Rilph I. Grivrt,
ol sumptrr, UirKon,
Anv anj nil prrsnns claiming aJvittrly the above
JescrlheJ lanJs are rniirslr J lo Mr tlirlr ilaltntln
thltnllicr on 111 helnrr t.iiJ jiiiJ Jay ol .lanti.ii)
i:. W. Bamiii It. Register.
ACT JUNI. 1, iHtH.
I'lllllll AIION,
noiii 1 low
UnllrJ Statrt I an I Olliie, I
Li 1 11.111 Jc, Orivnii, Nov 7. liu I
Nollee it hrrehy given Ih it in iiimpli.iiKi' with ihr
prirvittont ol the .let of enngn-tt nl lone 1, 1H7H, en
IlllrJ "An act Inr Hie tile of Ilmhrr hols In thcslili't
of Cillfmnii, Oiegon, Nevijt an I W.itlilnglnn ler
rllorv," at etleiijrj to all Ihr Public 1 .111J stairs h
act nl August 4, !)'.
nl II iker rltv.cnunlv nl Hiker, tl.Ur nl Orrgun, I1.1t
Ihlt J.n hlej in Ihlt olliet' lilt twiini ttaleinrnt No.
1(17 lor Ihr piircliatrnl the n's ne'i, tectuin , twi
se'l, trcllon it, in township No. 10 tnulh, r.ingi' No.
IT f.WAI, anJ will nllrr pinnl In thow thai Ihr lanj
tntight It innrr valuahlr Inr lit Ilmhrr or tlonr than
Inr agricultural purpntrt, nn.l Inrtl.ihlith liitil.ilin to
sii.1 i.inj leioieA 11 i,nitipt ir i.nunis i.iriKnr
llaher inuiilv, at Hiker l.ils, Oirgnn, 1111 SilurJas,
Ihr J4II1 ,li ol lanu.irs, i.i.
Ilr namrt as wllnrttrt I I Irwls.inj losrph
Nelltnn nl Hiker Cllv, Oiegon, mil Prlrl llogentoii
anJ Mill lohnton nl ,M I nm, Oirjun
Anv anj all rrtiint 1 1 liming nJvwsels the ahnsr"
detirlhrj lanJt nrr ri'iurttrJ in hie their tl.iimt In
this nltier nil nr hi-liur til 1 41II1 J is ol January, np
I . W. Ilsuill II, Register
TIMID R (AND, ACT MINI. 1. 1H7K. nimu I low
I'lllllll AtlllN,
UnllrJ Statrt I an.l Other,
j (iranJr, Oiegon, Nov 8, new,
Nollie It hrreh) given III it In tmni'li.iuci' with the
prnvitlnilt nt Ihr ait nl inilgrrtt nt lunr . 1878, rn
titlrj "All ait Inr Hie tilr ut timber I niJt In thr tl net
nl Callliiiiil.i.Oirgini, Nrvnji ,iuj W.ithlnglim In
rllmv, at rtlrlljrj In all Ihr Pilhlli. I .nil st net h
ail nl Augutt 4, ifUfi,
ol Suii'plit, 1 minis nl Hiker, tl.tle ol Ofrgou, llils ,h hlej In Ihlt nlhei' hit swum tlitritienl
Nn tuvi. Inr Ihr puiilnse nl Inl 4, te't w(4 nl
srillon.So. t HlJ e S 11 w ! nt trilloll St 18
In tnulh, r.ingr No H tssst, .in.l
will nliei mnol in show 1I1.1I the I.111J tought it innic
saluahlr Inr lit limber nr stone Hi in inr .igi'
purposes, .nt J to est ihllsh lilt 1 1 ilin to t il.l I in I he
tote thr Chat II. t liaiur U. S. Cmninlttloner at
Sumpler, Oiegon, nn S nm J is, the 44II1 Jisnt lau-
UHS, liii.
He namet at wiliietset Van Rrtittel.irr Me.iJ,
Willi itu A liteeii, Ralph Me.iJ. nl Sumpler, ( liegnu.
anj Intel Dlat. nt Atcl. wen, Oirgnn
Ans .nil .ill pritnnt clilming .iltiisils the ahnsr
JrtiilleJ ImJt air rr.UetieJ In file thrli ilalmt in
thlt nltue nn nr hetnie viij 4itli Jis nt uini
I W Ilsuill II, Register
UnltrJ St lies lanj OHur,
1 .1 lilalMr, sllrgnn, .ns. 11, iun,
Nnlier It hrirhs given that in miiipliaiite with thr
pins ttlout nl thr ait nt innv'irttnl lunr 1, 1H78, rn
IlllrJ "An ail lot thr silent tunhii I in Itliillirtialrt
nl Calllninla, Oirgnn, NrsaJ.i .mj Washlnginn lei
lllnis, at rsliliJeJ loall Ihr I'ollli IjnJ st.iles h
ail nl August 4, iM.
ID MiM'l II,
nl Sumptei, inunts nl Hakrr, tiale nt Oiegon, hat
Ihltjis lih'J III Ihlt ntlur hit twnin stilrinrnt No
H, Ini ihr putihasr nl Ints 1, 4, 1 anj 4
nt trilinn No 18 In lowtithlp No 11 toulh.tange
No pi I W.M, .111 J will nllrr pinnt In thnw that thr
lanj sought Is nitnr saluihlr Inl its lltntrr 111 stnne
than Inr agiltulluial pmpnses, anj in rstahllsh hit
1I.1I111 to I lin.l II Ih.nur. I' s
Cniiimlst'niiri,al MimplrM lirgnn. nn SaluiJas, Ihr
44H1 Jas nl l.tnuiis , 1,401
Ilr natitrt at wlinrssrs Wllliun Kills, Prt
J. "snjijs, holctl I'.illi ison, Daniel Rogris, j
.r I
111 jumpier, iMrgnn
An .tit J ill I'tumiA iLilmliii! .iJtirh the iKii-
JrvUlbfJ tjiij die tr-iUT.tJ Ui liV ttu.f l.idiu tn
Uil nfliM on im tft.-ir ml! Jth J.i ol 1 .111.,
I W lUuililf. IVtk'Uirr
Slurs lanj Ollur,
ft iiiij iniur, 1
t n.iiiJr.()irgon.
Dr 1, is-'j '
.Sotltr it hrlrls L'isril that in umill.iiue wlllilhr
I'limsiniit nt the j.t nl ningtrts ut lone i, i8r8, rn
IlllrJ "An ail Im ihr tilrul lluibrt liujsin ihr sialrs
ot Calllninla, Oirgnn, Nesaja anj Wishlnglnn let
lllur," as rslriiJrJ I11.1I1 Ihr Publii LinJ stales h
act ot August 4, i8ai,
lML (All I INS,
ol Sum 1 In, mu.iti nl llikei. stile ut Orrgnn, hat
this ja tueJ in tins olliie his swniu statritient No.
ITSo tnr Ihr puiihase nl ihr w'y sw 1 4, s ri-4sw
14 anj s w 14 n w 1-4 ol sreilnn Nn. 10 In nn
ship Nn. 11 south, raitgr No t8 I V anj will oiler
i'rnul 10 show that thr lanj sought is niie saluahlr
or its Ilmhrr it tlonr than lor purposes,
uj torslahllsli his claim 10 silj Ijti.l brlmr Oils.
II, Chance, U S Cuminis.lonei. al Sumplrr. Oir
gnn, on WrJnrsJas, Hie mil Jay nt lehrusiy, igo.
He mines as illnesses Van RriinsrUri
Rilph AtriJ, W A, tiirrn. I M losrll, all nl
Sumptei, Oiegon
Ans anj all persnns ilalmlng aJsrisrls Iheahosr
JesciiheJ lanjs ars reuetirJ to tile their ilalmt in
this other on 01 bcloir salj 11 Hi Jas ol I ib, it-j.
I W Ilsuill It. Rrgittrr
UnllrJ Stales Lanj Oilier, j
lj GranJe, Oregon, Nov. 8, inj.
Nollcr It hrrrby given that In lompliancr with thr
provltlont of Ihr act ol Congress ol Junr 1, 1878, rn
IlllrJ "An act lor Hi talr ol Ilmhrr lanJs In thr
Slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washing
ton Trrrllor," at extenJeJ lo all Ihr I'uhllc LinJ
States t'V act ol Augutt 4, iftii,
ol Suppler, counts ol Hakrr. Stair of Oregnn.
hat Ihlt Jas fileJ In Ihlt oilier hit twntn stalr
mrnt no iMi, for Ihr purchate ol thr tr ', s r '4
srcllo'i No. lit'jMi1, anj n r S t w i, ol sre
tlon .No. 1 In township No. 11 Soulh, range
No. I' W M, nnJ will oiler proof in show that
thr lanj sought It niorr valuahlr lor lit Ilmhrr or
tlonr than lor agricultural ptirjiitrt, nnJ lo rstahllsh
hit claim to talj hnJ helore Chat II. Clnncr. U.
S. Commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on SaturJay,
the 14II1 Jay ol Januart, ton1.
lie namet at wllnrttrt Danlrl Rugrrs, Prlrr
J SoarJt, Rnbrrl At Pattrrsun, EJrminJ AtcNully,
all ol Sumpler, Oiegon.
Any anj all person claiming ajvertrls the nhovr-
JrtcrlhrJ lanJsarr rrtirtlrJ In hie their claims In
uiitiii'iu niiiiii mi ivitiriirt4 I'l nil' linn liitiii
Ihlt oilier on or helore xlli nl lanuarv, ivii.
I.'. W IIAKIIUT, Register,
I'UIIIK. Alios.
UnllrJ .St.iles 1 .111 J Oilier. )
la (iranje, Clregun, Nnv. 8, itjo. (
Nollee It hereby givrn Hint In cnmpllaner with Ihr
4mvitlnnt nt thr act of enngrrtt nt lunr 1. 1878, en
IlllrJ "An ael Inr Hie tile nl limber linjs In the stales
nf California. Orrgnn, Nrvaja anj Wathinglnn Trr
rilurs," at eitriijej In ill Hie Public IjiiiJ states by
ail nl Augutt 4. 1 By,
nl Sumpler, cnuntv nl Iliket, slate nl Orrgnn,
hat this Jay hlrJ In Ihlt nltier hit twurn statement
Nn i68n, Inr Ihr purchase ol thr s1, n r ',', anj n !i
si' '4 nl section No. d In townthlp No. 11 south,
r.ingr Nn. it I W si, nnJ will nllrr priwil to show
tint Ihr lanj snughl Is mote valuihlr tor lit
limber nr tlunr than Inr agricultural purHitrs. anj
In est ihllsh hit claim In tiij lanj helore Chat. II.
Chance. II. S. Commlttlonrr, .it Sumptrr, Orrgnn,
nn SiturJis. Ihr 74II1 Jay nt Januirs. Mint.
Ilr namrt as wlinrssrs Van Rrnstrt.irr AleaJ,
William A (iirrn, Rilph AteaJ, Jamrt C'lint.i. all nl
Sumptrr, Orrgnn.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJscrtrlv the iNisr
JrtirlheJ l.injt are re.tirsleJ to lilr their ehlins In
Ihlt ullter nn nr helnrr taij ?4th Javnl l.inuarv, ni
I.. W. Ilsuill n, Rrgitler.
UnltrJ Sialrs UnJ Other,
Li Gr.inJr. Oregon. Oitober 9, iu)4, (
Nollee Is hrrrby givrn that In compliance with thr
piuvitlnnt ol thr act nl Cungtrtt nl Junr , 1878, rn
IlllrJ "An nit lor the sale nl tlmlrr l.injs In thr
Statrt nl C,illtntnl.i, Orrgnn, NevaJa anJ Washing
Ion 1'iriltoiy" us enlenJeJ to nil thr Public LanJ
Stairs by act ol August 4, i8g,
nl It.ikrr (.its, inunly ut Bakrr, stair ut Orrgun, hat
Ihlt lilrj In Ihitotiiee hit twurn statrinrnt No.
lino, lor thr purchase nl thr w)j nr1, tr' n'i,
nwi sri4 ol sritlun No. 10 In township Nn lusouih.
.lime Nn. 0 Its si, .mj will ulfer prnnl In show
thr lanj imight Is tniiir saluahlr lor lis timber nr
tlunr than Inr puriHisrt.anJ in establish
lilt claim In til J I in J hrlnre Inr Register an J Re
irisrr nt thlt nitnr al I ,t GranJe, Oregnn, nn Satur
Jas. Ihr 17th ol January, ion(.
Ilr nimet ,it whnettes P A. larsrn. AtiiU W.
CilJrr, Cispu ti.illlkrt, James Hunt, all ot Biker
Alls .111J all pertuns tl liming ajversely the Jhttve
JrtiilhrJ l.injt air irurttrJ In lilr Ihrlr claims In
this utliie 1111 ur heliite salj itiIi Jas ut .lanuarv, iieit,
E. W. lUWHIU. Rrgittrr.
rtsiniw I smi.
Al T JtlNP 1, 1878
rilllLK. A1ION.
UnltrJ Slates I anj Oltice, I
Li I iranje, Oregon, O.I. .8, 11401.)
Nullir Is hrtrhs vlsrn that in coinpllaiier sslth the
piuvitlnnt ut the ail nt Cungrett ut June 1.1878,
rnlillrj "An acl Inr Ihr s.ilr nt llmlrr lanJs In the
stairs ol Calllninla, Orrgnn, NrtaJi anj Washing
ton Irirlluis,' at rttrnJrJ In all Ihr public lanj
ttatrs hs ail nt August 4. i8gi.
ot AUIwin, soiiniy nt lltkrr. slalr ol Orrgun
has this Jas lilrj In this ultitr his swum statement
Nn ih44. Inl Hie putchasr nl the t w ' 11 r ',',
n w i, s r 'i,nr I4 s w '4, ut trillnn Nn. .6, 111
loMiithlti No. in Soulh, r.ingr No. it I W Al,
.111 J will uilir I'luul 10 show thai Ihr lanj suuglil
Is uinir saluallr tin lis Ilmhrr than loi .igriititluial
puipusrs. anj to rstahllsh hit ilaim tn salj lanj
brtnirA II t nmbt, Ir , Counts Link, .11 Biker
Cit), Oirgnn, on lursj.i, thr ."Hi J is ot Jan
II.IIS, iv
He namrt at wllnrttrt I rank Bulk anJ Prirr
llngriitnn ut U I sien, Oirgun. louis J. lewis, nt
Ilikrr t Us, Oirgoi.anJ lames Wmles nl AUIwen,
I SMegnn
Ans anJ all piisuitt iljiinini! aJsrisrls tlir.lNne
JrsnlhrJ linjs air ir.ursirj to lilr ihrlr ilalmt In
Ihlsnltiirun 01 helnrr talj mth las ol Januirs,
I. W. BtullilT. Register
rtstiuu I SN1, All JtlNP 1, 1878 MiIK I iou
Uiuir.1 Stairs lanj Olhir, .
La GiaiiJe. Oirgnn, Nos. 1, igoi. I
NotUr Is lirirh) gistn that in lumpliatiir with the
ptusislunt ut the ait ut Cnngtrss ut Junr , 1878
rnlillrj "An act Im thr salr nl limit r lanJt in the
Mates ut Calllninla, Oregon, Nrs.1J4.anJ Washing
Inn Irultuis," as 1 MrnJr J In all Ihr Puhlli I-.111J
Stairs h ael ol August 4, itsti.
nl Sumpler, munis nt Bike! stale nl Oiegun, hat
thlt Ja) tileJ 111 Hut uttUr his swutn stjteiurm Nn,
itT. Inr me putiiiase ut me s e u o' teitinn ,e t,
in Township Nu ii s , R. No. )8 I W ,, anj win
oiler priMtl in ttiow that the tan J sought Is more sal
uitlrturils timbrr or tlunr than Inr agricultural
putposrs, anJ to establish hit claim lo salj lanj bj
Inrr Chailrt II Chaner, U. S. Cuinmlstlunrr at
Sumptrr, Oirgnn, nn IhurtJas, the JinJ Jas nljan
J lt, l-..
lie names at wllnessrs S Ililllle, Ruben
N. Giasrs, Van Rriistrlarr .WraJ, all ol Sumplrr,
Oiegon, anj Jose I . Dias nl .Mil wen Oiegon.
All) anj all persons claiming .ijiersrls ihr abosr
JrsiilheJ lanJt air irquesti J in lilr thru claims In this
umee onor beloie sa'J ijiiJ Jis ot Januais, igoi
E. v. lUuiun.
Unllr J Stiles Lanj Older. 1
Lj GranJe, Or-gon,
Drcemhtr 8, low. )
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wlih the
provisions of the acl ol congress of June 1, 1878, rn
title J "An act for thr alr of timber lanJt In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington ler
rllorv," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ slates by
acl of August 4, 1801,
ol Sumpler, county of Maker, tiate of Oregon, lias
this Jav hlej In this oilier his sworn statement
No. 1761, for the purcha.e of the w!4 nejf anj sejf
n e t-4 of srctlon No. ij, anJ s w 1-4 n w 1-4 ol
section No 14 In township Ni. n south, rang
No. )8 L.W.M., anj will nllrr proof to show that the
lanj sought It more valuable for lis timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his
claim to salj lanj before Chas. II. ( Inner, U. S.
commlttloner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on ThursJay, the
nlh Jay of I ebruarv, too).
He namet as witnesses: Van Renntelacr AteaJ.
Ralph MraJ, W. A. (irren anJ James Collins, all of
Sumpler, Oregon.
t inn miu 1111 vi)ini)iiii a ms.iw
I JescrlheJ lanJs are reuuetleJ to tile their claims In
Ativ anJ all persons claiming ajversely me above'
this oilier on or hrlore salj nth Jav ol I eh., too).
li. W. llAMTLKtT. Megltler.
UnlleJ States LanJ Olhce. I
La (iranje, Oregon, Dec. 18, ivoj. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1. 1878, en
HileJ "An act lor the sale ol timber lanjs In the
States ol Calllotnla, Oregon, NevaJa anj stashing
ton Territory," extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
States by act ut August 4. I841,
ol Biiuine, county ol Biker, Stale nl Oregon,
has this Jasj fileJ In this oftice his swum stale
muni fs. m m4.1l lji llus hiieli4H ail lliu 1.1 .. ..I ua
","" ',"" "" ris"rui inr w ,-, 1,1 n- oner proot to show mat the lanj sought is more val
lum No. it. In township no. 11 S. range No. 8 11 w si, UJll,r )or ,4 ,mher or ,tl)ne than tor agricultural
anJ will nllrr piool to show that thr lanj sought s purposes. anJ to establish Ills claim to saU lanj be-
more vaiuane lor lis iimerr or sion- man . mr agri-
cultural purposrt.anJ lo rttabllsli his claim to talj
I lanj hrlole Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner,
' al Sumpler, Oregon, on WeJnrsJay the 18II1 Jay of
I erriuirs', 190 1.
He nimet at wllnessrs: V. R. AlraJ, W. A.
Green. Charles I- Krar. all ol bumpier. Oregon, anj
II S. Morrison, ut llaurnr, Orron,
Any anj all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescnbrJ lanjsarr requesteJ 10 file Ihrlr claims In
this oilier on ur I'rlnir talj 181I1 Jay of I eh., 1001.
E. W HtUUI'IT, Rrglstrr.
UnlleJ States I .inj Ollnr.
La GranJe, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given that In compliance sslth the
December g ljo.. ) provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1818, en
Notice Is hereby gls en that In compliance w Ith the 1 tlllej "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the states
provisions ol the ait ol congress ol June I, I818, en- I ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
IlllrJ "An acl lor the sale ot limber lanJs In the stales rltorv," us extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Stales by
nt Cjllorni.i, Oregon, NevaJa anj svashingtonTer act nt August 4. &),
lllorv," as etlenJeJ In Jit the Public LanJ states by, WILLIAM KITCHEN
aclol August 4.l8gi,
ol llouine, county ut Bakrr, stale ut Orrgon, has
this J.i' fileJ in this olliee his sworn sl.ileaenl No.
?7i for the purchase ol the n e 1 4 ut seclinn Nn.
ii in luvsnshlp No. 11 s range No 18 1. sv. si, jnj will
nllrr proof lo show thr I.111J sought Is more valu
able lor Its limber or slone than tor agricultural pur
poses, anJ lorstallish his claim tn t.ilj lanj helore
Chat. II Chanie, U. S. Commissioner, at Sumptrr,
Oregon, on WrJnrsJay, thr 181I1 Jas ut I eh., luo.
He names as witnesses V R Alr.iJ, W. A.
(ireen, Charles. I. Kear. all ut Sumpter. Oregnn.
anJ William Buumr, Orrgon.
Any anj all persons claiming .1 Js rrsriy thr abos r
JrterlbrJ lanJs are rniurstrj In lite Ihrlr ilaims in
tills oilier onor helore salj 181I1 Jav ut Irbnnr),
E. W llsutllll. Rrgsler.
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Oinee, I
la GranJe, Oregon, I lee. v, luui
Nollir Is hrrrby givrn In cnmpllaner wim thr
proslsionsol the .Hint Gotigr-st nl June 1, 1878, rn
lillrj "An ail lor thr salr nl tun her lanJs In thr
Stairs ol Callloini.1, Orrgon, NesaJa, auj Washing
tun Tenltor)," as extenJeJ In all ihr Public Lin J
Stairs b) ait ut August 4, 1804,
ol Sumplrr. munis ul Bakrr. slatr ol Orrgon. has
Ihlt Jas hlej In this olliee Ills sworn sl.itrinrnt Nn.
itm lor Ihr purchase nl thr e h 11 is 1 4. s sv 1-4 n
w i4.inJlii' i-asw i4 ol section Mi. in lownsliln
No. 11 suutli. rangr No 18 I' V si.anjwlll olln pronl
to show that tlir lanj suught Is inuie saluahlr Inr Its
timter or slone than tor agilcultural purposes, anj to r-"res. ana 10 vsupiisn Ills claim In salj lanj re
establish tils ilalm 10 salj lanj leluir Cliailrs II. !"e -"'; ". Chance. U. S. commissioner, at', I'. S. cninml.slniier. at Sumptrr, orrgun, nn Sumpter, Oregnn, nn I tl Jay. the iJ Jiy ol Janu
WrJnesJis, ihr 181I1 Ja ul I rhruars,it-.ii, ars. rsM.
Ilr names as wlinrssrs V. R. AlraJ. W. A. , He ,n4m' .4-0w,,1n'-;f-' sn Wrnselaer AteaJ.
Guru. II. S Aluitltun, all ot Sumptrr, Orrgan, anj Jo' Austin. C.S. a Dun an J Juhn Pennington.
William WirganJ, 01 llouine. Oregon. all ol Sumpter. Oregon.
Ans an J. 11, persons claiming aJsrrsrls thr al-nsr , An anj all prrtont claiming aJvrrsrlv the above
JesilbeJlanJ..irrrrJ.urvteJ In hie Ihnr ilalmt In , .J,?l,l'lfJ ''- ate t. hie their ilaims In
lhi ottice onor helore saU 181I1 Jas ol lib.. iu. "" "l"ce "n '" ''',u,' a,J 'lJ J' January.
E.W IMUIUTT, Register. "
UnllrJ Sialrs LinJOIIUe. 1
La GranJe, Oiegon, Nos 18. ix-si I
Nuliie Is lirirh) glsrn that in mmplianir with the
prnslsluns ut the ait ol Congress 01 Junr ), 187b.
eniltleJ "An ait Inr the sale nt tUnber Ian Jv in the
states ul Calllninla, Orrgun, NesaJa, anJ Washing
tun leirltui), .is etunJeJ to all the Publii lanj I
stairs b act ot August 4. iti.
jl Sumplrr, count) ot Hakrr, stair ot Oirgon,
lias this Jas tueJ In this umee his swurn stair-
nielli No. low. tor the putihase ol lots A. 4 anJ t,
nwiAiilsei No, 1. in township. No. 11 south. ranerNu. '
.. i:.S AS , II., ... ii,.,,!,:!.,!'"': ...,-....-.. , Tn t- .-. tc.nun .111,
,, ...-.,-..-....... ,... .u .....n ,H, ..- ,ull4
Ans anJ all prisons clalmlne aJsrrsrls thr ahuir
JrscnbrJ lanJs air leuesteJto tilr Ihrlr claims In
Has uitur on ur belorr salj 101I1 Jas ot Januai),
ton j.
E. W. lUuiifcTT, Register.
,. ....,-..-....-.... ,.... .- ,,...- ,..-, ,.., ,u,,a ij, an j 11 ! i 1.4 ur sniion .'so, 14 in town slip
sought It more saluahlr 101 nt Umber or stone than No. 11 south, range Mi )8 Lssn. anj will oiler pnvol to
lor jgilsulluia purposes, anj to rslah llsh hit Jam thow that the lanj sought is more saluable lor I "
to saU lanj bslore Uias H Cluiiir. U S commit timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes. anJ
tmnetatMimiier.Oieg.n.un .Monjas. the wthJas m establish his claim tn salj Ian4 belote Chas. H
ol Januai,itM , 1 Chance, .. S, Commissioner, at Sumpler. Oregon,
lie a vslinesses an Rensselaer MraJ. on W.JnesJas. the 181I1 Jas ol lebruais. Iwi L '
William A. litem. Ralph AleaJ. AnJrew J larm. all He names as win esses: V. . AlraJ W A
ol Sumi'lrr. OirL'on. :... 1, ..1... 1: l- n ... o 1 I!"'. V ":
UnlleJ States LanJ Olfice,
La, Oregon, Dec ig, 1001. (
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ol Hie act 01 congress or June 1. 1070, en
tllleJ "An act lor the sale ol timber Ian Js In the states
of California. Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
ritnrv," as extenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ stales by
act'ot August 4, I8qi,
of McEwen, counts' ol Baker, slate of Oregon
has this Jav fileJ In this olfice his sworn statement
No. l7u, for the purchase of the nw 1-4 w 1-4
ol section No. 5 In township No. 10 south
range No. 18 ttt'M, anJ will offer proof to show
that the lanj sought Is more valuable for lis
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to
establish his claim to salj lanj belore Krank L
Moore, UnltrJ Slates CommUsloner. at Hakrr City,
Oregon, on TuetJav, the 10th Jav ol March, too).
lleNam'tas wlinrssrs: Alei Irett, of Mctwen,
Oregen: William A. Green, nl Sumpler, Oregon
Charles Tlhbt, ol McEwen, Oregen: Robert N.
Service, ol Maker City, Oregon.
Am .in. I nil rrv(in rl.ilmlnir .ijlpr&rlv ttie above
Jescrlbe J lanjs are rennettej to hie their claims In
-.-,,-.-.-...-. .. .--, . - i 1 H 1
this olfice on or before salJioih Jay of AVircli, loojl
E. W. MahtUTT, Register.
1878. Notice
UnlleJ States LanJ Oftice,
La CiranJe, Ore., Nov. , iqoi.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol congres ol June 1, I878, en
tltlel "An act lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the -tale'
nl Calllornla. Oreenn. NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritorv," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ stales by
actul August 4. I8a,
nl Sumpler, county of Baker, stale ot Oregon, has
this Jay fileJ In this oftice Ills sworn statement No,
t6la. lor the nurehate of the nr'fiwi.'.w sv
ol section No. 8 anj n sv nw i( ol section No, it
(n township No. 11 south, rangeNo. 8EWM,nJlll
.. . . ... m -
(re Chas. II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at
Sumptrr, Orrgon, on IhursJav, the tin J Jay ot
January, too).
He names as witnesses: Ralph L. Grases anj
Frank s. Ililllle, ot Sumpler, Oregon; Jose I Diis,
nf AlcEwen, Oregon, anj Van Rensselaer AeaJ, of
Sumptrr, Oregon.
Anv an J all persons claiming aJsersely the abose
JescriteJ lanJs arcrequesteJ to tile their claims in
this olliee on nr belore saU amj Jav ol Jan., 100 1.
t. W. BAimErr. Register.
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Office.
I LaGranJr. Orrpnn. Nnv. a. tana.
ot Sumpler, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon.
hat this Jav fileJ In this nmee hit sworn statement
No. loot, lor the purchase ol the eji nwi., anj
lots i anj a ol section No o. In township No. q S..
range No. it. EWM, anj will olfer prool lo show
that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or
stnne than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish
his claim lo salj lanj belore Chas. II. Chinee, U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on hi Jay, the
J Jay nl January, igo
He names as witnesses: Van Rrnsirlier AleaJ,
C S. Van Dusn, John Barnes, anj I'rr J Amell, all ol
Sumpter, Oregon.
Ans anj all persons claiming ajverselv the ahoie
JescrlheJ l.injs are requesteJ to hie theU claims In
this olliee on nr belore saU iJ Jav nf Januarv, ioo.
U. W. BAkTU'TT. Register.
noik:i; row.
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Oftice.
La GranJe, Oregon,
nnwmNir rilh. inn,.
Notice Is hereby gls en that In compliance with the
prnslsluns ol the act nt Congress ol June 1,1878,
eniltleJ "An act for Hie sale of timber lanJs in the
stales ul Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing
Ion Territory," as extenJeJ 10 all the Public LanJ
Stales b) act ut Augutt 4, 1801,
"'Sumptrr, counts' ol Bakrr. slate ol Oregon, has
,h, Jj '- In thl ulticc his sworn statement No.
"",' '!'r " I'U'Clnsr ol the s'.. se4. sec lo. anj n',
"?.. ". src It. township g south, rangr iTlSSSi.anl
I I olfrr prtMit In show thai the lanj sought Is more
x-,,u1,'lr Inr Its limber nr stone than for agricultural
E. W limit TT. Register.
.'l.Ml.Klt LAND. ALT. I I'M-: II, 1S7S.
Mllll'K KHt I'l'lli.U'.sriON.
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Olhce, I
Ll GranJe, Oregon, Dre. a, igoi
1 reby gisen that in compliance with the
ttie ait ot cungtess ut June 1. IsiS. .n
Notice 1
fill.. I "In 4.1 f,.r tic!., n, ln.U... (.. .(....-.
t Calllornla, Oregon. NesaJa anj Washington Ter
,i,urs . as ettrnJeJ to all the Public LanJ sialrs by
act nt August 4. I8gi. '
nt Hourre, county ot Baker, stale ot Oregon, has
hs ,j, ulej In this office his swurn statement No.
,.s tr,h...nnh.HL . ' s.
,., V.H.UI, . nr.ii, 11 ui Clumpier, .
W iiliam W ieganj. ol Bourne. Oin-on.
Ans anj all persons claiming a Jsersels the abose
JescrlheJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 tile their claims In
this olhce on or belore salj 18th Jay of I eb., I001.
E. W. HwiETT, Register.
rri!un. ana